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Depsang Bulge incursion accidental, Chinese military thinktank says


Sep 20, 2009
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Depsang Bulge incursion accidental, Chinese military thinktank says

BEIJING: Embarking on a rare charm offensive, a top Chinese military thinktank suggested that Beijing's action at Depsang Bulge in eastern Ladakh could have been "accidental, not deliberately staged". Speaking to a group of invited Indian journalists here, Colonel Ma Jun of the PLA's Academy of Military Sciences (AMS) said India and China had developed several "pragmatic mechanisms" and they should be left to handle border issues, making a strong pitch to put it behind us.

On April 15, Indian patrols found the Chinese troops had set up camps at Depsang Bulge leading to a "face-to-face" situation because it went against a bilateral 2005 protocol — it took a lot of Indian diplomatic capital to extricate both countries from what could have been a big mess.

This is the first time any Chinese official institution has come close to explaining the incident, although couched in assertions of China's peaceful development. It's also the first time the PLA's diplomacy wing has opened out to foreign, particularly Indian, journalists. "We don't meet the Chinese media either," said Maj Gen Chen Zhou.

The AMS is no ordinary institution. Staffed by senior serving officers of the PLA, it describes itself as the military's top thinktank, largely responsible for crafting China's defence policy. Major General Chen Zhou, deputy director of AMS, said the institution takes its orders directly from the Central Military Commission (which is headed by general secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping himself) and was directly responsible for drafting the all-important Defense White Paper earlier this year.

Neither the PLA's think-tank, nor the foreign affairs department of the Chinese ministry of national defence were willing to give a clearer explanation of why the incident occurred, or what they may have been thinking. Instead, Maj Gen Chen observed "the quick settlement of the border incident reflects that both countries have the broader relation in mind". Senior Capt Cao Weindong at the defence ministry even thought the camps had been set up merely to keep out the cold.

The Depsang incident came closest to disturbing the larger relationship, which had remained largely on an even keel despite aggressive patrolling on the border by both sides.

Although PLA experts here sought to show that the fact that no shot had been fired on the border for decades reflected a stable relationship, a joint statement between Indian and Chinese Defense ministers here last week shows what a close shave Depsang was for both countries.

"Noting that peace and tranquility in their border areas was an important guarantor for the growth and development of bilateral cooperation, the Ministers emphasized the importance of enhancing mutual trust and understanding between the two militaries. They reviewed the working of agreements and protocols dealing with the maintenance of peace and tranquility and directed that it be further strengthened."

Colonel Yang Yujun, spokesperson for the defence ministry's foreign affairs department, stated China would never go in for military expansionism, while asserting that Beijing's reunification with Taiwan was still unfinished business. Keeping up the charm diplomacy, he highlighted the essential feature of China's military policy as being "defensive".

Depsang Bulge incursion accidental, Chinese military thinktank says - The Times of India

Next time IA should shoot these drunk soldiers who are crossing accidentally into India territory. :sniper:
Next time IA should shoot these drunk soldiers who are crossing accidentally into India territory. :sniper:

I dare you,the only thing you Indian soldiers are good at is running away with their tails between their legs.
I dare you,the only thing you Indian soldiers are good at is running away with their tails between their legs.

Like last time when your soldiers went back with out a single word of protest .... :lol:, We are not Phillipines are some other country to be scared of some nut job chinese soldiers, This time the guys who cross the border will be either captured or killed.
Go and boast about your copied defense toys some where else not in front of us,cause we will shoot those low quality things like birds.
Looks like the Chinese are coming to senses after all the neighbors are building militarily and are cooperating each other. The recent news is Russia is beefing up soldiers near Chinese border.

Chinese are cowards by nature and their policies of hide and seek games and grabbing territories when no body is there points to this fact. Do not use the word dare since you are warning each and every neighbor but every thing remain the same for almost a decade now .... :lol:
evne when Indians run,they can run fast enough,that's why we captured thousands of them and could find enough place to put all of them.lol..
Causalities -India

Killed: 4,885

POW: 3,968

Wounded: 1,697

Causalities -China

Killed: 722

Wounded: 1,696

that's the brave Indian army lol.
You mean the way you ****** got your drunken opium-laden ****** kicked by the Japanese prior to WW2 including the Nanking Ma***** -:)
> On December 9, the Japanese troops launched a massive attack upon the city. On the 12th, the defending Chinese troops decided to retreat to the other side of the Yangtze River (Yangzi Jiang). On December 13, the 6th and 16th Divisions of the Japanese Army entered the city' s Zhongshan and Pacific Gates. In the afternoon, two Japanese Navy fleets arrived. In the following six weeks, the occupying forces engaged in an orgy of looting and mass execution which came to be known as the Nanking Massacre. Most experts agree that at least 300,000 Chinese died, and 20,000 women were raped. Some estimate the numbers to be much higher - 340,000 and 80,000 respectively.

How brave of the chinese!!!!!
You mean the way you ****** got your drunken opium-laden ****** kicked by the Japanese prior to WW2 including the Nanking Ma***** -:)

but we won in the end,ha,in the history,we kicked them,they kicked us,but India gets kicked by everyone.
but we won in the end,ha,in the history,we kicked them,they kicked us,but India gets kicked by everyone.

Then why is this think tank after pissing in pants giving such type of statements, some thing must have scared him .... :lol:
> Initially the Japanese scored major victories in Shanghai after heavy fighting, and by the end of 1937 captured the Chinese capital of Nanking. After failing to stop the Japanese in Wuhan, the Chinese central government was relocated to Chongqing in the Chinese interior. By 1939 the war had reached stalemate after Chinese victories in Changsha and Guangxi.

How about relocated changed to "ran away with their tail between their legs"
> Initially the Japanese scored major victories in Shanghai after heavy fighting, and by the end of 1937 captured the Chinese capital of Nanking. After failing to stop the Japanese in Wuhan, the Chinese central government was relocated to Chongqing in the Chinese interior. By 1939 the war had reached stalemate after Chinese victories in Changsha and Guangxi.

How about relocated changed to "ran away with their tail between their legs"

ALL is well that's ends well,they surrendered in the end,and we won.but what pride can India get from that?that's so funny,we kicked you,thats enough,ha
> Initially the Japanese scored major victories in Shanghai after heavy fighting, and by the end of 1937 captured the Chinese capital of Nanking. After failing to stop the Japanese in Wuhan, the Chinese central government was relocated to Chongqing in the Chinese interior. By 1939 the war had reached stalemate after Chinese victories in Changsha and Guangxi.

How about relocated changed to "ran away with their tail between their legs"

Relocated ..... :lol:

Your generals left the unarmed civilians in Nanking to be massacred,raped and humiliated by Japanese and ran away. No general will do that if he is a real soldier. That too a capital city.

And the victories of chinese are scored with the help of Allies.
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