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Dec the 6th Marks the Destruction of Babri Masjid by Hindu Fascists PKKH.tv

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Oct 10, 2012
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Dec the 6th Marks the Destruction of Babri Masjid by Hindu Fascists – Will Resistance be the Final Solution for Indian Muslims? | PKKH.tv


PKKH Exclusive | by Zainulabedin Ameer

With Hitler’s Mein Kempf being popularized among Upper-Middle Class Youth, India is brimming with Nazi Ideology. Evidence exists in the form of mass killings of Muslims and the destruction of a centuries’ old Babri Masjid – 180 million downtrodden Muslims and other minorities in India face an inevitable Genocide – Will Jehad be the Final Solution?

Shining India’s democratic, secular and pluralist label only fascinates apologists and those who are hoodwinked. The harsh reality is that Muslims as well as other minorities in India remain marginalized. Hindu fascist elements with growing popularity overshadowed Gandhi’s passive resistance ages ago, and Shiv Sena’s late Bal Thackery is chiefly responsible for preaching Hitler’s fascism to India’s young generation. Now millions in India adore Hitler because “He loved his country; he was a great patriot. He gave back to Germany a sense of pride.” Mohandas Gandhi on the other hand is now being portrayed as ‘a Coward’. As a result, the attacks on minorities have become more frequent and spell danger for what the future holds, particularly for Muslims.

Significant increase of genocidal attacks has taken roots in India, in the past two decades, that has been periodically manifested in form of Indian military personnel involvement in the Samjhota Express attack, Communal Riots in Gujrat, as well as periodic [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Christian_violence_in_India"]attacks on Christian towns[/URL] (such as Orrissa) and foreign Christian missionaries in India. The incident, however, that angered Muslims the most was the Babri Masjid destruction, the anniversary of which is being marked this week (Thursday, 6th December). While the list of gruesome attacks on minorities can go on and on, it is this singular act of destruction that remains most significant and most symbolic as to the plight of Muslims in India. Protests against the carnage of this sacred place of worship came from Muslims outside India, especially from Pakistan, but the Muslims in India remained silent.

The hatred for Muslims by Hindu fascists during the destruction of Babri Masjid at Ayodhya rippled to other parts of the country. ‘Habiba Ismail Khan can’t forget the day her eldest son ventured out to get food and water. Their Mumbai slum had been overcome by communal rioting, sparked by the destruction of the Babri Mosque by Hindu hardliners in faraway Ayodhya…. After days trapped inside, the sounds and smells of killing around them, he made a dash for supplies. “He was 18, the only earner,” says Habiba.’ Despite such a dire situation, Muslims in India have not been able to voice their opinions and concerns, and they remain at the mercy of a fascist Hindu ideology. This is precisely the reason why the formation of Pakistan was an absolute must.

While Pakistan continues to fight all sorts of clandestine attacks in the form of the Fourth Generation Warfare from India, Israel and America, it stands like a rock; it remains a fortress and a launch pad for protecting the rights of Muslims. Pakistan despite its woes remains the strongest Muslim voice for persecuted Muslims, whether it is Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq or Arakan. Its efforts have been seen in the form of peacekeeping missions inside Non-Muslim troubled regions as well, and it’s no secret that it continues to play a pivotal role in freedom struggles where Muslims are persecuted. Kashmir is a glaring example; Pakistan vehemently supports the cause of the Kashmiri Muslims, so much so that there is now immense pressure on India to relinquish its evil clutches from that region. However, when it comes to the oppression of Muslims within India, Pakistan has not yet instigated any movements in India. India on the other hand does everything in its power to destabilize Pakistan; Baluchistan is a prime example of Indian interference along with its allies in Afghanistan, the evidence of which has been sent to all governments concerned.

To state the problem clearly; Pakistani Muslims automatically feel for the anguish other Muslims feel, and with ongoing persecution of Muslims in India, it’s just a matter of time before Muslim uprisings occur in India that might develop into full blown Resistance.

Clearly, Muslims in India remain marginalized despite some opportunistic Muslims securing key seats in Indian governmental and military offices. It’s noteworthy to mention that Muslims hold barely 4% of government jobs. This is apparently to hoodwink the world, while terrorists like Bal Thackeray, the late Shiv Sena leader, had practiced and preached extremist Hindu ideology, leaving behind a legacy of hatred and instability; those he has influenced are mainly the upper Brahman class of Hindus that have full potential to emerge as Asia’s Nazis.

Thackeray is responsible for a decline in pure Indian nationalism as a result of his references to Hitler, so much so that Mein Kempf is now a hot favorite among Brahman students. With this Fascist ideology now voluminously preached like never before, Muslims and other minorities in India will inevitably face persecution like never before. The only way out of this is for Muslims to stand up for themselves as international peace bodies will always turn a blind eye to the sufferings of Muslims. It is quite apparent that if Muslims in India wish to survive an inevitable genocide, they will have to come out of their shell of pretence and engage in the battle of self-preservation in the legal front and by way of internal integrity.

Babari Mosque is a lingering question upon the Hindu conscience that returns every year to ask this brute majority if they have the moral right to rule their estranged minorities, with the hate and prejudice they cannot but nurture, even for one day more.

Zainulabedin Ameer is part of the PKKH Editorial Team

Dec the 6th Marks the Destruction of Babri Masjid by Hindu Fascists – Will Resistance be the Final Solution for Indian Muslims? | PKKH.tv


PKKH Exclusive | by Zainulabedin Ameer

With Hitler’s Mein Kempf being popularized among Upper-Middle Class Youth, India is brimming with Nazi Ideology. Evidence exists in the form of mass killings of Muslims and the destruction of a centuries’ old Babri Masjid – 180 million downtrodden Muslims and other minorities in India face an inevitable Genocide – Will Jehad be the Final Solution?

Shining India’s democratic, secular and pluralist label only fascinates apologists and those who are hoodwinked. The harsh reality is that Muslims as well as other minorities in India remain marginalized. Hindu fascist elements with growing popularity overshadowed Gandhi’s passive resistance ages ago, and Shiv Sena’s late Bal Thackery is chiefly responsible for preaching Hitler’s fascism to India’s young generation. Now millions in India adore Hitler because “He loved his country; he was a great patriot. He gave back to Germany a sense of pride.” Mohandas Gandhi on the other hand is now being portrayed as ‘a Coward’. As a result, the attacks on minorities have become more frequent and spell danger for what the future holds, particularly for Muslims.

Significant increase of genocidal attacks has taken roots in India, in the past two decades, that has been periodically manifested in form of Indian military personnel involvement in the Samjhota Express attack, Communal Riots in Gujrat, as well as periodic [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Christian_violence_in_India"]attacks on Christian towns[/URL] (such as Orrissa) and foreign Christian missionaries in India. The incident, however, that angered Muslims the most was the Babri Masjid destruction, the anniversary of which is being marked this week (Thursday, 6th December). While the list of gruesome attacks on minorities can go on and on, it is this singular act of destruction that remains most significant and most symbolic as to the plight of Muslims in India. Protests against the carnage of this sacred place of worship came from Muslims outside India, especially from Pakistan, but the Muslims in India remained silent.

The hatred for Muslims by Hindu fascists during the destruction of Babri Masjid at Ayodhya rippled to other parts of the country. ‘Habiba Ismail Khan can’t forget the day her eldest son ventured out to get food and water. Their Mumbai slum had been overcome by communal rioting, sparked by the destruction of the Babri Mosque by Hindu hardliners in faraway Ayodhya…. After days trapped inside, the sounds and smells of killing around them, he made a dash for supplies. “He was 18, the only earner,” says Habiba.’ Despite such a dire situation, Muslims in India have not been able to voice their opinions and concerns, and they remain at the mercy of a fascist Hindu ideology. This is precisely the reason why the formation of Pakistan was an absolute must.

While Pakistan continues to fight all sorts of clandestine attacks in the form of the Fourth Generation Warfare from India, Israel and America, it stands like a rock; it remains a fortress and a launch pad for protecting the rights of Muslims. Pakistan despite its woes remains the strongest Muslim voice for persecuted Muslims, whether it is Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq or Arakan. Its efforts have been seen in the form of peacekeeping missions inside Non-Muslim troubled regions as well, and it’s no secret that it continues to play a pivotal role in freedom struggles where Muslims are persecuted. Kashmir is a glaring example; Pakistan vehemently supports the cause of the Kashmiri Muslims, so much so that there is now immense pressure on India to relinquish its evil clutches from that region. However, when it comes to the oppression of Muslims within India, Pakistan has not yet instigated any movements in India. India on the other hand does everything in its power to destabilize Pakistan; Baluchistan is a prime example of Indian interference along with its allies in Afghanistan, the evidence of which has been sent to all governments concerned.

To state the problem clearly; Pakistani Muslims automatically feel for the anguish other Muslims feel, and with ongoing persecution of Muslims in India, it’s just a matter of time before Muslim uprisings occur in India that might develop into full blown Resistance.

Clearly, Muslims in India remain marginalized despite some opportunistic Muslims securing key seats in Indian governmental and military offices. It’s noteworthy to mention that Muslims hold barely 4% of government jobs. This is apparently to hoodwink the world, while terrorists like Bal Thackeray, the late Shiv Sena leader, had practiced and preached extremist Hindu ideology, leaving behind a legacy of hatred and instability; those he has influenced are mainly the upper Brahman class of Hindus that have full potential to emerge as Asia’s Nazis.

Thackeray is responsible for a decline in pure Indian nationalism as a result of his references to Hitler, so much so that Mein Kempf is now a hot favorite among Brahman students. With this Fascist ideology now voluminously preached like never before, Muslims and other minorities in India will inevitably face persecution like never before. The only way out of this is for Muslims to stand up for themselves as international peace bodies will always turn a blind eye to the sufferings of Muslims. It is quite apparent that if Muslims in India wish to survive an inevitable genocide, they will have to come out of their shell of pretence and engage in the battle of self-preservation in the legal front and by way of internal integrity.

Babari Mosque is a lingering question upon the Hindu conscience that returns every year to ask this brute majority if they have the moral right to rule their estranged minorities, with the hate and prejudice they cannot but nurture, even for one day more.

Zainulabedin Ameer is part of the PKKH Editorial Team


I advice author of this article to go through this piece and learn how to write editorials.


Also read this as well.Hope it will serve as a reminder how Pakistan treats its minorities.

BBC News - Razed temple highlights Pakistan Hindu woes

India has done a much better job in taking care of its minorities compared to Pakistan and it will continue to do so.We don't need Pakistanis to tell us how to treat minorities.So take a Hike!!
To state the problem clearly; Pakistani Muslims automatically feel for the anguish other Muslims feel, and with ongoing persecution of Muslims in India, it’s just a matter of time before Muslim uprisings occur in India that might develop into full blown Resistance.

I said this in another thread and say it again:

The total number of muslims killed in riots in India post the Guj 2002 riots (that is 10 years back) is still less than the number of shias (just a part of muslims) killed in Pakistan in the month of Nov alone. So take your anguish onto your own minorities and shed your crocodile tears there.
I was a 12 year old kid when it happened. Even then I felt that it is wrong to tear down any place of worship. I don't feel any differently. If Babur did break a temple there - he broke it 400 years ago. There was no constitution - heck there was no modern nation state. There is no excuse for breaking any place of worship in spite and anger or even to correct historical wrongs.
Why threads like these are allowed which has no backing with facts. Indians following Nazi ideology ?

Isn't it a gross generalization by action of few extremists who destroyed the Masjid, killed people in Gujrat or Christians.

Indians also suffer from these extremists in form of Maoists, Bodo etc. Why this fact is ignored ?

Isn't it analogous to call all Pakistanis have terrorist mentality because few terrorists caught happened to be Pakistanis ?

Doesn't this post lies in hate speech with no rationality ?

Why there is labeling of all Hindus as fascists ? Is there any reason that there are 180 million Muslims residing in India and their population is increasing everyday ? Is co-existence of Hindus and Muslims in India has anything to do with this fact ?
With Hitler’s Mein Kempf being popularized among Upper-Middle Class Youth, India is brimming with Nazi Ideology. Evidence exists in the form of mass killings of Muslims and the destruction of a centuries’ old Babri Masjid – 180 million downtrodden Muslims and other minorities in India face an inevitable Genocide – Will Jehad be the Final Solution?

Quoted for posterity.. Not of the idiocity of the post, but the blatant bias of the Mods.. (since a Mod has been seen in this thread).. Aeronaut, mate.. thoroughly disappointed...
@KRAIT, stop whining about mods and stop taking pdf seriously. :)
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@KRAIT, stop whining about mods and stop taking pdf seriously. :)
I am not whining nor I am taking this article seriously. :D

I am just trying to explore the Babri Masjid and Gujrat Massacre issue and their importance to Pakistan. :enjoy:
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Although the masjid destruction in itself an evil thing to do, it was actually a good thing for India. The situation was like a volcano, and had to erupt some day.
It weakened BJP's main reason for support and forced it go be less right wing and reinvent as a party that can run on development agenda.
Also, aesthetically it was not really a good looking mosque. I would be appalled (infact very angry) if it was some historically significant monument like humayun's tomb or taj mahal or jama masjid.
Also, aesthetically it was not really a good looking mosque. I would be appalled (infact very angry) if it was some historically significant monument like humayun's tomb or taj mahal or jama masjid.

You would have to see jama Masjid today to believe the f!lth surrounding it. Cant believe they have kept India's largest mosque like that, without cleaning or such. But then so is India's holiest river.

Such carelessness and lack of respect and care for one's own heritage.

It weakened BJP's main reason for support and forced it go be less right wing and reinvent as a party that can run on development agenda..

It actually gave birth to BJP.

The thing that forced it to go less right wing was the advent of coalition politics and not this incident.

And its still a volcano unless a temple is built there.
Babri Mosque is India's internal issue, and the topic has been discussed,milked and abused before as it always will be. The case is between India's right wing Hindus and its Muslim population, they have judicial system to solve this issue and it has been settled,according to Indian jurisprudence.

No, "Jihad" is needed to help the Indian Muslim "brothers". This mentality will, lead Pakistan to the gallows, when we start thinking as if we inherit the God given right to protect every Muslim that breathes on this earth. There are more "Brothers" in India than there are humans in Pakistan, they can defend themselves all to well, their hindu countrymen just need to test them just a little more,to learn that.

Pakistan, shall have no business what what Indian Muslims are up to, we should fix our own issues, treat our own minorities a little better before we start claiming the moral high ground for nothing.

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