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Difference b/w Shakira and Malala yousafzai


Nov 27, 2011
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Shakira was more worthy to meet obama as she was his victim.
One was allegedly shot by Taliban and the other was confirmed shot by US drone but the press and respect they both got from the world clearly shows what a hypocrite world we live in and the media is nothing but a propaganda tool at the hands of capitalists and real terrorists/fanatics .

We have all heard million times the alleged atrocities of Talibans against women in afghanistan but did we ever hear about the plight of women whose husbands,brothers,kids and they themselves were injured and killed by the world peace champions who happens to be the most humane of all humans?
Well ... respect for a pen is more than that of innocence or that of a sword.

Malala was decorated because she stood up for education and knowledge.

Shakira is a victim of a conflict; of which Malala is on the just side.

Btw it might be a little off topic but who is on the just side of this conflict?

Who is responsible for the murder of innocents in Iraq and where are those WMD's?
Libya was much stable with qaddafi and whoz responsible for the bloodshed which happened then and which is happening now everyday?

And Afghanistan who is the aggressor ? Talibans asked US to provide proof of bin ladens involvement but they were replied with cruise missiles and were branded bad with all sort of inhumane storiese.g women rights . Things which happen in every society but you cant blame the rulers . For instance 1 in 5 US women are sexually abused so is this an excuse enough to over throw obama and kill millions.

Just think rationally Al-Ciada couldnt have done 9/11 plus knowing US might how can taliban refuse handing over bin laden even if they did US could have kill him by surgical strike and all his affiliates too . But no that was not the aim all those phoney contexts were created just to invade Af'tan and install one puppet regime.

So now tell me who is on the just side?

I am not a supporter of taliban but I like to see the both side of the picture.
Well ... respect for a pen is more than that of innocence or that of a sword.

Malala was decorated because she stood up for education and knowledge.

Shakira is a victim of a conflict; of which Malala is on the just side.

Shakira is a victim of the inability of the Government of Pakistan to extend its writ into FATA and the poor but conscious choices made by her family in harboring terrorists.
Shakira is a victim of the inability of the Government of Pakistan to extend its writ into FATA and the poor but conscious choices made by her family in harboring terrorists.

What you just said will make many Pakistanis angry. In their eyes only USA is to blame for the miseries of Pakistanis.
Shakira is a victim of the inability of the Government of Pakistan to extend its writ into FATA and the poor but conscious choices made by her family in harboring terrorists.
Its not proved in anyway that her family harbored terrorists .
Its not proved in anyway that her family harbored terrorists .

The lack of any government authority in those areas is the main problem that allows the terrorists sanctuary, and that is a proven fact.
Btw it might be a little off topic but who is on the just side of this conflict?

Who is responsible for the murder of innocents in Iraq and where are those WMD's?
Libya was much stable with qaddafi and whoz responsible for the bloodshed which happened then and which is happening now everyday?

And Afghanistan who is the aggressor ? Talibans asked US to provide proof of bin ladens involvement but they were replied with cruise missiles and were branded bad with all sort of inhumane storiese.g women rights . Things which happen in every society but you cant blame the rulers . For instance 1 in 5 US women are sexually abused so is this an excuse enough to over throw obama and kill millions.

Just think rationally Al-Ciada couldnt have done 9/11 plus knowing US might how can taliban refuse handing over bin laden even if they did US could have kill him by surgical strike and all his affiliates too . But no that was not the aim all those phoney contexts were created just to invade Af'tan and install one puppet regime.

So now tell me who is on the just side?

I am not a supporter of taliban but I like to see the both side of the picture.

Osama was Arab-Muslim
Saddam Arab and a Muslim
Qaddafi Arab and a Muslim
Assad Arab and a Muslim
Mollah Omar a Muslim
Is USA responsible for these above men? And please don't tell me how good Qaddafi was, go and ask any political prisoner that has survived under the reign of Qaddafi and come back to us with their opinion.
I agree with you in principle then dont you think only americans should be blamed for 9/11 .

The fact that terrorists were able to strike NYC in such a manner on 9/11 is totally the failure of USA, yes, of course.
There is no balance in nature by any means , please do not disappoint yourself by looking for it . Not everybody with the same talent or achievements will get the same recognition , money or fame - that is a fact by the way .

Btw it might be a little off topic but who is on the just side of this conflict?

Actually , it is far and wide off topic , because if you are looking for the explanation and justifications for various events and happenings in this war spread over the period of more than thirty years , I suggest you start reading from the Afghan Jihad , the second Afghanistan invasion is merely a continuity of the same conflict .
Osama was Arab-Muslim
Saddam Arab and a Muslim
Qaddafi Arab and a Muslim
Assad Arab and a Muslim
Mollah Omar a Muslim
Is USA responsible for these above men? And please don't tell me how good Qaddafi was, go and ask any political prisoner that has survived under the reign of Qaddafi and come back to us with their opinion.
Well just count the terror incidents in libya before and after qaddafi , the suicide bombings in iraq and thousands butchered in afghanistan all these things never happened before in their time.

As for the political prisoners what would you say about guantanamo bay prisoners who are not even allowed fair trials.

BTW I dont endorse any of these guys but my point is things have even worsened after their removal.
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