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Devyani Khobragade case on backburner, US poised to irretrievably lose unilateral privileges

WRONG. Every employee declared as member of the private staff of the diplomat gets covered under the Vienna convention irrespective if they work in the consular office or the residence of the consular officer. They could be body guard, nanny or the gardener etc.
Show me.

Kindly post link to your claim of what Indian diplomats have proposed.

You are nobody to claim the relevance of diplomatic conventions established for 100's of years. Such claims only reeks of arrogance and ignorance. A deadly combination.
Apparently you don't know how it works, or that the current Consular & Diplomatic Conventions are only fifty years old. (For the rest, I agree with what you say, so have a care.)

The article you have quoted refers to diplomats not indulging in spying and breaking the law of the host country. i.e. "duty not to interfere in the internal affairs of the State"
It's more inclusive than that.

Why did she go to the extent of cancelling a nepal visit just because she had to go through security procedures?
I don't know the details. And because it's the Xmas-New Year's season the State Dept. isn't giving daily press briefings right now - or not posting the recordings and transcripts.
Why are you in defense of violation of US law? When in America, follow the American labor laws. How much US paid translate to India currency is irrelevant as your currency crashed this year. So don't blame the US law.

You tell me how come the US suddenly realized after 60 years that Indian consulates don't pay their helps as per US regulations ? Why the sudden grandstanding ?

And when the maid went went missing, the case was reported to US officials in July itself. The US officials rather than informing the indians about her whereabouts, chose to gloss it over only to push charges against the consulate after 6 months ?

And while chinese whishper of the maid's husband being arrested and harrassed was doing the rounds, which was obviously false, what officials did in US ? took further mileage of the situation to peddle their usual horse shit that they were rescuing a third world slave from the evil people ...while quietly giving visas to the entire family.

This cr@p was lapped upon by the pakistanis and chinese members here equally !

Anyway, point is we have a written record of the help being happy with her salary which she herself documented in her own private diary just before she went missing..

Bottom-line is, interpreting the entire thing in simple terms like evil Indians indulging in human trafficking and holier than thou US officials rescuing her will not only be childish but borderline stupid !

@Solomon2 your inputs please !
You tell me how come the US suddenly realized after 60 years that Indian consulates don't pay their helps as per US regulations ? Why the sudden grandstanding ?

And when the maid went went missing, the case was reported to US officials in July itself. The US officials rather than informing the indians about her whereabouts, chose to gloss it over only to push charges against the consulate after 6 months ?

And while chinese whishper of the maid's husband being arrested and harrassed was doing the rounds, which was obviously false, what officials did in US ? took further mileage of the situation to peddle their usual horse shit that they were rescuing a third world slave from the evil people ...while quietly giving visas to the entire family.

This cr@p was lapped upon by the pakistanis and chinese members here equally !

Anyway, point is we have a written record of the help being happy with her salary which she herself documented in her own private diary just before she went missing..

Bottom-line is, interpreting the entire thing in simple terms like evil Indians indulging in human trafficking and holier than thou US officials rescuing her will not only be childish but borderline stupid !

@Solomon2 your inputs please !

Don't involve other nationalities such as Chinese or Pakistanis. This is about an Indian diplomat not following the rule of the law in the US and dare to believe that its above the law. The Indian newspaper, which was in control of the Indian elite, drum up this stories as US dare to arrest an Indian elite.

As an Indian, you should be ashamed that your diplomat represent your country badly. Indian gov should apologize to the US gov and American people for sending out a criminal to represent itself.
Don't involve other nationalities such as Chinese or Pakistanis. This is about an Indian diplomat not following the rule of the law in the US and dare to believe that its above the law. The Indian newspaper, which was in control of the Indian elite, drum up this stories as US dare to arrest an Indian elite.

As an Indian, you should be ashamed that your diplomat represent your country badly. Indian gov should apologize to the US gov and American people for sending out a criminal to represent itself.

I am done arguing with incorrigible troll like you .. Carry on with your crap ! We are sure as hell proud of our consulates.

You can only burn when the Indian consulate goes free ! Just don't quote me again ! Thanks !
India is fully within its rights to stick to the letter of the Convention. It can't even be held against India that India tightened procedures in response to a U.S. tightening up of law enforcement.

However, I doubt it's the U.S. that is hurt by this. The injury is going to be to Indians who are trying to do business with the U.S. much more than the other way 'round. (Of course, the Nepalese don't like it either, but will they blame India for this or the U.S.?)

With all due respect Solomon, Business is never one way. You have product we have skilled staff. You block our staff, we block your products. If you are a provider, we are consumers.

Son, Don't act arrogantly. There are many countries in world who are living without USA business.

USA should learn to give respect to Indian sub-continent , We are not Pakistan.
I am done arguing with incorrigible troll like you .. Carry on with your crap ! We are sure as hell proud of our consulates.

You can only burn when the Indian consulate goes free ! Just don't quote me again ! Thanks !

Are you proud of your criminal consulate? Well, go for it.
Are you proud of your criminal consulate? Well, go for it.

We'll ask same question after booking your consulates employees!

I hope you will not prove you self hypocrite by siding criminals in USA society
Are you proud of your criminal consulate? Well, go for it.
As i said u are an incorrigible troll ! Who said she is a criminal ?

You guys show your bravado on pakistani forums with impunity but does it make you sensible ? Well let me break the suspense for you .. NO !
We'll ask same question after booking your consulates employees!

I hope you will not prove you self hypocrite by siding criminals in USA society

All India can come up with now are trump up retaliation charges. Instead of doing that, India should request the best lawyer to defend its diplomat in the NY court.
All India can come up with now are trump up retaliation charges. Instead of doing that, India should request the best lawyer to defend its diplomat in the NY court.
Both diplomat and nanny are Indian citizen working for indian government in US. Every such cases has to be undertaken according to IPC not according to US law system, so no need to have the best lawyer. And you don't worry she will come out clean, US has suddenly become worried by the Hiccup coming in Indo-US relation and sudden degradation of the status of US counsel and Diplomat. :coffee:
Both diplomat and nanny are Indian citizen working for indian government in US. Every such cases has to be undertaken according to IPC not according to US law system, so no need to have the best lawyer. And you don't worry she will come out clean, US has suddenly become worried by the Hiccup coming in Indo-US relation and sudden degradation of the status of US counsel and Diplomat. :coffee:

Maybe you are right. Obama is a weak president. If US has a strong president, than he would withdraw the consulate.
Maybe you are right. Obama is a weak president. If US has a strong president, than he would withdraw the consulate.
HA ha .. whatever make you feel good..
But US has no right to insult any Diplomat of any Country..If they were having problem then must have lodged a complain against the diplomat to MEA..:enjoy:

Already posted. Article 47 covers private staff which include maid.

More lies and deceit which is typical of Americans.

The link says they are "considering" such a proposal, that too as a LAST DITCH EFFORT in face of unfriendly action. Not that they have proposed such an action.

Apparently you don't know how it works, or that the current Consular & Diplomatic Conventions are only fifty years old. (For the rest, I agree with what you say, so have a care.)

I do know how it works, you don't. India's rights and honor were violated in the US and there must be an equivalent pound of flesh to be paid in full. India will measure weight and extract it in full.

It's more inclusive than that.

Naturally, but it does not cover staff covered by article 47.

I don't know the details. And because it's the Xmas-New Year's season the State Dept. isn't giving daily press briefings right now - or not posting the recordings and transcripts.
You tell me how come the US suddenly realized after 60 years that Indian consulates don't pay their helps as per US regulations ? Why the sudden grandstanding ?
I can only theorize that this Administration, being primarily composed of minorities, many who themselves spent their early years in countries like India, Indonesia, Kenya, etc., feel none of the "white guilt" of their predecessors who consequently were willing to cut slack. (It also took the U.S. some time to recognize these issues.)

This move didn't come out of the blue. Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for furthering international diplomacy. In 2011 diplomats were notified that they couldn't count food and lodging towards salary any more. And Khobragade wasn't the first Indian official to fall afoul of the new rules.

And when the maid went went missing, the case was reported to US officials in July itself. The US officials rather than informing the indians about her whereabouts, chose to gloss it over only to push charges against the consulate after 6 months ?
Richard has worker protection under U.S. laws governing A-3 visa workers. Naturally the U.S. would protect Richard's rights by not informing India; the U.S. knew, I suppose, that Richard was in a safe location and that's all that mattered.

...what officials did in US ? took further mileage of the situation to peddle their usual horse xxxx that they were rescuing a third world slave from the evil people ...while quietly giving visas to the entire family.
The worker protection law protects Richard from retaliation. Apparently the only way to ensure her family wasn't oppressed was to get them out of the India.

Anyway, point is we have a written record of the help being happy with her salary which she herself documented in her own private diary just before she went missing..
If I agree to work as your slave does that over-ride minimum wage laws? The answer is no. Does it really work this way in India, that the gov't mandates salaries but workers have to sign a document giving up part of it to somebody else?

Bottom-line is, interpreting the entire thing in simple terms like evil Indians indulging in human trafficking and holier than thou US officials rescuing her will not only be childish but borderline stupid !
U.S. prosecutors and judges know from experience that this is the sort of thing criminals like to say.

You obviously have a problem with the fact that the U.S. is, demonstrably, behaving to a higher moral standard than India can lay claim to.

Prosecutors and judges in the U.S. accept much lower salaries in gov't jobs than private sector simply because they want to be one of the "good guys". This NY prosecutor, for example, won't hire people if they show enthusiasm about locking up criminals. Hence, such guys get really pissed at people with attitudes like yours.

Already posted. Article 47 covers private staff which include maid.
Domestics working outside the consulate are not private staff of the consulate.

I do know how it works, you don't. India's rights and honor were violated in the US -
As near as I can tell, that didn't happen. U.S. conduct was within the bounds of the Vienna Consular Convention. Including the non-invasive strip search conducted in privacy by a female attendant.
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