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"Death of Laden" Discovery channel 9 pm programme Indian enemy


The article you posted actually reaffirms my point. OBL mentioned Kashmir once in 2006. And if you had listened to his entire speech you would know what the main focus of his speech was. He mentioned it in the context of targeting Musharraf for assassination and a global call for attack on different countries like Sudan Afghanistan e.t.c. The one and only time he mentioned it.

The fact remains that we have never had an Arab being involved or committing a terrorist act on Indian soil, or on Indian interests outside. All terrorist attacks wether even in Afghanistan were done by Pakistanis or Pakistani based terrorist groups.

And the rest of your post about oil wealth. I'm not sure what you mean. Personally, I don't see it as "Muslim wealth" I see it as Iranian, Iraqi or Saudi wealth and its upto them on how to use it.

And just to give you a quick correction on some common misconceptions
Saudis are the highest donating country as a pecentage of GDP in the world to the UN aid program, they also have the biggest refining and petrochmeical industries. Google Saudi ARamco and SABIC to find out more

The Turks have actually developed their own satellites and there are many other countries too. An AFghan was the first Muslim in space and has been followed by a SAudi. An Iranian women was the first muslim woman in space.

And Saudi Arabia actually is building a supercomputer that is expected to get the 6th position in the world. I don't know how much indigenous materials are being used but an interesting news item to read Saudi supercomputer lures researchers | Reuters

I think, the media perception of the past decade is the cause of most of these misconceptions. I suggest reading up news online from Arab countries specifically but other ocuntries like Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia as well and you would be pleasantly surprised. I think its high time we do the extra effort to see the change taking place in the Arab world, but also know that they represent only 18% of muslims world wide and not miss out Turkey, Indonesia and all the other countries were 80% of Muslims live.

Bingo man!
Tell it to all muslim bro see your power let makes world most powerful computers. The arabs r not muslims non arab muslims need more efforts on such. arabs has moral support to pak. financially might support to muslim groups for spreading isram by wrong ways too. however cristians r also supporting that.

Most impotant thing is regarding priority make survey in muslim nations and amongst them

"what is in ur priority list
`satelights making'
'economy development'
'super computers'
`rocket technology'
'jehad against USA'
'spreading religion'(regarding number no matter whether person really follow concept of religion or not, like in all religions of the world)

you will find answer how many and of which country follow development and how many prefer destruction.

priority of arabs not a development and all world muslims treated of second after arabs by them. why?
non arabs r not pure muslims like them?

plz dont take it as provocative this is just free minded views if i shall be wrong I will be most happiest person of world.
fantastic. first time get such nuch info of operation. really marvells there were many people then also no info was leaked.

rq-125 was used.
Are you understanding what you are writing? Why was Al-qaida not a "major" threat? ["major" or minor a threat is a threat] Have you forgot the warnings AQ gave to India if India attacks Pakistan? Or are you acting as if you dont know? Do u think the above mentioned terrorists have no relation with OBL? If you still think AQ poses no "major" threat to India, it is better u read this article.
Al Qaeda threatens India with 'humiliation' if Pakistan is attacked - The Long War Journal

How does it matter when Ilyas kashmiri moved towards AQ? The bottom line is he and OBL are linked, that is enough to consider OBL a grave threat to India.

Again I'm reiterating the same point. It dosent matter when he joined his hands, the only thing which matters is if they were partners or not.
Regarding bolded part of the quote, I just want to reming you that Ilyas kashmiri was a front runner for the AQ top spot. AQ is not dumb to select a contender who is not directly linked.

I think you are misreading what I am saying. First of all the front runners are Saif el Adel and Ayman Al Zawahiri not Ilyas Kashmiri. Many consider him to be a long shot. Even the head of AQ operations in the region was an Arab named Mustafa Abu al-Yazid who was killed in 2010 and was replaced by ANOTHER Arab Abu Yahya Al-Libi later. No Ilyas Kashmiri or even a Pakistani selected for this slot.

As an Indian, I would like to put Indian interests first even though that might sound a bit selfish. Sure OBL was bad and as I mentioned he has killed more muslims than non-muslims and deserved to be killed asap. But other people who are involved in LeT, HuJI, JuD e.t.c. based in Pakistan have been more of a threat to India than OBL ever was. And this is also the consensus of security agencies in India as well.

This doesn't mean we should keep an eye out for AQ. If we come across any intel on these groups, we should share it with out relevant partners like the US or GCC states to crack down on them. We have CT agreements with most countries and should expect the same from other countries when they find intel on India-centric groups working on their soil.

Let me give you another example, Hezbollah has been involved in a number of terrorist attacks and suicide bombings. Infact in the number of suicide attacks they are probably the highest. But do they pose a threat to India? No, because they targeted only Israeli occupation in southern Lebanon for the most part.

I hope that has made it clearer. Our focus should be on India centric groups as a more immediate concern. And to be clear again, OBL - a person who advocated killing so many innocent civilians both muslims and non-muslims as well as distorted Islamic teachings- deserved to die and there are no two opinions about it.

Similarly, China blocking the sanctioning of JuD in the UN Security Council was a bigger threat for Indian security and an hostile act in fact given that JuD leaders are openly inciting attacks and nuclear war against India.

You don't have to agree with me, but try to think with this different perspective. I am sure you will understand what I am saying.
This doesn't mean we should keep an eye out for AQ. If we come across any intel on these groups, we should share it with out relevant partners like the US or GCC states to crack down on them. We have CT agreements with most countries and should expect the same from other countries when they find intel on India-centric groups working on their soil.

Let me give you another example, Hezbollah has been involved in a number of terrorist attacks and suicide bombings. Infact in the number of suicide attacks they are probably the highest. But do they pose a threat to India? No, because they targeted only Israeli occupation in southern Lebanon for the most part.

I hope that has made it clearer. Our focus should be on India centric groups as a more immediate concern. And to be clear again, OBL - a person who advocated killing so many innocent civilians both muslims and non-muslims as well as distorted Islamic teachings- deserved to die and there are no two opinions about it.
I agree. For me concentrating more on AQ is like treating the wrong disease. Does not mean that we have to completely ignore them, but concentrate on the task at hand.
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