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Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?

More a lure of life they THINK to be unadulterated Islam, which off course is not the case.
What is new about ISIS, the thing we have not seen in Talibians or AQ is that they are getting support from all over the world, people of all different nationalities different cultural back grounds, i am not so sure what is making such a huge number of people all from different backgrounds believe in same on lie? as of now, i wont say it is the TRUTH maybe, i don't think so but then again, what is it to believe is a lie if it is a lie.
A problem we face with such groups, it is much more harder to choke there recruitment and supplies, unlike Taliban we don't have some specific groups who will fund ISIS who we can stop from doing so. The is making a mess of ME and Arab world, while all the world is crying and chanting about ISIS, it is the ME and Arabs who are suffering on ground.
The problem I think is in setting priorities. We all have conscience inbuilt. But if that is dictated by religion alone, IS or Crusading Knights Templars will continue to flourish. Like one should not need a verse to tell them to love human beings and so on. Just because strict punishments are in order does not mean people need to execute the commands blindly and without question.
The problem I think is in setting priorities. We all have conscience inbuilt. But if that is dictated by religion alone, IS or Crusading Knights Templars will continue to flourish. Like one should not need a verse to tell them to love human beings and so on. Just because strict punishments are in order does not mean people need to execute the commands blindly and without question.
I can only partially agree with this, i mean, if the conscience is dictated by "wrong interpretation" of religion then we will keep getting such extremist groups. If a verse is telling you to love Humans, what is bad in it? i mean even if you dont need it to tell you this and you say that human should love other humans just for the sake of it not governed by some religions belief, still, the end result is the same, Peace! :) so i do not think there is anything wrong if the religion also teaches us to to that way.

I mean, one should not need a verse, because we all do not follow the same verses, so that love should be there out of humanity but if a verse tells to you do the same then that is an extra benefit. If out purpose is to bring peace and harmony to the world, it should not matter if people are working for it in the same of religion or liberalism. They will be both be allies if the end goal is same.
I can only partially agree with this, i mean, if the conscience is dictated by "wrong interpretation" of religion then we will keep getting such extremist groups. If a verse is telling you to love Humans, what is bad in it? i mean even if you dont need it to tell you this and you say that human should love other humans just for the sake of it not governed by some religions belief, still, the end result is the same, Peace! :) so i do not think there is anything wrong if the religion also teaches us to to that way.

I mean, one should not need a verse, because we all do not follow the same verses, so that love should be there out of humanity but if a verse tells to you do the same then that is an extra benefit. If out purpose is to bring peace and harmony to the world, it should not matter if people are working for it in the same of religion or liberalism. They will be both be allies if the end goal is same.
Yes, but you are talking about the good ones. The ones IS like to use are different. And they are as valid as any other. Here I say morality should be strong enough to not translate every word into action like a programmed robot. If good verses reinforce what is already good, that's great...but the opposite is what creates the problems.
I can only partially agree with this, i mean, if the conscience is dictated by "wrong interpretation" of religion then we will keep getting such extremist groups. If a verse is telling you to love Humans, what is bad in it?

There is no such thing as a "wrong interpretation" of any religion, as long as it is kept as a personal and private matter. The term "wrong" only comes into play when one side takes it upon itself to judge the personal beliefs of others according to its own standards of belief, and trouble soon ensues due to misguided attempts to "correct" the perceived "wrong".
@nair .. I am guessing its just your belief... right? sorry for picking on you, but you have repeated it many times in other threads.

Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?

Posted:07/01/2015 12:12 pm EDTUpdated:07/01/2015 9:59 pm EDT

An honest study of the Quran shows that groups likeISIS act in complete defiance of the injunctions of Islam. The Quran, for instance, equates one murder to elimination of the whole human race (5:32), and considers persecution and disorder on earth as an even worse offense (2:217). It lays emphasis on peace, justice and human rights. It championsfreedom of conscienceand forbids worldly punishment forapostasyandblasphemy.

A study of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad also demonstrates that he warned us of the rise of religious extremism in this age in astonishing detail.

1400 years ago, he had prophesized that a time would come when nothing would remain of Islam but its name, nothing of the Quran but its word, and that many "Mosques would be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance" (Mishkatul Masabih). In these latter days, the true spiritual essence of Islam would be lost, and religion, for the most part, would be reduced to a ritualistic compulsion. He foretold that the clergy would be corrupt and be a source of strife during these times.

How true this is of the extremist clerics in parts of the Muslim world that abuse the pulpit to preach division and hate.

He also went on to describe terrorist groups such as ISIS that would try to hijack the Islamic faith. At this time of dissension, he said there would appear "a group of young peoplewho would be immature in thought and foolish." They would speak beautiful words but commit the most heinous of deeds. They would engage in so much prayer and fasting that the worship of the Muslims would appear insignificant in comparison. They would call people to the Quran but would have nothing to do with it in reality. The Quranwould not go beyond their throats, meaning they wouldn't understand its essence at all, merely regurgitating it selectively. The Prophet then went on to describe these people as "the worst of the creation."

As if this outline wasn't clear enough, another tradition in the book Kitaab Al Fitan reported by Caliph Ali, the fourth successor to Prophet Muhammad, describes these people as having long hair and bearing black flags. Their "hearts will be hard as iron," and they would be the companions of a State (Ashab ul Dawla). Interestingly, ISIS refers to itself as the Islamic State or Dawla. The tradition further mentions that they will break their covenants, not speak the truth and have names that mention their cities. The ISIS caliph, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi comes to mind.

Prophet Muhammad furiously and painfully described these evildoers, and admonished Muslims to beware of their evil and fight it. "Whoever fights them is better to Allah than them," he proclaimed.

Reflect on this critical point. Whenever ISIS kills in the name of Islam, claims to follow the Quran, or uses the Holy month of Ramadan to spread anarchy across the globe, know that Prophet Muhammad explicitly warned us of these imposters, and entrusted us to root them out.

The only people who refuse to reflect on this point are ISIS, ISIS sympathizers, and anti-Islam extremists who want the world to believe that ISIS is legitimate. Intelligent people, meanwhile, see Prophet Muhammad's prophetic wisdom and thus remain united against both ignorance and extremism.

@levina Ji

This is a pathetic topic.

Prophet pbuh was a messenger not a fortune teller (Najoomi). Nauzbillah

this is really really bad.

Please avoid it if you can
There is no such thing as a "wrong interpretation" of any religion, as long as it is kept as a personal and private matter. The term "wrong" only comes into play when one side takes it upon itself to judge the personal beliefs of others according to its own standards of belief, and trouble soon ensues due to misguided attempts to "correct" the perceived "wrong".
Perhaps they do so because of some miss guided teachings, that are what i called "wrong interpretation". Either you can say there is no religion, at which i wont be able to debate with you any further because if you do not think a thing exists what and how can one example that to you or anyone, Or, we cannot deny that it will be and always have been wrongly interpreted, by confusion or on purpose by selective group. To me, that always have been and will be the problem. :)
Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?
Posted:07/01/2015 12:12 pm EDTUpdated:07/01/2015 9:59 pm EDT

An honest study of the Quran shows that groups likeISIS act in complete defiance of the injunctions of Islam. The Quran, for instance, equates one murder to elimination of the whole human race (5:32), and considers persecution and disorder on earth as an even worse offense (2:217). It lays emphasis on peace, justice and human rights. It championsfreedom of conscienceand forbids worldly punishment forapostasyandblasphemy.

A study of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad also demonstrates that he warned us of the rise of religious extremism in this age in astonishing detail.

1400 years ago, he had prophesized that a time would come when nothing would remain of Islam but its name, nothing of the Quran but its word, and that many "Mosques would be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance" (Mishkatul Masabih). In these latter days, the true spiritual essence of Islam would be lost, and religion, for the most part, would be reduced to a ritualistic compulsion. He foretold that the clergy would be corrupt and be a source of strife during these times.

How true this is of the extremist clerics in parts of the Muslim world that abuse the pulpit to preach division and hate.

He also went on to describe terrorist groups such as ISIS that would try to hijack the Islamic faith. At this time of dissension, he said there would appear "a group of young peoplewho would be immature in thought and foolish." They would speak beautiful words but commit the most heinous of deeds. They would engage in so much prayer and fasting that the worship of the Muslims would appear insignificant in comparison. They would call people to the Quran but would have nothing to do with it in reality. The Quranwould not go beyond their throats, meaning they wouldn't understand its essence at all, merely regurgitating it selectively. The Prophet then went on to describe these people as "the worst of the creation."

As if this outline wasn't clear enough, another tradition in the book Kitaab Al Fitan reported by Caliph Ali, the fourth successor to Prophet Muhammad, describes these people as having long hair and bearing black flags. Their "hearts will be hard as iron," and they would be the companions of a State (Ashab ul Dawla). Interestingly, ISIS refers to itself as the Islamic State or Dawla. The tradition further mentions that they will break their covenants, not speak the truth and have names that mention their cities. The ISIS caliph, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi comes to mind.

Prophet Muhammad furiously and painfully described these evildoers, and admonished Muslims to beware of their evil and fight it. "Whoever fights them is better to Allah than them," he proclaimed.

Reflect on this critical point. Whenever ISIS kills in the name of Islam, claims to follow the Quran, or uses the Holy month of Ramadan to spread anarchy across the globe, know that Prophet Muhammad explicitly warned us of these imposters, and entrusted us to root them out.

The only people who refuse to reflect on this point are ISIS, ISIS sympathizers, and anti-Islam extremists who want the world to believe that ISIS is legitimate. Intelligent people, meanwhile, see Prophet Muhammad's prophetic wisdom and thus remain united against both ignorance and extremism.

Miss Levina,

First of all,you have surely gained more respect in my heart after making such excellent post.I like to see that we are lucky to have individuals like you who see things without any bias and does not rely on propaganda by some elements.
If you will see further,then verily you will find some more hadith explaining the cascade of events due to which world will be finally destroyed-and such hadith are one of them.
I would like to clearly mention,that we are not the only religion which were told about upcoming events.Before us,there were Christian and well as Jews which were told of upcoming times.Such decline is essential so that hypocrites will be recognized amongst us and quarantined-
You are too curious too find out that why on earth are people attracted towards ISIS.The answer is simple:

1)Terrorists organizations like ISIS are product of our confusion,misinterpretation,mismanagement,lack of maintenance,corruption,lack of devotion,no knowledge towards real cause of life, and most notability:sins[a very honest confession].

2)Your answer is already given by hadith of Rasool Allah(S.A.W):

''Nothing would remain of Islam but its name, nothing of the Quran but its word, and that many "Mosques would be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance" (Mishkatul Masabih). In these latter days, the true spiritual essence of Islam would be lost, and religion, for the most part, would be reduced to a ritualistic compulsion. He foretold that the clergy would be corrupt and be a source of strife during these times''.

3)These organizations can be declared as ''fitnah' .According to one of hadiths, it is interpreted that people of book following last prophet would face more fitnah and bear greater hardships than their other counterparts as a reward of which they will be treated with leniency at the day of resurrection[referred to common muslims,not thugs,thieves etc as they will face consequences]

4)Hence,such organization are set traps or testimony or fitnah.Frankly speaking, implanted to test our common sense.

The only people who refuse to reflect on this point are ISIS, ISIS sympathizers, and anti-Islam extremists who want the world to believe that ISIS is legitimate. Intelligent people, meanwhile, see Prophet Muhammad's prophetic wisdom and thus remain united against both ignorance and extremism

You nailed it!

Perhaps they do so because of some miss guided teachings, that are what i called "wrong interpretation". Either you can say there is no religion, at which i wont be able to debate with you any further because if you do not think a thing exists what and how can one example that to you or anyone, Or, we cannot deny that it will be and always have been wrongly interpreted, by confusion or on purpose by selective group. To me, that always have been and will be the problem. :)

Of course religion exists and is important for humankind. But there is simply no way to claim anything in religion being "wrong" or "right", since religions are sets of personal belief systems. The trouble only starts with one side trying to judge another. As long as that is not done, all of religion is perfectly fine.
@levina Ji

This is a pathetic topic.

Prophet pbuh was a messenger not a fortune teller (Najoomi). Nauzbillah

this is really really bad.

Please avoid it if you can
I did not project him as a fortune teller.
The part of the article which says he could foresee that such men(like the ISIS recruits) could be pernicious for Islam in the future is what surprised me. I'm assuming that while Prophet was still alive actions of certain dissidents around him is what might have led him to come up with such verses.
Btw we are still discussing ISIS....
I did not project him as a fortune teller.
The part of the article which says he could foresee that such men(like the ISIS recruits) could be pernicious for Islam in the future is what surprised me. I'm assuming that while Prophet was still alive actions of certain dissidents around him is what might have led him to come up with such verses.
Btw the topic is ISIS....

He was a prophet and since we believe that he was revealed with divine knowledge by archangel Gabriel,therefore you don't need to get amazed with such hadith. There are more like them if you look for it.Second,we must make this very clear that when a nation is going through astray and commits sins,than god appoint a wiser man amongst them as messenger-and recall them that they are born for a purpose,to serve,to love,to care,to defend from evils.It is with all religions.

Yes, but you are talking about the good ones. The ones IS like to use are different. And they are as valid as any other. Here I say morality should be strong enough to not translate every word into action like a programmed robot. If good verses reinforce what is already good, that's great...but the opposite is what creates the problems.
That is where i disagree after agreeing to the first part, to me there is nothing otherwise than a good verses, in fact, to me these are just verses, that is something beyond the categorization of good and bad, that is my belief and my religion. Lets be open about it, you being a Hindu are trying to speak of it in bit reserved terms fearing that any harsh post may start a troll war and derail the topic, i really appreciate that, appreciate you considering the sensitive nature of the topic and avoiding it making sure no body gets hurt. However i will be a bit more open about it, as far as i have judged, you were referring about verses about Jihad. Now brother it is not these verses that are the problem, the problem is the teacher who translated and explained these to these men FAILED to communicated the true nature of jihad, when it is applicable, what are the condition in which one must go out for Jihad, once he does, what are the rules, what are the things to do and not to do, there are STRICT set of rules, the religion explains it in very detail. The groups we see today claiming to be doing Jihad are bunch of nut jobs misguided by wrong interpretations, either on purpose or by confusion and don't know the verse basics of Jihad. What they are doing is not Jihad or if in some cases it is they still are usually not doing it how it is meant to be done.
Anyways, i have to go now, have been pleasure to know one other man here on PDF who respects other religions and know to debate without hurting anyone's beliefs. Thanks! :)
Miss Levina,

First of all,you have surely gained more respect in my heart after making such excellent post.I like to see that we are lucky to have individuals like you who see things without any bias and does not rely on propaganda by some elements.
If you will see further,then verily you will find some more hadith explaining the cascade of events due to which world will be finally destroyed-and such hadith are one of them.
I would like to clearly mention,that we are not the only religion which were told about upcoming events.Before us,there were Christian and well as Jews which were told of upcoming times.Such decline is essential so that hypocrites will be recognized amongst us and quarantined-
You are too curious too find out that why on earth are people attracted towards ISIS.The answer is simple:

1)Terrorists organizations like ISIS are product of our confusion,misinterpretation,mismanagement,lack of maintenance,corruption,lack of devotion,no knowledge towards real cause of life, and most notability:sins[a very honest confession].

2)Your answer is already given by hadith of Rasool Allah(S.A.W):

''Nothing would remain of Islam but its name, nothing of the Quran but its word, and that many "Mosques would be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance" (Mishkatul Masabih). In these latter days, the true spiritual essence of Islam would be lost, and religion, for the most part, would be reduced to a ritualistic compulsion. He foretold that the clergy would be corrupt and be a source of strife during these times''.

3)These organizations can be declared as ''fitnah' .According to one of hadiths, it is interpreted that people of book following last prophet would face more fitnah and bear greater hardships than their other counterparts as a reward of which they will be treated with leniency at the day of resurrection[referred to common muslims,not thugs,thieves etc as they will face consequences]

4)Hence,such organization are set traps or testimony or fitnah.Frankly speaking, implanted to test our common sense.

You nailed it!

Thanks for taking the pain to explain it to somebody as dilettante as me.
I wish religious discussion was allowed on the forum in a section like senior's cafe where the chances of trolling are close to zilch. Many a times I 've been all agog about certain religious topics and wanted to discuss it with some of my friends on the forum, but could not. Just telling you my helplessness. :)
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