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Deadly blast near India nuclear plant


Apr 8, 2007
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A crude bomb exploded near a nuclear plant in southern India, demolishing two houses and killing six people, according to police.

One of the three people seriously injured on Wednesday was identified by police as an anti-nuclear activist and a suspect in the case.

Among the six killed were a women and three young children, police said, without saying if they had been in the house or nearby. Police also recovered two unexploded bombs near the site.

The Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, which has inspired years of protests by local residents in Tamil Nadu state, was unaffected by the blast and operating normally, police said.

Police have moved to prosecute anti-nuclear activist SP Uthayakumar and others in connection with the explosion.

Cases under the Indian Penal Code and Explosive Substances Act have been filed against Uthayakumar, head of the anti-nuclear People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE), his associates Pushparayan, Mukilan and as yet unnamed others, reports quoting top police officials said.

The cases relate to offences including culpable homicide not amounting to murder and criminal conspiracy.

PMANE is spearheading the protests against the Kudankulam nuclear power plant in Tirunelveli.

Deadly blast near India nuclear plant - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English
awesome, this is how it all starts, bomb a year then two and then the stories begin
Anti nuclear energy protesters in TN have been under govt scanner for their foreign links. They trying to use bombs to potentially discredit our nuclear program is a serious matter.

RIP to any innocents!
It has happened several kilometers away from Reactor site. Anyway RIP to innocents.
It has happened several kilometers away from Reactor site. Anyway RIP to innocents.

Media sensationalizing the news, whats new here. The fact of the matter is the people will be shot dead even before they get close to the power plant. So they are killing innocents in villages near the plant. RIP
RIP to the dead, disturbing and dangerous development.

RR, that was no "brief-case nuke" or a "dirty nuke".
What started as an expression of activists enviromental and social has gotten hijacked by rabid political elements. They are the kind that will stoop down to anything to make some waves. I'll tell you what has happened in this incident. The guys associated with the radical fringes of the movement have been making DIY crude explosives (the kind of stuff that you know something about), not even from gelatine sticks but more basic stuff. Somebody must have been industriously "cooking up the final stew". Also bear in mind that; this particular region is infested with family members and sympathisers of the erstwhile Tamil Tigers. They are not unfamiliar with trying to blow themselves up or those around themselves.
RR, that was no "brief-case nuke" or a "dirty nuke".
What started as an expression of activists enviromental and social has gotten hijacked by rabid political elements. They are the kind that will stoop down to anything to make some waves. I'll tell you what has happened in this incident. The guys associated with the radical fringes of the movement have been making DIY crude explosives (the kind of stuff that you know something about), not even from gelatine sticks but more basic stuff. Somebody must have been industriously "cooking up the final stew". Also bear in mind that; this particular region is infested with family members and sympathisers of the erstwhile Tamil Tigers. They are not unfamiliar with trying to blow themselves up or those around themselves.

Thanks for the detailed response Captain, much appreciated.
RR, that was no "brief-case nuke" or a "dirty nuke".
What started as an expression of activists enviromental and social has gotten hijacked by rabid political elements. .

please let us know who are the political elements involved ?

Also bear in mind that; this particular region is infested with family members and sympathisers of the erstwhile Tamil Tigers. They are not unfamiliar with trying to blow themselves up or those around themselves

Giving a Tamil Tiger twist is so lame , a well known tactic used by Indians to demonise Tamils. conveniently brushing aside all consideration of the fishing folks livelihood, the environment - discharge of waste and other safety issues
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"It is clear that KKNPP suffers from several serious issues that need to be resolved before the plant can be commissioned. Lakhs of people living in vicinity of the plant are bound to be apprehensive in such a situation.
"Instead of dealing with these issues and addressing the concerns in a meaningful way, the government has launched a wave of repression and has slapped 8000 sedition cases against peaceful protesters," said advocate Prashant Bhushan, appearing for the petitioners.

He said the government has not complied with the statutory guidelines framed by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) regarding nuclear safety and pleaded with the apex court to restrain the Centre from commissioning the plant.

The bench, however, refused to pass any order and asked the petitioners to implead NDMA.

The petitioners' counsel also questioned the Centre's decision of exempting Russian reactor manufacturer firm from liability in case of accident due to defect in the reactor.

Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant suffers from 'serious issues': Anti-nuclear activists tell Supreme Court - Economic Times
So sad and RIP to the poor people who died.

We should all condemn terrorist no matter what country they belong to.

Killing innocent people is no way to protest against Nuclear Reactors.

May the terrorist burn in hell for killing poor innocent people.
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