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Jun 10, 2008
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Anyway this is to get u off my thread,so i can actually resume that.

1.''Don't try to play smart now. You were the one who posted a fake quote in the OP without even doing proper research.

That's not what you were trying to convey earlier through this fake quote, perhaps you should have clarified yourself before propagating this historical fallacy.And neither did you provide a source for that (fake) Goebbels quote.''

What smart,its written in mein kampf.He accuses the jews of doing these things but in reality he does the same thing on a grandest of grand scales in history.Lying pathologically,betraying every single agreement.
I gave you the magazine published in 1941 where he said that...sry if i don't do research on each and every quote's source with a link.This was meant to be just a background story to the campaign in short not the actual topic,my 'research' is confined mostly to campaign details.

2.Germany was one of biggest industrialized nations so yes obviously there would be lot of workers and communism would be popular there.Also Marx and Engles were germans.Communism originated as an idea in germany.

'This has nothing to do with what we're discussing.'

In the context of growth of communism in germany it has everything to with it.

3.Coming to the issue about Communist strikes and sabotage, are you suggesting that the Communists were sitting idle during the war??

Did i say that?See communism aggressiveness.But what ur suggesting is germany defeated by communist back stab which is laughable,by 1918 last few months of war,total british blockade,german manpower finished, america in the war -war lost.Communists reflect internal dissent ,with the ideology at its forefront.

'Can you prove that the Leaders of the Communist Revolts in Germany disowned their own Jewish faith?? Please provide valid sources (Links) and not drivel. Thanks.'

No idea,if ur so interested go find it urself.I didn't start the topic to discuss jewish conspiracy.But communism as an ideology itself implies denying existence of god-so i don't see how u deny that.

'So Communist revolutions were crushed within Germany in 1919, did that prevent the Soviet Union from invading Poland in 1920 in a Westward drive towards a disarmed Germany?? Of course not.'

Soviet union is sovereign from germany and was not subject to versailles.Second i had alreday posted communist expansiveness-so what are u getting at?Third ,they were defeated in poland never mind entering germany.

As for churchill being a hidebound imperialist -i already mentioned in my post churchill was an arch-imperialists and the effects of colonialism.And yes manifest destiny was a concept in 1800-1850s,but it was no longer in practice by 1930s.But hitler was another whole level.

Now if u truly think hitler was good guy who was unjustly mobbed by the whole world and the world would be so much better if he had won,i'm not stopping u am i?Go ahead.

Mods plz move the whole discussion to this thread.
The quote is applied on the masses ,not on who does the lying.Of course he would accuse the jews of doing that in his own autobiography..u expect him to say i'll lie in his own book?
Goebbels accused churchill of lying by the above method in magazine
-Die Zeit ohne Beispiel.

Don't try to play smart now. You were the one who posted a fake quote in the OP without even doing proper research.

That's not what you were trying to convey earlier through this fake quote, perhaps you should have clarified yourself before propagating this historical fallacy:


And neither did you provide a source for that (fake) Goebbels quote.

Germany was one of biggest industrialized nations so yes obviously there would be lot of workers and communism would be popular there.Also Marx and Engles were germans.Communism originated as an idea in germany.

This has nothing to do with what we're discussing.

All communist rebellions happened after end of WW1 when germany already defeated,how did they sabotage german effort after war was already over?

Coming to the issue about Communist strikes and sabotage, are you suggesting that the Communists were sitting idle during the war??

"Strikes erupted in Vienna and Budapest, set off not only by hunger but by Germany's failure to make peace with the new Bolshevik government in Russia. They spread to Germany itself, which had been under virtual military dictatorship for several months, and on Monday, January 28, 1918, workers throughout Germany went out on strike. Peace was their main demand but they also insisted on workers' representation in negotiations with the Allies, increased food rations, the abolition of martial law, and a democratic government throughout Germany. In Munich, another insurrection broke out. It was led by Kurt Eisner, a small elderly Jew wearing a black floppy hat which, large as it was, couldn't contain a shock of wild hair. Epically untidy, he was a living cartoon of the bomb-throwing Red. He had already spent almost nine months in prison for his wartime strike activities. In Friedrichshafen workers at the Zeppelin plant formed a council. The factory workers in the Stuttgart area, including the vast Daimler motor works, struck and, led by socialists with views similar to Eisner's, made similar demands. Government after government throughout Germany collapsed as workers' and soldiers' councils took control" - Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography

As for many communist leaders being jews,a communist doesn't believe in god in the first place.
Can you prove that the Leaders of the Communist Revolts in Germany disowned their own Jewish faith?? Please provide valid sources (Links) and not drivel. Thanks.

Give proof of jewish sabotage of german war effort to help britain for homeland in palestine during ww1....

Funny, someone's who posting fabricated quotes is asking for proof. Could you prove your falsified Hitler & Goebbels quotes with actual sources (Links) and not drivel?? That would be appreciated.

Nonetheless, powerful Jewish financiers using their influence to assist Britain in her war against Germany in exchange for Palestine:

"Malcolm's belief in the Balfour Declaration as a means of bringing the United States into the war was confirmed by Samuel Landman, secretary to the Zionist leaders Weizmann and Sokolow, and later secretary of the World Zionist Organization. As

" the only way (which proved so to be) to induce the American President to come into the war was to secure the cooperation of Zionist Jews by promising them Palestine, and thus enlist and mobilize the hitherto unsuspectedly powerful forces of Zionist Jews in America and elsewhere in favour of the Allies on a quid pro quo contract basis. Thus, as will be seen, the Zionists having carried out their part, and greatly helped to bring America in, the Balfour Declaration of 1917 was but the public confirmation of the necessarily secret "gentlemens' " agreement of 1916, made with the previous knowledge, acquiescence, and or approval of the Arabs, and of the British, and of the French and other Allied governments, and not merely a voluntary, altruistic and romantic gesture on the part of Great Britain as certain people either through pardonable ignorance assume or unpardonable ill-will would represent or rather misrepresent ...[188] "- Great Britain, the Jews and Palestine (London, 1936), pp. 4-5, New Zionist Press.

Behind the Balfour Declaration

Communist rebellions were crushed by german govt in 1919 itself.
So Communist revolutions were crushed within Germany in 1919, did that prevent the Soviet Union from invading Poland in 1920 in a Westward drive towards a disarmed Germany?? Of course not.

Soviet Invasion of Poland,1920-Wikipedia

Did hitler rearm to defend germany?What did he with his army once he had re-armed?History is testament.Was Poland,czechoslovakia,denmark,norway,balkans,netherlands,belgium all planning to destroy germany?Don't be a blind apologist just because u like how badass the waffen-ss and their black uniforms were.

Nothing to do with my personal interest in the National Socialist era. If i were blind like you i too would be posting falsified quotes without any proper research on my part.

Regarding Hitler's invasions of the countries you mentioned, i could easily tear apart your argument, though my post would become too long to read.

As for aggressions,ur perfectly right both parties here were imperialists -anglo-french colonial imperialists.Churchill was an arch-imperialist.But despite the oppression,they didn't systematically single out whole peoples like this methodically exterminating them in concentration camps and slave labour.Anglo-french-soviets weren't saints ,but hitler was certainly not a good guy,he was much worse than the rest.
If you believe that the British never employed slave labor and deliberate mass extermination then you really have no clue of history. And don't get me started on the Soviets.

“Indians are the beastliest people in the world next to the Germans"- Winston Churchill

The Greatest Briton: Essays on Winston Churchill's Life and Political Philosophy - Jeremy Havardi - Google Books

How Churchill Starved To Death 4 Million Indians and Got Away With It

India's Partition: The Story of Imperialism in Retreat - Devendra Panigrahi - Google Books

The Bengal Famine of 1943, how 4 million Indians perished

Can one also label early America's "Manifest Destiny" as a quest for Lebensraum and imperialism?? Without achieving this goal America would not have become the power that it is today.

Now this topic is not for discussing ideologies,just the campaign..so plz if u answer start a new topic.

I wasn't discussing ideologies. I noticed that fake quote you posted and decided to point that out lest people buy into that lie since more than half of the so called "Think Tanks" on this forum don't do their own research.
Anyway this is to get u off my thread,so i can actually resume that.
My posts on that thread weren't off topic to begin with.

What smart,its written in mein kampf.He accuses the jews of doing these things but in reality he does the same thing on a grandest of grand scales in history.Lying pathologically,betraying every single agreement.
I gave you the magazine published in 1941 where he said that...sry if i don't do research on each and every quote's source with a link.This was meant to be just a background story to the campaign in short not the actual topic,my 'research' is confined mostly to campaign details.

There is a massive difference between what you posted/claimed Hitler said and what Hitler actually said in Main Kampf. Whether or not if he practiced it himself and to what scale, that's not the point and something no one can be sure of because everything most people (like you) believe is actually based off of Victor propaganda.

Hitler never stated this anywhere:


In the context of growth of communism in germany it has everything to with it.

One cannot ascribe Communism's growth within Germany to the fact that Karl Marx and Engels were Germans. That's not a sound argument anyone's buying because there were millions of Communists within other countries as well.

Perhaps the Communist ideology became more and more appealing to the factory workers as their working/living conditions deteriorated.

Did i say that?See communism aggressiveness.But what ur suggesting is germany defeated by communist back stab which is laughable,by 1918 last few months of war,total british blockade,german manpower finished, america in the war -war lost.Communists reflect internal dissent ,with the ideology at its forefront.

I never said Communist subversion led to German defeat. You on the other hand denied Communist subversion and sabotage of German war effort and industry, and i proved you wrong.

No idea,if ur so interested go find it urself.I didn't start the topic to discuss jewish conspiracy.But communism as an ideology itself implies denying existence of god-so i don't see how u deny that.
So because Karl Marx and Engels claimed to be Atheists therefore every Communist becomes an Atheist automatically?

In the real world where people tend to use ideologies for their own purposes whether or not if they truly believe in the principles of that ideology, such logic like yours is more of an illusion.

And secondly, no one here is discussing conspiracies, least of all me. I posted historically proven facts with valid and reputable sources. Feel free to counter me with a valid argument rather than dismissing facts as "conspiracy theories".

Soviet union is sovereign from germany and was not subject to versailles.Second i had alreday posted communist expansiveness-so what are u getting at?Third ,they were defeated in poland never mind entering germany.

Again, as i said before, Soviet Union's not being a party to Versailles is not what im getting at. Soviet Union posed a existential threat to Germany and Eastern Europe, thus giving credibility to Germany's rearmament..

Soviet defeat at the hand of Poland doesn't mean anything, what is important is the intention of the Soviet state which was to invade Germany.

As for churchill being a hidebound imperialist -i already mentioned in my post churchill was an arch-imperialists and the effects of colonialism.And yes manifest destiny was a concept in 1800-1850s,but it was no longer in practice by 1930s.But hitler was another whole level.

Do you agree that had it not been for Manifest Destiny America would not be a world power today and neither you or anyone else on this earth would be reaping the various benefits as a result of American expansionism??

Not only do these facts take away the moral authority from those who accuse the Germans of committing crimes against humanity and various forms of genocides (most of which is exaggerated post war Victor drivel) but it also makes the Victors look like complete hypocrites and liars themselves, which is why they hide these facts from the public.

Now if u truly think hitler was good guy who was unjustly mobbed by the whole world and the world would be so much better if he had won,i'm not stopping u am i?Go ahead.

Mods plz move the whole discussion to this thread.

I don't think i ever absolved Hitler if any of the crimes he's directly responsible for. I merely pointed out the fallacies in your post and countered them with historical facts. If posting historical facts is considered absolving the Nazis of crimes than in that case oh well.
My posts on that thread weren't off topic to begin with.

There is a massive difference between what you posted and what Hitler actually said in Main Kampf.

Hitler never stated this anywhere:


One cannot ascribe Communism's growth within Germany to the fact that Karl Marx and Engels were Germans. That's not a sound argument anyone's buying because there were millions of Communists within other countries as well.

Perhaps the Communist ideology became more and more appealing to the factory workers as their working/living conditions deteriorated.

I never said Communist subversion led to German defeat. You on the other hand denied Communist subversion and sabotage of German war effort and industry, and i proved you wrong.

So because Karl Marx and Engels claimed to be Atheists therefore every Communist becomes an Atheist automatically?

In the real world where people tend to use ideologies for their own purposes whether or not if they truly believe in the principles of that ideology, such logic like yours is more of an illusion.

And secondly, no one here is discussing conspiracies, least of all me. I posted historically proven facts with valid and reputable sources. Feel free to counter me with a valid argument rather than dismissing facts as "conspiracy theories".

Again, as i said before, Soviet Union's not being a party to Versailles is not what im getting at. Soviet Union posed a existential threat to Germany and Eastern Europe, thus giving credibility to Germany's rearmament..

Soviet defeat at the hand of Poland doesn't mean anything, what is important is the intention of the Soviet state which was to invade Germany.

Do you agree that had it not been for Manifest Destiny America would not be a world power today and neither you or anyone else on this earth would be reaping the various benefits as a result of American expansionism??

Not only do these facts take away the moral authority from those who accuse the Germans of committing crimes against humanity and various forms of genocides (most of which is exaggerated post war Victor drivel) but it also makes the Victors look like complete hypocrites and liars themselves, which is why they hide these facts from the public.

I don't think i ever absolved Hitler if any of the crimes he's directly responsible for. I merely pointed out the fallacies in your post and countered them with historical facts. If posting historical facts is considered absolving the Nazis of crimes than in that case oh well.

1.Well since that thread was on actual military movements on the campaign,i thought it was off-topic .
2.I ascribed it too high industrialization of germany,meaning millions of workers.Marx and engles bonus reason.
3.Nope i denied Communists CAUSED GERMANY TO LOSE THE WAR,not that communists rebelled.Thats what hitler preached 'stab in the back' -that it WAS BECAUSE of communists germany lost'.Which is a lie.
4.Well communism as an ideology itself denies god,so unless a decalred communist comes out and speaks or acts otherwise it is implied his allegiance to communism means no faith in organized religion.
5.Labelling communist movement as a 'jewish conspiracy' is a conspiracy theories because some communist leaders were jew.Jews joined communist movements in large numbers due to persecution and anti-semitism ine urope against them...communism gave them total emancipation and equality.
6.Poland existed as buffer between germany and soviet union,if hitler rearmed to defend germany-why attack the buffer?Hitler proclaimed many times he rearmed to take back and conquer more lands..not for defense.
7.Fact-manifest destiny was finished by 1850s.Hitler did this barely 60 yrs ago against whole nation states ,not scattered tribes over vast plains.No one's hiding facts - anglo-french empires,original american expansion,soviets all had expansionist phases-it was an age of imperialism,might made right.Many of their actions caused millions of deaths,But none of them institutionalized genocide like hitler with a clear plan.
They were like we are going to conquer this area and make profit-primary consideration.The hardships inflicted on native populations part of conquest and exploitation process,not the primary objective in itself.
Hitler-i'm going to cleanse this area and profit by resettling - Genocide based on racial hatred primary consideration along with subsequent economic motive.
1.Well since that thread was on actual military movements on the campaign,i thought it was off-topic .

There is a massive difference between what you posted/claimed Hitler said and what Hitler actually said in Mein Kampf. Whether or not if he practiced it himself and to what scale, that's not the point and something no one can be sure of because everything most people (like you) believe is actually based off of Victor propaganda.

Hitler never stated this anywhere:


2.I ascribed it too high industrialization of germany,meaning millions of workers.Marx and engles bonus reason.
Germany wasn't the only industrialized country. Communism only appealed to the workers due to their impoverishment.

3.Nope i denied Communists CAUSED GERMANY TO LOSE THE WAR,not that communists rebelled.Thats what hitler preached 'stab in the back' -that it WAS BECAUSE of communists germany lost'.Which is a lie.
I never stated that Communist rebellions were the sole reason for Germany's loss in WW1. The Communist sabotage of German industries in conjunction with the powerful Jewish Bankers using their financial influence to assist the British and French in defeating Germany in exchange for Palestine together proved to be the major reasons for Germany's defeat and thus the 'stab in the back' (this idea existed in Germany before Hitler entered politics and "preached" anything).

It was no coincidence that all three leaders of Communist agitation within Germany were Jews and the Zionist Bankers too were all Jews.

4.Well communism as an ideology itself denies god,so unless a decalred communist comes out and speaks or acts otherwise it is implied his allegiance to communism means no faith in organized religion.
5.Labelling communist movement as a 'jewish conspiracy' is a conspiracy theories because some communist leaders were jew.Jews joined communist movements in large numbers due to persecution and anti-semitism ine urope against them...communism gave them total emancipation and equality.

Here you are contradicting yourself. You admit that Jews joined the communist movements in large numbers due to persecution for being Jews (anti-semetism) but you also state they were all Atheists?? Do you have proof that a people who believed they were persecuted due to their religious beliefs joined a movement because they advocated Atheism (contradiction much)??

6.Poland existed as buffer between germany and soviet union,if hitler rearmed to defend germany-why attack the buffer?Hitler proclaimed many times he rearmed to take back and conquer more lands..not for defense.

Hitler wanted back portions of Prussia (Danzig Corridor and the city of Danzig itself) gifted to the newly independent state of Poland by the victorious allies after the treaty of Versailles. He initiated negotiations with the Polish state, which were sabotaged by the British who were fomenting anti-German sentiments within Poland which led to wholesale slaughter and expulsions of ethnic Germans within the Corridor, thus prompting Hitler to invade.

Hitler never annexed the entire Polish state after invading the country in 1939, he only took the territories which historically belong to Germany for more than 700 years.

It was the Polish who became stubborn at the behest of the British and disengaged in negotiations with Germany over a peaceful solution to the Danzig issue.

7.Fact-manifest destiny was finished by 1850s.Hitler did this barely 60 yrs ago against whole nation states ,not scattered tribes over vast plains.No one's hiding facts - anglo-french empires,original american expansion,soviets all had expansionist phases-it was an age of imperialism,might made right.Many of their actions caused millions of deaths,But none of them institutionalized genocide like hitler with a clear plan.

So you're excusing/downplaying one genocide because it was aimed at a "few scattered tribes" during a certain time period?? Hypocritical much??

Also, Stalin and his Jewish Commisars systematically slaughtered more Slavs during peace time than Hitler did during war time. That's called institutionalized genocide,

They were like we are going to conquer this area and make profit-primary consideration.The hardships inflicted on native populations part of conquest and exploitation process,not the primary objective in itself.
Hitler-i'm going to cleanse this area and profit by resettling - Genocide based on racial hatred primary consideration along with subsequent economic motive.

And do you have any proof that Hitler gave orders to genocide Jews?? Could have's and would have's, that's your proof for your allegations against Hitler. Do provide me with actual links and legitimate documents of Hitler ordering mass exterminations of Jews.
1.He and goebbels stated something very similar,and his actions speak for themselves...his monumental repreated lies are for history to record.
2.Meaning u agree industrialization was major cause of communism in germany.
3.Absolute babble,jewish bankers and communist rebellions lol.Yeah germany's military was winning the war until bloody jews and communists lost them the war..millions of german soldiers lost at verdun,somme and amiens had nothing to do with it.british blockade had nothing to do with it,Ludendorff flatly stated to the kaiser the army could no longer hold on against overpowering allies,the american involvement was the deathblow.U ignore these absolutely major causes for conspiracy theories?Don't let ur jewphobia and ss-mania delude u.
4.Do you have proof they were not atheists?Communist by itslef implies athgeist,so they are taken as such until acting or speaking otherwise.The onus is on you to prove these guys were actually jewish secret agents working on some worldwide jewish grand plan.
5.First of all Poland was not ethnically german like austria,neither was czechoslovakia-so hitler had no claim on these lands.As for regaining the territories from poland..these territories were unjustly seized by 3 imperial powers austria,prussia and russia by partitioning the country poland over a century ago..it was never german territory settled by ethnic germans though succesive govt's made several attempts to 'germanize' the area.You call the polish 'stubborn' to defend their homeland which had been curved up and kept subjagated for over a century and which they won by fighting for their freedom in 1919-1920...how biased are you.
6.Never said stalin was a saint,stalin did it to consolidate his power -not out of hatred for slavs.Hitler did it for killing because of his hate ideology.On 'scattered tribes' ur again missing the point.
The brit-french- americans(during 1850s)were like we are going to conquer this area and make profit-primary consideration is greed.The hardships inflicted on native populations part of conquest and exploitation process,not the primary objective in itself.
Hitler-i'm going to cleanse this area and profit by resettling - Genocide based on racial hatred primary consideration(hate) along with subsequent economic motive.
Last one too many...just search the net and youtube for hundreds of photos and videos on concentration camp victims..grusesome images and very graphic content.See the nuremberg trials.See hitler's directives to himmler and heydrich.Listen to interviews given by former germans confessing.But wait its all a giant conspiracy..if u choose to be blind ,no one can help you.
1.He and goebbels stated something very similar,
No, they never did, you're just parroting nonsense, mr so called "Think Tank", in reality you know jack about this subject.

and his actions speak for themselves...his monumental repreated lies are for history to record.
Like which "monumental repeated lies", do give an example.

2.Meaning u agree industrialization was major cause of communism in germany.
Germany wasn't the only industrialized country with Communists, and not industrialization itself per say but the deplorable living and working standards of the workers due to the neglect on the part of the wealthy factory owners/Capitalists.

So your claim that Germany had communists because of Karl Marx and Engels were Germans isn't a logical one.

.Yeah germany's military was winning the war until bloody jews and communists lost them the war..millions of german soldiers lost at verdun,somme and amiens had nothing to do with it.british blockade had nothing to do with it,Ludendorff flatly stated to the kaiser the army could no longer hold on against overpowering allies,the american involvement was the deathblow.
Doesn't mean the allies were winning the war until America entered. The British and French too lost millions at Somme, etc and by 1917 the French Army mutinied... It was mostly a stalemate both on land and at sea with German U-Boats enforcing a similar blockade against Britain in retaliation, and the Germans thus far made more gains than the Allies and had a upper hand.

It was the American involvement which was crucial to breaking the stalemate. American involvement in the war came much later with the help of Jewish bankers, as confirmed by these Zionist sources themselves:

"Malcolm's belief in the Balfour Declaration as a means of bringing the United States into the war was confirmed by Samuel Landman, secretary to the Zionist leaders Weizmann and Sokolow, and later secretary of the World Zionist Organization. As

" the only way (which proved so to be) to induce the American President to come into the war was to secure the cooperation of Zionist Jews by promising them Palestine, and thus enlist and mobilize the hitherto unsuspectedly powerful forces of Zionist Jews in America and elsewhere in favour of the Allies on a quid pro quo contract basis. Thus, as will be seen, the Zionists having carried out their part, and greatly helped to bring America in, the Balfour Declaration of 1917 was but the public confirmation of the necessarily secret "gentlemens' " agreement of 1916, made with the previous knowledge, acquiescence, and or approval of the Arabs, and of the British, and of the French and other Allied governments, and not merely a voluntary, altruistic and romantic gesture on the part of Great Britain as certain people either through pardonable ignorance assume or unpardonable ill-will would represent or rather misrepresent ...[188] "- Great Britain, the Jews and Palestine (London, 1936), pp. 4-5, New Zionist Press.

Behind the Balfour Declaration

"Speaking in the House of Commons on 4 July 1922, Winston Churchill asked rhetorically,

Are we to keep our pledge to the Zionists made in 1917...? Pledges and promises were made during the war, and they were made, not only on the merits, though I think the merits are considerable. They were made because it was considered they would be of value to us in our struggle to win the war. It was considered that the support which the Jews could give us all over the world, and particularly in the United States, and also in Russia, would be a definite palpable advantage. I was not responsible at that time for the giving of those pledges, nor for the conduct of the war of which they were, when given, an integral part. But like other members I supported the policy of the War Cabinet. Like other members, I accepted and was proud to accept a share in those great transactions, which left us with terrible losses, with formidable obligations, but nevertheless with unchallengeable victory."

COLONIAL OFFICE. (Hansard, 4 July 1922)

Behind the Balfour Declaration

So are you suggesting that Winston Churchill is a "conspiracy theorist" for having confirmed that influential Jews were decisive in winning the Allies the war against Germany???

4.Do you have proof they were not atheists?Communist by itslef implies athgeist,so they are taken as such until acting or speaking otherwise.The onus is on you to prove these guys were actually jewish secret agents working on some worldwide jewish grand plan.
You contradicted yourself. You admited that Jews joined the communist movements in large numbers due to persecution for being Jews (anti-semetism) but you also state they were all Atheists?? Do you have proof that a people who believed they were persecuted due to their religious beliefs joined a movement because they advocated Atheism (contradiction much)??


"In 1914, the central office of the Zionist Organization and the seat of its directorate, the Zionist Executive, were in Berlin. It already had adherents in most Eastern Jewish communities, including all the countries at war, though its main strength was in Russia and Austria-Hungary.[45] Some important institutions, namely, the Jewish Colonial Trust, the Anglo-Palestine Company and the Jewish National Fund, were incorporated in England. Of the Executive, two members (Otto Warburg [M] and Arthur Hantke) were German citizens, three (Yechiel Tschlenow, Nahum Sokolow and Victor Jacobson) were Russians and one (Shmarya Levin) had recently exchanged his Russian for Austro-Hungarian nationality. The 25 members of the General Council included 12 from Germany and Austria-Hungary, 7 from Russia...Chaim Weizmann and Leopold Kessler) from England, and one each from Belgium, France, Holland and Rumania.[46]Some prominent German Zionists associated themselves with a newly founded organization known as the Komitee fur den Osten, whose aims were: "To place at the disposal of the German Government the special knowledge of the founders and their relations with the Jews in Eastern Europe and in America, so as to contribute to the overthrow of Czarist Russia and to secure the national autonomy of the Jews......." [47]
The Zionists were, of course, coordinating their activities internationally. On the same day as the meeting in London, Rabbi Stephen Wise in the United States wrote to Brandeis: "I sent the memorandum to Colonel House covering our question, and he writes: 'I hope the dream you have may soon become a reality." [118a]

The reports reaching England of impending dissolution of the Russian state practically removed the need for Russian endorsement of Zionist aims, but made French and Italian acceptance even more urgent. This at any rate was the belief of Sykes, Balfour, Lloyd George and Winston Churchill, who, as claimed in their subsequent statements, were convinced that proclaimed Allied support for Zionist aims would especially influence the United States. Events in Russia made the cooperation of Jewish groups with the Allies much easier. At a mass meeting in March 1917 to celebrate the revolution which had then taken place, Rabbi Stephen Wise, who had succeeded Brandeis as chairman of the American Provisional Zionist Committee after Brandeis's appointment to the Supreme Court, said: "I believe that of all the achievements of my people, none has been nobler than the part the sons and daughters of Israel have taken in the great movement which has culminated in free Russia." [119]

Negotiations for a series of loans totalling $190,000,000 by the United States to the Provisional Government in Russia of Alexander Kerensky were begun on the advice of the U.S. ambassador to Russia, David R. Francis, who noted in his telegram to Secretary of State Lansing, "financial aid now from America would be a master-stroke. Confidential. Immeasurably important to the Jews that revolution succeed... " [120]

In the same month, Leiber Davidovich Bronstein, alias Leon Trotsky, a Russian-born U.S. immigrant, had left the Bronx, New York, for Russia, with a contingent of followers, while V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) and a party of about thirty were moving across Germany from Switzerland, through Scandinavia to Russia. Some evidence exists that Schiff and other sponsors like Helphand financed these revolutionaries."

Behind the Balfour Declaration

Leon Trotsky, the Jew:
Leon Trotsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lenin's Jewish Ancestry confirmed:
Lenin's Jewish roots put on display in Russian museum

So here you have it in the above source influential Jewish Bankers from America funding a Communist revolution within Russia to overthrow the Czar and a influential Jewish Rabbi Stephen Wise praising the revolutionaries (who were Jews) as "noble sons and daughters of Israel".

1). So the major financiers of the Communist revolution were Jewish Bankers (all Zionists).

2). The major Bolshevik Revolutionaries were all Jews.

3). All three of Germany's Communist Revolutionaries were also Jews.

Was this a coincidence?? Of course not. It was a carefully premeditated and well organized Jewish plan.

If after this you continue to parrot your "its a conspiracy theory" rant then you truly lack sufficient grey matter in your head to think logically.

5.First of all Poland was not ethnically german like austria,neither was czechoslovakia-so hitler had no claim on these lands.As for regaining the territories from poland..these territories were unjustly seized by 3 imperial powers austria,prussia and russia by partitioning the country poland over a century ago..it was never german territory settled by ethnic germans though succesive govt's made several attempts to 'germanize' the area.

Do you have proof? The onus is on you to prove your accusation that Hitler wanted all of Poland and Czechoslovakia.

You really have absolutely no knowledge of history. Hitler only claimed the territories which were ethnically German for 700 years and were torn from Germany after the treaty of Versailles. He never annexed the entire Polish state nor Czechoslovakia.

So yes, Hitler was justified in invading Poland to retake the lands which rightfully belonged to Germany, especially when considering the fact that the Poles began to systematically massacre and expel ethnic Germans from their ancestral lands..

Considerable Ethnic German Population within the territories given to Poland post Versailles:



You call the polish 'stubborn' to defend their homeland which had been curved up and kept subjagated for over a century and which they won by fighting for their freedom in 1919-1920...how biased are you.

You're the biased and hypocritical pseudo historian here parroting unlimited historical falsifications without even backing them with any source or evidence, mr so called "think tank", the irony is you can't even think logically and jump to label historical facts as "conspiracy theories".

Secondly, the Polish were not defending their 'homeland' by slaughtering and displacing Ethnic Germans over the fear that they would vote to become a part of Germany if a referendum were to be held to determine the future of Danzig and the Corridor.

6.Never said stalin was a saint,stalin did it to consolidate his power -not out of hatred for slavs.Hitler did it for killing because of his hate ideology.On 'scattered tribes' ur again missing the point.
The brit-french- americans(during 1850s)were like we are going to conquer this area and make profit-primary consideration is greed.The hardships inflicted on native populations part of conquest and exploitation process,not the primary objective in itself.
Hitler-i'm going to cleanse this area and profit by resettling - Genocide based on racial hatred primary consideration(hate) along with subsequent economic motive.

The onus is on you to prove your accusation that Hitler stated he wanted to exterminate Slavs through a 'racial genocide'.

Last one too many...just search the net and youtube for hundreds of photos and videos on concentration camp victims..grusesome images and very graphic content.See the nuremberg trials.See hitler's directives to himmler and heydrich.Listen to interviews given by former germans confessing.
You can't lecture me on this subject, especially when all you have to back yourself is absolutely nothing, zilch, nada, other than hearsay since you really can't do your own research and thus your own thinking mr. so called 'think tank'.

The onus is on you to prove your tall claims, non of which you have proven. You truly are a lost cause.

I on the other hand backed each and every single one of my arguments with reputable and authentic sources. However, that still did not stop you from labeling them as "a conspiracy theory" since you really don't have a rebuttal at all.

Since you brought up the so called German 'confessions' here is how reliable these so called confessions were since they were all extracted through the use of physical and emotional torture:

" Former Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss was tortured by British officials into signing a false and self-incriminating "confession" that has been widely cited as a key document of Holocaust extermination. His testimony before the Nuremberg Tribunal, a high point of the proceeding, was perhaps the most striking and memorable evidence presented there of a German extermination program. /73 Höss maintained that two and half million people had been killed in Auschwitz gas chambers, and that another 500,000 inmates had died there of other causes. No serious or reputable historian now accepts either of these fantastic figures, and other key portions of Höss' "confession" are now generally acknowledged to be untrue. /74

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn has cited the case of Jupp Aschenbrenner, a Bavarian who was tortured into signing a statement that he had worked on mobile gas chambers ("gas vans") during the war. It wasn't until several years later that he was finally able to prove that he had actually spent that time in Munich studying to become an electric welder. /75

Fritz Sauckel, head of the German wartime labor mobilization program, was sentenced to death at the main Nuremberg trial. An important piece of evidence presented to the Tribunal by the US prosecution was an affidavit signed by the defendant. (Nuremberg document 3057-PS.) It turned out that Sauckel had put his signature to this self-incriminating statement, which had been presented to him by his captors in finished form, only after he was bluntly told that if he hesitated, his wife and children would be turned over to the Soviets. "I did not stop to consider, and thinking of my family, I signed the document," Sauckel later declared. /76
Hans Fritzsche, another defendant in the main Nuremberg trial, was similarly forced to sign a self-damning confession while he was a prisoner of the Soviet secret police in Moscow. (Nuremberg document USSR-474.) /77

Nuremberg defendant Julius Streicher, who was eventually hanged because he published a sometimes sensational anti-Jewish weekly paper, was brutally mistreated following his arrest. He was badly beaten, kicked, whipped, spat at, forced to drink saliva and burned with cigarettes. His genitals were beaten. Eyebrow and chest hair was pulled out. He was stripped and photographed. Fellow defendant Hans Frank was savagely beaten by two black GIs shortly after his arrest. August Eigruber, former Gauleiter of Upper Austria, was mutilated and castrated at the end of the war. /78

Josef Kramer, former commandant of both the Bergen-Belsen and Auschwitz-Birkenau camps, and other defendants in the British-run "Belsen" trial, were reportedly also tortured, some of them so brutally that they begged to be put to death. /79"

The Nuremberg Trials (part 2)

How Britain Tortured Nazi POW's During Interrogations- The Daily Mail

How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss

Now, once again i reinforced my argument with legitimate sources and if despite this you dismiss all of this evidence as "a conspiracy theory" then one can only question your sanity.

Also, this thread would be of importance to other members, Muslims in particular since it deals with the events which lead to Palestine being handed over to Zionists despite the land was inhabited by Muslims for centuries and belonged to Muslims:

@al-Hasani @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @p(-)0ENiX @KingMamba @Akheilos @BLACKEAGLE @Horus @Armstrong @Bratva @Serpentine @Hazzy997 etc...
No, they never did, you're just parroting nonsense, mr so called "Think Tank", in reality you know jack about this subject.

Like which "monumental repeated lies", do give an example.

Germany wasn't the only industrialized country with Communists, and not industrialization itself per say but the deplorable living and working standards of the workers due to the neglect on the part of the wealthy factory owners/Capitalists.

So your claim that Germany had communists because of Karl Marx and Engels were Germans isn't a logical one.

Doesn't mean the allies were winning the war until America entered. The British and French too lost millions at Somme, etc and by 1917 the French Army mutinied... It was mostly a stalemate both on land and at sea with German U-Boats enforcing a similar blockade against Britain in retaliation, and the Germans thus far made more gains than the Allies and had a upper hand.

It was the American involvement which was crucial to breaking the stalemate. American involvement in the war came much later with the help of Jewish bankers, as confirmed by these Zionist sources themselves:

"Malcolm's belief in the Balfour Declaration as a means of bringing the United States into the war was confirmed by Samuel Landman, secretary to the Zionist leaders Weizmann and Sokolow, and later secretary of the World Zionist Organization. As

" the only way (which proved so to be) to induce the American President to come into the war was to secure the cooperation of Zionist Jews by promising them Palestine, and thus enlist and mobilize the hitherto unsuspectedly powerful forces of Zionist Jews in America and elsewhere in favour of the Allies on a quid pro quo contract basis. Thus, as will be seen, the Zionists having carried out their part, and greatly helped to bring America in, the Balfour Declaration of 1917 was but the public confirmation of the necessarily secret "gentlemens' " agreement of 1916, made with the previous knowledge, acquiescence, and or approval of the Arabs, and of the British, and of the French and other Allied governments, and not merely a voluntary, altruistic and romantic gesture on the part of Great Britain as certain people either through pardonable ignorance assume or unpardonable ill-will would represent or rather misrepresent ...[188] "- Great Britain, the Jews and Palestine (London, 1936), pp. 4-5, New Zionist Press.

Behind the Balfour Declaration

"Speaking in the House of Commons on 4 July 1922, Winston Churchill asked rhetorically,

Are we to keep our pledge to the Zionists made in 1917...? Pledges and promises were made during the war, and they were made, not only on the merits, though I think the merits are considerable. They were made because it was considered they would be of value to us in our struggle to win the war. It was considered that the support which the Jews could give us all over the world, and particularly in the United States, and also in Russia, would be a definite palpable advantage. I was not responsible at that time for the giving of those pledges, nor for the conduct of the war of which they were, when given, an integral part. But like other members I supported the policy of the War Cabinet. Like other members, I accepted and was proud to accept a share in those great transactions, which left us with terrible losses, with formidable obligations, but nevertheless with unchallengeable victory."
COLONIAL OFFICE. (Hansard, 4 July 1922)

Behind the Balfour Declaration

So are you suggesting that Winston Churchill is a "conspiracy theorist" for having confirmed that influential Jews were decisive in winning the Allies the war against Germany???

You contradicted yourself. You admited that Jews joined the communist movements in large numbers due to persecution for being Jews (anti-semetism) but you also state they were all Atheists?? Do you have proof that a people who believed they were persecuted due to their religious beliefs joined a movement because they advocated Atheism (contradiction much)??


"In 1914, the central office of the Zionist Organization and the seat of its directorate, the Zionist Executive, were in Berlin. It already had adherents in most Eastern Jewish communities, including all the countries at war, though its main strength was in Russia and Austria-Hungary.[45] Some important institutions, namely, the Jewish Colonial Trust, the Anglo-Palestine Company and the Jewish National Fund, were incorporated in England. Of the Executive, two members (Otto Warburg [M] and Arthur Hantke) were German citizens, three (Yechiel Tschlenow, Nahum Sokolow and Victor Jacobson) were Russians and one (Shmarya Levin) had recently exchanged his Russian for Austro-Hungarian nationality. The 25 members of the General Council included 12 from Germany and Austria-Hungary, 7 from Russia...Chaim Weizmann and Leopold Kessler) from England, and one each from Belgium, France, Holland and Rumania.[46]Some prominent German Zionists associated themselves with a newly founded organization known as the Komitee fur den Osten, whose aims were: "To place at the disposal of the German Government the special knowledge of the founders and their relations with the Jews in Eastern Europe and in America, so as to contribute to the overthrow of Czarist Russia and to secure the national autonomy of the Jews......." [47]
The Zionists were, of course, coordinating their activities internationally. On the same day as the meeting in London, Rabbi Stephen Wise in the United States wrote to Brandeis: "I sent the memorandum to Colonel House covering our question, and he writes: 'I hope the dream you have may soon become a reality." [118a]

The reports reaching England of impending dissolution of the Russian state practically removed the need for Russian endorsement of Zionist aims, but made French and Italian acceptance even more urgent. This at any rate was the belief of Sykes, Balfour, Lloyd George and Winston Churchill, who, as claimed in their subsequent statements, were convinced that proclaimed Allied support for Zionist aims would especially influence the United States. Events in Russia made the cooperation of Jewish groups with the Allies much easier. At a mass meeting in March 1917 to celebrate the revolution which had then taken place, Rabbi Stephen Wise, who had succeeded Brandeis as chairman of the American Provisional Zionist Committee after Brandeis's appointment to the Supreme Court, said: "I believe that of all the achievements of my people, none has been nobler than the part the sons and daughters of Israel have taken in the great movement which has culminated in free Russia." [119]

Negotiations for a series of loans totalling $190,000,000 by the United States to the Provisional Government in Russia of Alexander Kerensky were begun on the advice of the U.S. ambassador to Russia, David R. Francis, who noted in his telegram to Secretary of State Lansing, "financial aid now from America would be a master-stroke. Confidential. Immeasurably important to the Jews that revolution succeed... " [120]

In the same month, Leiber Davidovich Bronstein, alias Leon Trotsky, a Russian-born U.S. immigrant, had left the Bronx, New York, for Russia, with a contingent of followers, while V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) and a party of about thirty were moving across Germany from Switzerland, through Scandinavia to Russia. Some evidence exists that Schiff and other sponsors like Helphand financed these revolutionaries."

Behind the Balfour Declaration

Leon Trotsky, the Jew:
Leon Trotsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lenin's Jewish Ancestry confirmed:
Lenin's Jewish roots put on display in Russian museum

So here you have it in the above source influential Jewish Bankers from America funding a Communist revolution within Russia to overthrow the Czar and a influential Jewish Rabbi Stephen Wise praising the revolutionaries (who were Jews) as "noble sons and daughters of Israel".

1). So the major financiers of the Communist revolution were Jewish Bankers (all Zionists).

2). The major Bolshevik Revolutionaries were all Jews.

3). All three of Germany's Communist Revolutionaries were also Jews.

Was this a coincidence?? Of course not. It was a carefully premeditated and well organized Jewish plan.

If after this you continue to parrot your "its a conspiracy theory" rant then you truly lack sufficient grey matter in your head to think logically.

Do you have proof? The onus is on you to prove your accusation that Hitler wanted all of Poland and Czechoslovakia.

You really have absolutely no knowledge of history. Hitler only claimed the territories which were ethnically German for 700 years and were torn from Germany after the treaty of Versailles. He never annexed the entire Polish state nor Czechoslovakia.

So yes, Hitler was justified in invading Poland to retake the lands which rightfully belonged to Germany, especially when considering the fact that the Poles began to systematically massacre and expel ethnic Germans from their ancestral lands..

Considerable Ethnic German Population within the territories given to Poland post Versailles:



You're the biased and hypocritical pseudo historian here parroting unlimited historical falsifications without even backing them with any source or evidence, mr so called "think tank", the irony is you can't even think logically and jump to label historical facts as "conspiracy theories".

Secondly, the Polish were not defending their 'homeland' by slaughtering and displacing Ethnic Germans over the fear that they would vote to become a part of Germany if a referendum were to be held to determine the future of Danzig and the Corridor.

The onus is on you to prove your accusation that Hitler stated he wanted to exterminate Slavs through a 'racial genocide'.

You can't lecture me on this subject, especially when all you have to back yourself is absolutely nothing, zilch, nada, other than hearsay since you really can't do your own research and thus your own thinking mr. so called 'think tank'.

The onus is on you to prove your tall claims, non of which you have proven. You truly are a lost cause.

I on the other hand backed each and every single one of my arguments with reputable and authentic sources. However, that still did not stop you from labeling them as "a conspiracy theory" since you really don't have a rebuttal at all.

Since you brought up the so called German 'confessions' here is how reliable these so called confessions were since they were all extracted through the use of physical and emotional torture:

" Former Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss was tortured by British officials into signing a false and self-incriminating "confession" that has been widely cited as a key document of Holocaust extermination. His testimony before the Nuremberg Tribunal, a high point of the proceeding, was perhaps the most striking and memorable evidence presented there of a German extermination program. /73 Höss maintained that two and half million people had been killed in Auschwitz gas chambers, and that another 500,000 inmates had died there of other causes. No serious or reputable historian now accepts either of these fantastic figures, and other key portions of Höss' "confession" are now generally acknowledged to be untrue. /74

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn has cited the case of Jupp Aschenbrenner, a Bavarian who was tortured into signing a statement that he had worked on mobile gas chambers ("gas vans") during the war. It wasn't until several years later that he was finally able to prove that he had actually spent that time in Munich studying to become an electric welder. /75

Fritz Sauckel, head of the German wartime labor mobilization program, was sentenced to death at the main Nuremberg trial. An important piece of evidence presented to the Tribunal by the US prosecution was an affidavit signed by the defendant. (Nuremberg document 3057-PS.) It turned out that Sauckel had put his signature to this self-incriminating statement, which had been presented to him by his captors in finished form, only after he was bluntly told that if he hesitated, his wife and children would be turned over to the Soviets. "I did not stop to consider, and thinking of my family, I signed the document," Sauckel later declared. /76
Hans Fritzsche, another defendant in the main Nuremberg trial, was similarly forced to sign a self-damning confession while he was a prisoner of the Soviet secret police in Moscow. (Nuremberg document USSR-474.) /77

Nuremberg defendant Julius Streicher, who was eventually hanged because he published a sometimes sensational anti-Jewish weekly paper, was brutally mistreated following his arrest. He was badly beaten, kicked, whipped, spat at, forced to drink saliva and burned with cigarettes. His genitals were beaten. Eyebrow and chest hair was pulled out. He was stripped and photographed. Fellow defendant Hans Frank was savagely beaten by two black GIs shortly after his arrest. August Eigruber, former Gauleiter of Upper Austria, was mutilated and castrated at the end of the war. /78

Josef Kramer, former commandant of both the Bergen-Belsen and Auschwitz-Birkenau camps, and other defendants in the British-run "Belsen" trial, were reportedly also tortured, some of them so brutally that they begged to be put to death. /79"

The Nuremberg Trials (part 2)
How Britain Tortured Nazi POW's During Interrogations- The Daily Mail

How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss

Now, once again i reinforced my argument with legitimate sources and if despite this you dismiss all of this evidence as "a conspiracy theory" then one can only question your sanity.

Also, this thread would be of importance to other members, Muslims in particular since it deals with the events which lead to Palestine being handed over to Zionists despite the land was inhabited by Muslims for centuries and belonged to Muslims:

@al-Hasani @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @p(-)0ENiX @KingMamba @Akheilos @BLACKEAGLE @Horus @Armstrong @Bratva @Serpentine @Hazzy997 etc...

1.Very well,if i know jack about the subject and you know all there is very little for us to talk about is there?Hitler the noble was on the wrong side of history- says desertfox.Except 99.99% of every scholar and rsearcherI(including germans after ww2),says the opposite.I guess u know all.
2.On lies and propaganda in mein kampf -''No amount of genius spent on the creation of propaganda will lead to success if a fundamental principle is not forever kept in mind. Propaganda must confine itself to very few points, and repeat them endlessly. Here, as with so many things in this world, persistence is the first and foremost condition of success''.
It is not the purpose of propaganda to create a series of alterations in sentiment with a view to pleasing these blasé gentry. Its chief function is to convince the masses, whose slowness of understanding needs to be given time in order that they may absorb information; and only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd.''

Monumental lies- for about a hundred times saying i have no further territorial ambitions-then breaking his word.Eg.after munich,before danzig,lying and breaking soviet-non aggression pact.Staging fire attack on his own parliament to use as excuse to ban all opposition,then sending all political opposition to concentration camps to be liquidated.
3.No my claim was germany had large numbers of communists due to very high industrialization,being the birthplace of communism is only bonus reason.These are perfectly reasonable assertions.
4.You said jews in germany caused her to lose the war ..which is blatantly false.Balfour declaration is concerned with palestinian and english jews mostly..where in this 'is the stab in the back'?American jewish lobby pro-war-why not?They are a independent group of people in another country entitled to their opinion-they can't 'stab germany in the back' because they are not germans in the first place.Hitler said germany's jews caused the 'stab in the back' -which implies from within not outside...now where are you going off to -russian revolutionaries?Prove how german jews defeated mighty german army.
You give quote of one jewish rabbi as to prove ur theory of grand jewish conspiracy-do you know how many controversial quotes/fatwas imams around the world make these days-does that mean we should believe there is a global muslim conspiracy-they are inflitarting societies,love jihad etc etc.
5.I don't have to prove hitler wanted all of poland and czechoslovakia.Actions speak louder than words..hitler took all of it in real life.Leaving a small puppet slovakia in a part of czechoslovakia.
Absolute rubbish how u justify hitler's invasion of czechoslovakia and poland,none of these areas were ethnically majority german as u claim.Poland was partitioned by 3 powers over 100 yrs ago and regained independence in 1919.Hitler had no right to attack czechoslovakia-it was never part of germany..earlier part of austrian empire..part ethnically majority west slav.Sudeten was first excuse-but what happened next .why hitler grabbed all of czechoslovakia breaking munich tereaty?Was prague ethnic german territory?Poland after 100 yrs of 'germanization' had finally got its country back-something u claim was a great crime.U blame all other imperialists but yet are very supportive of this naked nazi aggression.Under the nazi occupation of Poland, the Polish language was forbidden, Priests put under arrest or sent to concentration camps, the Polish printing presses were shut down no longer to be used, Polish people were limited to their own rights and restricted from public areas such as parks, Polish cities were renamed with the German language, Polish schools were shutdown, Polish art was destroyed, Polish history and culture was destroyed.

''The war against Russia will be such that it cannot be conducted in a knightly fashion. This struggle is one of ideologies and racial differences and will have to be conducted with unprecedented, unmerciful, and unrelenting harshness. All officers will have to rid themselves of obsolete ideologies. I know that the necessity for such means of waging war is beyond the comprehension of you generals but . . . I insist absolutely that my orders be executed without contradiction'' -Order to the army before barbarossa.

''Kill without pity or mercy, all men, women, and children of Polish descent or language.Only in this way can we obtain the living space [lebensraum] we need"-Hitler directive to his commanders.Polish losses in ww2.
  • 45% of her doctors,
  • 57% of her attorneys
  • 40% of her professors,
  • 30% of her technicians,
  • more than 18% of her clergy
  • most of her journalists
Hitler openly considered slavs inferior race(stated in mein kampf) and has in speeches and mein kampf stated his goal of seizing land from eastern europe to sue as lebensraum bu 'ruthlessly making there everything german'.Here a directive from himler on education to be imparted in controlled areas in eastern europe stated -Education to be limited to basic arithmetic,nothing above counting 500 and obeying a german as divine law.I would prefer if they didn't read.

As to auschwitz,the truth is for all to see but i can't put graphic images or videos in here..just go to the net and when u see the living skeletons and sickening masses of dead bodies in concentration camps,or scratched walls of nails of victimes suffocated in gas chambers i know who to believe..and so does more or less the whole world..oh wait i guess that was another conspiracy ..it was all set up ..nothing like it happened.Those millions of people just vanished.A blind apologist will always be a blind apologist.I admire german military tactics/strategy of this period but i have no illusions about their goals and actions and their consequences.It doesn't seem that we will be able to convince each other of anything and you have alreday resorted to personal attacks twice in ur last post..so just leave it.Your 'knowledge of history' which i admittedly have none-is based on conspiracy theory,blind apologism and nazi fanboyism and total self-denial.No one seeing pictures of conc camps and videos and interviews with survivors could ever deny this.But go on worshipping ur deity hitler,just remember if he had won ,you and ur whole family would be joining the jews and slavs in those same camps u deny existed.You are not 'pure' enough sadly.
Last edited:
Anyway this is to get u off my thread,so i can actually resume that.
1.''Don't try to play smart now. You were the one who posted a fake quote in the OP without even doing proper research.
That's not what you were trying to convey earlier through this fake quote, perhaps you should have clarified yourself before propagating this historical fallacy.And neither did you provide a source for that (fake) Goebbels quote.''
I need to save this one...Can use it against 500 and that solomon dude :pop:
1.Very well,if i know jack about the subject and you know all there is very little for us to talk about is there?Hitler the noble was on the wrong side of history- says desertfox.Except 99.99% of every scholar and rsearcherI(including germans after ww2),says the opposite.I guess u know all.

It seems you can do no better than parrot lies, goes to show your credibility, mr. "think tank".

I never exonerated Hitler for the crimes he did commit.

Secondly, genius if you even bothered to check all of my sources they are legitimate and authentic. Unlike you though who has no qualms at all in posting completely fake information and then you had the audacity to defend it. Shows how credible you are.

Nothing i posted thus far is fake or falsified, you asked for proof and i backed my claims with legitimate sources. You can cry as much as you want though, it ain't changing historical facts.

2.On lies and propaganda in mein kampf -''No amount of genius spent on the creation of propaganda will lead to success if a fundamental principle is not forever kept in mind. Propaganda must confine itself to very few points, and repeat them endlessly. Here, as with so many things in this world, persistence is the first and foremost condition of success''.
It is not the purpose of propaganda to create a series of alterations in sentiment with a view to pleasing these blasé gentry. Its chief function is to convince the masses, whose slowness of understanding needs to be given time in order that they may absorb information; and only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd.''

Monumental lies- for about a hundred times saying i have no further territorial ambitions-then breaking his word.Eg.after munich,before danzig,lying and breaking soviet-non aggression pact.Staging fire attack on his own parliament to use as excuse to ban all opposition,then sending all political opposition to concentration camps to be liquidated.

So you like repeating the same lies over and over again in the hopes that other dimwitted persons might fall for this nonsense?? Seems like you are a adherent of the very propaganda quotes you attribute to Hitler.

Anyhow, to address your lies once again:

On the Reichstag Fire:

"A Dutch communist, Marinus Van der Lubbe, was arrested near the scene, and subsequently he and four other suspects, including Ernst Torgler, the leader of the Communist group in the Reichstag, were put on trial. The official report of the provisional inquiry showed that the Red group had had "a remarkable number of party meetings in the Reichstag of late, without any reason which could be traced." At Liebknechthaus (the Communist HQ named after a leader of the abortive 1918 revolution), the authorities found lists of a large number of people who were to have been killed or arrested.

Van der Lubbe admitted that he had fired the building and that it was meant to be a signal for revolution. But, he claimed, contrary to expert testimony at the trial, that he had destroyed the building single handed. He stuck to his story, but elsewhere the Reds were spreading the lie that the fire had been started by the Nazis themselves, and that Van der Lubbe was a degenerate half-wit and homosexual prostitute planted on the scene as a "fall guy."

Just two days after the fire the Daily Worker (forerunner of the Morning Star) official organ of the British Communist Party, carried the banner headline "Nazis burn down the German parliament," and went on to state that the "Fascists" had accused the Communist Party of having done it "without a shred of evidence."

Thus was born one of the great myths of modern history - that the Nazis set fire to their own Parliament to provide an excuse for curbing the activities of the Communists. It might be said that some plausibility was given to the myth by the action of President Hindenburg (who was not a Nazi) on the day after the fire. Fearing that another Communist revolution had started, he declared martial law and suppressed Marxist propaganda in Prussia

The trial of Van der Lubbe and the other suspects should have dispelled any suspicion of Nazi guilt. It was a scrupulously fair trial which resulted in the acquittal of all the defendants except Van der Lubbe himself.
The full truth is not yet known, but sound basic facts -- certainly more than enough to discredit allegations of Nazi responsibility -- were brought to light in Britain by the liberal historian Professor A. J. P. Taylor, who admits that he had accepted the myth unquestioningly "without looking at the evidence." Later, however, writing on "Who burnt the Reichstag" in the August 1960 issue of the specialist magazine History Today, Taylor, working largely on evidence provided by Fritz Tobias, an anti-Nazi German civil servant, and which had been published earlier in Der Spiegel, points out that the Nazis made no attempt to manufacture evidence against the Communists -- which seems a strange omission if, as alleged, the whole affair was staged to justify the suppression of the Communists. As for the counter-trial, one of the witnesses there was "muffled to the eyes" according to Taylor, who wryly adds: "This was a wise precaution: he was in fact a well-known communist and unmistakably Jewish.""

Fire In The Reichstag

then sending all political opposition to concentration camps to be liquidated.

So you're saying in 1933 Hitler sent some 10 million Germans to the concentration camps and massacred them??

The onus is on you to prove this allegation.

3.No my claim was germany had large numbers of communists due to very high industrialization,being the birthplace of communism is only bonus reason.These are perfectly reasonable assertions.
Russia had more Communists than Germany, therefore your argument is completely absurd.

4.You said jews in germany caused her to lose the war..which is blatantly false.Balfour declaration is concerned with palestinian and english jews mostly..where in this 'is the stab in the back'?American jewish lobby pro-war-why not?They are a independent group of people in another country entitled to their opinion-they can't 'stab germany in the back' because they are not germans in the first place.Hitler said germany's jews caused the 'stab in the back' -which implies from within not outside...

No mr."thinktank" those so called "American Jews" were in fact German Jews, born and bred in Germany:

From Wiki:

German Jew & influential Zionist banker Jacob Schiff:

"Schiff was born in 1847 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, to Moses and Clara (née Niederhofheim) Schiff, members of a distinguished Ashkenazi Jewish rabbinical family that traced its lineage in Frankfurt back to 1370. His father, Moses Schiff, was a broker for the Rothschilds.[1] Schiff was educated in the schools of Frankfurt and was first employed in the banking and brokerage business as an apprentice in 1861.[4][5] After the U.S. Civil War had ended in April, 1865, Schiff came to the United States, arriving in New York City on August 6.

Upon the dissolution of Budge, Schiff & Company in 1872, Schiff decided to return to Germany. In 1873 he became manager of the Hamburg branch of the London & Hanseatic Bank."

German Jew and influential Zionist Banker Felix Warburg:

"Felix Moritz Warburg (14 January 1871 – 20 September 1937) was a German-born American banker. He was a member of the Warburg banking family of Hamburg, Germany."

German Zionist Jew Otto Warburg, instrumental in the deal involving the Balfour Declaration:

"Otto Warburg (1859–1938), was a German botanist. He was also a notable industrial agriculture expert, as well as an active member of the Zionist Organization (ZO). From 1911–21, he served as the president of the Zionist Organization, which among other things, sought 'for the Jewish people a publicly and legally assured home in Palestine."[1]

Otto Warburg was born in Hamburg on 20 July 1859 to a family whose ancestors came to Germany in 1566, possibly from Bologna. He completed his studies at the Johanneum Gymnasium in Hamburg in 1879, and continued his education in the field of botany at the University of Bonn which he left after one semester to move to the University of Berlin, and later to University of Strasbourg, where he received his Ph.D in 1883. He went on to study chemistry in Munich and physiology in Tübingen with Wilhelm Pfeffer. In 1885 he embarked on a 4 year expedition to Southern and Southeastern Asia, ending in Australia in 1889."

Also, from other sources:

"[M] Of the Warburg international banking family. Although ostensibly a second Secretary in the Wilhelmstrasse, Warburg has been reported as having the same postition in German counterintelligence as Adrmiral Canaris in World War II.
[N] Jacob Schiff, German-born senior partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and "the most influential figure of his day in American Jewish life," wrote in The Menorah Journal of April 1915: "It is well known that I am a German sympathizer ... England has been contaminated by her alliance with Russia ... am quite convinced that in Germany anti-Semitism is a thing of the past.[64] The Jewish Encyclopedia for 1906 states that "Schiff's firm subscribed for and floated the large Japanese war loan in 1904-05" (for the Russo-Japanese war). "in recognition of which the Mikado conferred on Schiff the second order of the Sacred Treasure of Japan." Partners with Schiff were Felix M. Warburg and his brother Paul who had come to New York in 1902 from Hamburg, and organized the Federal Reserve System."

Behind the Balfour Declaration

Yet, Jacob Schiff was quick to sell Germany short when it came to acquiring Palestine from England in exchange for English victory against Germany, his homeland and country of birth.

now where are you going off to -russian revolutionaries?Prove how german jews defeated mighty german army.

Either you haven't read the sources i quoted or you suffer from severe reading comprehension issues, truly embarrassing for a "think tank" don't you think?

This is what you posted in response to my earlier post:

"4.Do you have proof they were not atheists?Communist by itslef implies athgeist,so they are taken as such until acting or speaking otherwise.The onus is on you to prove these guys were actually jewish secret agents working on some worldwide jewish grand plan."

And in reply to your post i posted this:

"Negotiations for a series of loans totalling $190,000,000 by the United States to the Provisional Government in Russia of Alexander Kerensky were begun on the advice of the U.S. ambassador to Russia, David R. Francis, who noted in his telegram to Secretary of State Lansing, "financial aid now from America would be a master-stroke. Confidential. Immeasurably important to the Jews that revolution succeed... " [120]

In the same month, Leiber Davidovich Bronstein, alias Leon Trotsky, a Russian-born U.S. immigrant, had left the Bronx, New York, for Russia, with a contingent of followers, while V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) and a party of about thirty were moving across Germany from Switzerland, through Scandinavia to Russia. Some evidence exists that Schiff and other sponsors like Helphand financed these revolutionaries."

Behind the Balfour Declaration

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime

Leon Trotsky, the Jew:
Leon Trotsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lenin's Jewish Ancestry confirmed:
Lenin's Jewish roots put on display in Russian museum

Don't try to play stupid now.

So here you have it in the above source influential Jewish Bankers from America funding a Communist revolution within Russia to overthrow the Czar and a influential Jewish Rabbi Stephen Wise praising the revolutionaries (who were Jews) as "noble sons and daughters of Israel".

1). So the major financiers of the Communist revolution were Jewish Bankers (all Zionists).

2). The major Bolshevik Revolutionaries were all Jews.

3). All three of Germany's Communist Revolutionaries were also Jews.

Was this a coincidence?? Of course not. It was a carefully premeditated and well organized Jewish plan.

If after this you continue to parrot your "its a conspiracy theory" rant then you truly lack sufficient grey matter in your head to think logically.

All three main leaders of the various Communist Revolutions within Germany were Jews:

Karl Liebknecht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rosa Luxemburg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kurt Eisner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These Jews actively participated in subversive activities detrimental to the German state, including sabotage and receiving military aid from a foreign entity (Bolshevik regime in Soviet Union), that is treason.

You give quote of one jewish rabbi as to prove ur theory of grand jewish conspiracy-do you know how many controversial quotes/fatwas imams around the world make these days-does that mean we should believe there is a global muslim conspiracy-they are inflitarting societies,love jihad etc etc.

Straw man.

The fact that a influential Jewish (Zionist) Religious figure praises Communist revolutionaries as the "noble sons and daughters of Israel" doesn't fit in with your ridiculous argument that Communist automatically implies those Jewish revolutionaries were Atheist.

"I believe that of all the achievements of my people, none has been nobler than the part the sons and daughters of Israel have taken in the great movement which has culminated in free Russia." [119]

Stephen Samuel Wise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

do you know how many controversial quotes/fatwas imams around the world make these days-does that mean we should believe there is a global muslim conspiracy-they are inflitarting societies,love jihad etc etc.

Could you give me a quote of a very influential Muslim scholar praising Muslim converts to Atheism for establishing a Communist state?? The onus is on you.

5.I don't have to prove hitler wanted all of poland and czechoslovakia.
Because you can't. You're just a armchair historian who most likely never picked up a book regarding this subject (or any historical subject). All you do is parrot lies and make yourself look like a complete moron in the process.

Actions speak louder than words..

You're right, actions do speak louder than words:

Newly Discovered Photos Reveal Life Of Comfort Within Polish POW Camp- Spiegel


"The Polish officers imprisoned in Murnau were allowed to put on plays and operettas
as entertainment. Since there were no female inmates at the camp,
men took on the women's roles in drag, apparently having much fun with it."


"An orchestra was also part of the officers' camp Oflag VII-A in Murnau.
The officers' audiences were composed of German soldiers at the camp,
who occasionally brought their families with them to the shows."


"A group of Polish officers poses on the stage of the camp theater, with the orchestra in the foreground."


"Polish POW's were provided with plenty of leisure time to partake in
the many facilities available at the POW camp Oflag VII-A in Murnau ."


"On April 29, 1945, the approximately 5,000 prisoners at the
Murnau POW camp were liberated by American forces.


"This photo was taken after the camp's liberation.
The men are apparently waiting for the truck that would take them away."

They're all healthy, lively, and lived to see the end of the war. According to the arm chair historian @AUSTERLITZ 's logic Hitler must have somehow forgotten to liquidate these Polish Slavic Subhumans.

Under the nazi occupation of Poland, the Polish language was forbidden, Priests put under arrest or sent to concentration camps, the Polish printing presses were shut down no longer to be used, Polish people were limited to their own rights and restricted from public areas such as parks, Polish cities were renamed with the German language, Polish schools were shutdown, Polish art was destroyed, Polish history and culture was destroyed.
More historically inaccurate garbage. Once again armchair historian does not fail us in posting more and more contradictory nonsense.

If Polish printing presses were closed down and Polish language was banned then why were the Nazis posting propaganda posters in Polish language?? Once again, armchair historian contradicts.


none of these areas were ethnically majority german

Those Ethnic/Linguistic maps don't agree with you

A blind apologist will always be a blind apologist.I admire german military tactics/strategy of this period but i have no illusions about their goals and actions and their consequences.It doesn't seem that we will be able to convince each other of anything and you have alreday resorted to personal attacks twice in ur last post..so just leave it. blind apologism and nazi fanboyism and total self-denial.No one seeing pictures of conc camps and videos and interviews with survivors could ever deny this.But go on worshipping ur deity hitler,just remember if he had won ,you and ur whole family would be joining the jews and slavs in those same camps u deny existed.You are not 'pure' enough sadly.

You calling me a blind apologist while yourself ranting without any evidence on your part. How funny.

if he had won ,you and ur whole family would be joining the jews and slavs in those same camps u deny existed.You are not 'pure' enough sadly.
I never denied the camps. You seem to love falsely accusing others of things.

Yeah, just like he did to this short Chinese official, right:

Yep, just like these guys:

The rest of your post was nothing but utter nonsense. Truly embarrassing for this forum that we have a pseudo historian posing as a "think tank". @Horus and @WebMaster you guys have been handing out "thin tank" titles like candy.

Once again, Austerlitz delivers on straw man arguments and more drivel. Certainly not worth my reply as i have made my point already.

Anyhow, our discussion in a nutshell for future reference:

1). You attributed false quotes to Hitler and Goebbels and i rebuked your weak justification of the false quotes with a proper argument backed with legitimate sources.

2). You dismissed the Communist/Jewish Bankers back stabbing Germany in exchange for Palestine from Britain as a "conspiracy theory" and i rebuked you with authentic sources including Winston Churchill's speech in the British House of Common's.

3). You dismissed Jewish (Zionist) Bankers and revolutionaries involvement in the various Communist movements within Europe and Russia as "a conspiracy theory" and once again i destroyed your pathetic argument with a proper rebuttal backed with legitimate sources.

4). You claimed that there were no ethnic Germans residing within German territory given to Poland by the Western Allies and once again i destroyed your pathetic argument with those detailed maps.

5). You claim Hitler wanted to 'exterminate all Slavs in a mass genocide' yet you have been unable to provide a single referenced source (a speech, Nazi gov.t documents, etc) in which Hitler bragged about any such plans to 'mass exterminate slavs'.

6). You use images and photography as evidence that the Jews were gassed by the Germans at Auschwitz and other camps, even though at the Nuremberg Trials not a single gassed Jewish body was produced as evidence to convict a single Nazi official.

7). You claim that high ranking Nazi confessions are solid evidence that Jews were gassed, when in fact these confessions were extracted through torture as i pointed out once again through legitimate sources.

8). You claim that none of the American Jewish Bankers were Germans, when in fact they were:

Your 'knowledge of history' which i admittedly have none-is based on conspiracy theory

Let me know which one of my sources is a conspiracy theory website. Otherwise your argument does not hold true.

The Jewish Stab In The Back:

COLONIAL OFFICE. (Hansard, 4 July 1922)

Behind the Balfour Declaration

Jewish Bankers Involvement with Communist movements:

Behind the Balfour Declaration

Jewish Communist Revolutionaries:

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime

Leon Trotsky, the Jewish Bolshevik:
Leon Trotsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lenin's Jewish Ancestry confirmed:
Lenin's Jewish roots put on display in Russian museum

Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography

All three main leaders of the various Communist Revolutions within Germany were Jews:

Karl Liebknecht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rosa Luxemburg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kurt Eisner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nazi Confessions Extracted Through Torture:

The Nuremberg Trials (part 2)
How Britain Tortured Nazi POW's During Interrogations- The Daily Mail

How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss
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Refrain from mocking the titles, nobody is expert at everything. @Desert Fox

In that case a so called "think tank" like @AUSTERLITZ should not be allowed to mock my well researched and backed arguments as "conspiracy theories" just because he's having a hard time refuting my posts with legitimate sources on his part.

@WebMaster A think tank should not be allowed to pass such judgements on others posts:

Your 'knowledge of history' which i admittedly have none-is based on conspiracy theory
You are doing a wonderful job @Desert Fox. Im really impressed. Carry on friend, Im following. I don't think he would able to cover the sun with a finger. Obviously the dude has his own version of history or deliberately trying to falsely and twist the actual documented references.
In that case a so called "think tank" like @AUSTERLITZ should not be allowed to mock my well researched and backed arguments as "conspiracy theories" just because he's having a hard time refuting my posts with legitimate sources on his part.

@WebMaster A think tank should not be allowed to pass such judgements on others posts:

Point taken. You both have a right to agree to disagree. Let others judge.
Very well,i have been holding back on this clown till now.I request permission to post graphic content from mods just for this topic.Then i'll reply.No more short replies.
ww2 graphic content is pretty common in net ,so i hope will be allowed for one thread.
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