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‘Diaspora Tamils should be part of UN referendum on Eelam’

Don't worry you piece of $$$$, if INDIA and the rest of INDIANS do not consider TAMILS as their brothers and sister, be prepared to take your passport and migrate to any of the other INDIAN states as soon, we will be having our own passports.
some one in one of the SL related post told me that Tamil Nationalism is dangerous, let me reply to you guys, ignoring the interest of Tamils and considering us as second grade citizens is the one that has droven educated youth like me and others to think why should we be part of INDIA?

Well....The Highlighted parts on your posts don't match. All I can tell you is best of of luck with your thoughts, it will take you really far in what direction will be the question.
Well....The Highlighted parts on your posts don't match. All I can tell you is best of of luck with your thoughts, it will take you really far in what direction will be the question.
i dont require a back stabbers approval on my education. I have received by graduation in MTech Mechatronics from BARATHAIAR UNIVERSITY.
Most of the Indians living here in Hong Kong, are South Indians.

I find them to be very business-minded people, much more so than North Indians.

South Indians also seem to have a better standard of education than those from the North.
Most of the Indians living here in Hong Kong, are South Indians.

I find them to be very business-minded people, much more so than North Indians.

South Indians also seem to have a better standard of education than those from the North.

Wrong buddy....most of the Indians living in HK are Gujarati or Sindhi people. Next are punjabis/N. Indians. S. Indians are a minority within the Indian community in hK. But yes, overall the s. Indians in Hk are well educated compared to the rest of the community.
Wrong buddy....most of the Indians living in HK are Gujarati or Sindhi people. Next are punjabis/N. Indians. S. Indians are a minority within the Indian community in hK. But yes, overall the s. Indians in Hk are well educated compared to the rest of the community.

Hmm, I guess I just assumed that they were mostly South Indians.

Is Gujarat in North or South India?
Most of the Indians living here in Hong Kong, are South Indians.

I find them to be very business-minded people, much more so than North Indians.

South Indians also seem to have a better standard of education than those from the North.

Any such statistics/study released by Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department or just a personal observation?
Hmm, I guess I just assumed that they were mostly South Indians.

Is Gujarat in North or South India?

It's western India and the people are merchant-like just like our Chiu chow yahn.

Gujarat is actually the state whose CM you guys apparently admire the most.... N. Modi.
Well some 500 fishermans were killed by SL navy...
Even if they had crossed the boundary line as claimed, no one have the right to kill them according to international treaties regarding on fishermens !!
Thats the reason many are hating our own govt including me!!

You will have to excuse me on this discussion because I dont keep up much with current affairs, so I dont know much about the killings of the fishermen. I have heard about it in the news, but dont know much about the background or reasons behind so I wont be able to give you an insightful answer on the issue. That being said, I dont think the national Govt of India is discriminating specifically against Tamils if thats what you are implying.
Any such statistics/study released by Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department or just a personal observation?

Hk govt, does not carry out census on basis of regional diversity. If such was the case it would've been impossible nearly for them to sort out even the Chinese regional communities.
Any such statistics/study released by Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department or just a personal observation?

It is a personal observation. I doubt there is any census data regarding something that specific.

Most of the ones I have met are either from South India or Sikhs from Punjab.

It's western India and the people are merchant-like just like our Chiu chow yahn.

Gujarat is actually the state whose CM you guys apparently admire the most.... N. Modi.

I know where Gujarat is on the map, but I don't know how you would classify it into North/South India.
You will have to excuse me on this discussion because I dont keep up much with current affairs, so I dont know much about the killings of the fishermen. I have heard about it in the news, but dont know much about the background or reasons behind so I wont be able to give you an insightful answer on the issue. That being said, I dont think the national Govt of India is discriminating specifically against Tamils if thats what you are implying.

Please do read about it and spread the msg coz educated people like you could make a huge difference to the lives of the poor fishermen dying for no reason.
You will have to excuse me on this discussion because I dont keep up much with current affairs, so I dont know much about the killings of the fishermen. I have heard about it in the news, but dont know much about the background or reasons behind so I wont be able to give you an insightful answer on the issue. That being said, I dont think the national Govt of India is discriminating specifically against Tamils if thats what you are implying.

Well we feel they are...
U see, even pakistan captures 100s of fishermens in a year, yet they are not killing them, if here u see, SL navy are killing them at will.....
Catch my point
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