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Delhi Court to JNU: No Beef or Pork festivals

In today's world especially in India where hatred is spread by every means necessary, trying to create Tolerance in mutli-ethnic society of our, artificially, is a welcome move.

People didn't start following traffic rules when it was started. Law has to be imposed and people have to be fined. Now you see it has become habit for most of the people. Sometimes you need forced input to change psychological process of a human being. Laws are made just for that to maintain social order and avoid violence.

If this decision results in avoiding any protest, possible riot which may cost in loss of lives or money, I think I will give my support for it.

The family of victim of such riots will ask the Govt./Court why didn't they bring these decisions before which could have saved victim's life.

Look all around you guys, look at the atmosphere everyone is living, negative news which is every where, changes the people all around and make them more intolerant.
They can hold Chicken,mutton and seafood festival?
change will not come out of blue..for that you need to spread ideas like this, you need to take small steps at least..and that steps IMO Should start from children and youngsters of this country..

Is the right to eat beef or in that case pork worth risking the life and property of many individuals who may or may not be directly involved in this affair..I don't think so? Its just beef and pork, both of which is freely available in states like Kerala and Goa and discreetly available in all other states..Move on , there are much serious issues plaguing the nation.
Not proper for a court to interfere with the rights of those who want to consume beef and/or pork in a secular democracy. What next? That women may not wear jeans since it may offend the religious sentiments of some religion or another? This is indeed a joke to Indian secularism and democracy. No need to compare it to Pakistan which declares itself to be an Islamic Republic. It's either that we are secular or we are not. No middle ground

Cow slaughter is banned in Delhi. Pork festival was banned just to appease minority.
Yes they can just study..
But my question was if Mutton and seafood can also trigger anger in India? or its just Beef for obvious reasons.

Not beef but pork for obvious reasons and that too when we have seen demonstration capabilities of people around the world.

ANd wtf is cow slaughter banned for..?For the poison content..?

Based on the directive principles of state policy provided in the Constitution of India.
I gotta say. I am supremely disappointed in some of these indian institutions. I'm allowed to drink, have sex, vote, smoke, etc...but there are restrictions on what I am allowed to eat?! Using the "cultural sensibilities" argument to defend this ruling is plain stupid. In a mature society, the contents of my neighbors kitchen can't be and should not be a matter of discussion and debate in my drawing room.
ANd wtf is cow slaughter banned for..?For the poison content..?

Pregnant Cows are banned from slaughtering in Kerala also.

Yes they can just study..
But my question was if Mutton and seafood can also trigger anger in India? or its just Beef for obvious reasons.

Beef & Pork for obvious reasons.

Anyways its ironical that all this nonsense happens in Govt run colleges. There are hundreds of educational institutions in India run by religious organizations and trusts. I am yet to hear a Pork festival organized in a Christian College or a beef festival in a Muslim college.
I gotta say. I am supremely disappointed in some of these indian institutions. I'm allowed to drink, have sex, vote, smoke, etc...but there are restrictions on what I am allowed to eat?! Using the "cultural sensibilities" argument to defend this ruling is plain stupid. In a mature society, the contents of my neighbors kitchen can't be and should not be a matter of discussion and debate in my drawing room.

Is there a religious police in India checking each and everybody's kitchen to find out what they eat..I don't think so. The objection is against the open display that hurts religious as well as cultural sensibilities.
What da f. why would a high court get involved in a trivial thing such as food festivals?

It shows how intollerant indian populace is, does that mean the secularism and democracy slogans are empty rant?

where is the tolerance after 60 years of supa dupa democracy and secularism?

High court have not gone to public its the public that have approached the High court for passing orders as per the constitution of India.

Because as per our constitution if something hurts the religious sentiments or felling or any community or person its illegal and must be stopped.


Why to stop pork and beef festival. Let these take place whoever wants to eat pork will go for it and who ever wants to eat beef will go for it those who dont want to will move on.

1. No, you are stupid to abuse high court of India respect the law and the courts we don't abuses your courts which gives judgements even on samosa prices in Pak Punjab.

2. The court is right as the law and order problem can occurred and it was hurting the sentiments of Hindus and Muslims.

India have once gain proved that its secular :yahoo:
This food fest. was used to held to hurt community feelings, where some idiot people wanted to show them self modern and secular. As you know secular means disrespect hindu, hurt there feelings, all possible things .
I don't know why in India secular means is being anti Hindu .

and people who are jumping on India becz of this news. 1st see in your country..

JNU is good university and 1 of best uni in India. i did not expected this news from JNU.

Why Hindu is against Secularism? Hindu can tolerate those who want to eat Beef or Pork. It is the Militant Hindutva wing who are against any culinary festivals like this.
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