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Decommissioned INS Vikrant sold for Rs 60 crore

Firstly , a thread is already running on this subject.

Next, reproduced below is the text of the article you have quoted. My questions :

1. Where does the word " Muslim Company' figure in the article ?
2. Do companies have a religion ?
3. What was the need to doctor a title - sensationalism ?


Can the title of this thread be corrected please ?

The decommissioned aircraft carrier of the Indian Navy, INS Vikrant, which played an important role in the 1971 Indo-Pak war, has been sold for Rs. 60 crore.

"The auction process of INS Vikrant was completed last week and a company named IB Commercial Pvt Ltd won the bid," said a defence source in Mumbai on Tuesday.

Earlier, the Maharashtra Government had expressed its inability to maintain Vikrant, the Indian Navy's first aircraft carrier which was commissioned in 1961. It was decommissioned in January 1997.

The defence source said that once the money is paid, the company will have to tow the ship away from the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai, where it is anchored currently, within thirty days.

"Condition of the ship is so bad that it is not worth converting it into a museum," the source said, adding that Navy would be able to use the space vacated by the ship in the Dockyard for some other fruitful purposes.

In January 2014, during the hearing of a public interest litigation which opposed the plan to scrap the ship, the Union Ministry of Defence told the Bombay High Court that it had completed its operational life.

While the Maharashtra government stated that to preserve it as a museum would not be viable financially.

The High Court subsequently dismissed the PIL.

The Majestic-class aircraft carrier, purchased from Britain in 1957, played a key role in enforcing the naval blockade of East Pakistan during the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971.
To show that such things happen in India.
While it is impossible for Hindus of Pakistan to have achieved it.
Despite that Pakistanis are saying Indian Muslims are persecuted in India.

The quality of posts is decreasing rapidly in the last couple of months...... I mean, why the **** did you have to change the title to ..."Muslim company" ?

What the heck is wrong in your head? @narcon

Owned by Muslims.
Indian Muslims have a free hand in such a kind of purchases.
Despite that we hear from Pakistan, Indian Muslims are harassed in India.

Was this kind of a situation possible in Pakistan?
It can never happen.
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So I work for a french firm so should I call it Christian company or french company? Common yaar think beyond religion thingy. Religions are private things and should not affect our public life.
@Oscar @Emmie please change the title of the thread.

This is what happens when religion is used in politics, people get carried away :tdown:
koi na koi na ! Abki Baar Modi Sarkar ! Save INS Virat !
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