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Dar terms $1.5b donation a 'gift from friends'

Well, frankly. as for India I never saw the cost India payed for this lunch. Enlighten me if u can.

On the other hand Pakistan has payed extra premium for a roadside meal. Care to explain this difference.

Matter of fact is, both India and Pakistan faced foreign pressure in this regard but India successfull rebutted it everytime since Partition whereas Pakistan never ever. Care to explain this difference?

open a thread will discuss different factors ...... in detail

Didn't know that you have access to such delightful things :) gawd try uploading a video next ..... Try YouTube !!!


..... :whistle:
even this is non-of my concern or point of debate in context of previous discussion (hope you have read previous post of Indian posters)

There is lot of trolling involved, no point going over that. And I don't mind you bringing India.

I would like to ask you to plz elaborate your statement or reconsider it "Foreign currency has minimal direct effect on economy" ...... because this is such a wrong statement even it is contradicting to your own statement in this very same post so i am giving you benefit of doubt here.
Yeah, that was a wrong statement, I meant it is small part of GDP for most countries so no point comparing. I was commenting on your post to compare 1.5 bill to 240 bill economy.

secondly it seems you think $ 1.5 Billion is given to balance the 'Current Account' which is not the case, just study the the below attached table from the State Bank of Pakistan-Monetary policy Compodium-March 2014

point to be observed here:
It would be used for things like infra development. But it came right at the time where FCR was very low. Some high sitting person had commented to get the $ below 100Rs or something, this raises question.

  • Current Account Balance as % of GDP is -1.1 (i am not quoting the CAD of India as you have already quoted in you post)
  • Our Export + Remitances Stand (till Jul-Jan) 23,737
  • Against the Import bill (till Jul-Jan) 24,500
  • Difference 763 million
What does this Indiactes simple we had to choose our options to settle our other International Financial commitments which we managed much before the receiving of that amount which is quit evident (the attached report of Forex Reserve of Pakistan-SBP) as our reserve held by SBP as of July-13 $ 5,203.8 million & at December-13 $ 3,479.3 million, Difference $ 1,724.3 million which is almost equivalent to our other commitments.

Can you detail?

We received the $ 1.5 Billion in two tranches one in Feburary & second in March. if every thing goes according the planing of government that our Current account would be much less than -1.1 of GDP till June-14

View attachment 21571
sources SBP Monetary Policy information Compodium March 2014
link: http://www.sbp.org.pk/m_policy/2014/MPS-Mar-2014-Compendium.pdf
I only stated current account deficit, and not complete balance, which stands on $2 billion. Overall balance is -2.1 billion, more than CAD. Proves me right. Would not quote SBP reserves from this, please refer below.

Will not comment about your observation or knowledge attached is the list of forex reserve of Pakistan from 2004-05 till 7th March 2014.

View attachment 21570
sources: SBP Liquid Forex Reserve Report till 07- March-2014, link: http://www.sbp.org.pk/ecodata/forex.pdf

your quoted figure for Pakistan Forex reserves is wrong.

I quoted the news was for before 14 feb. Please check -
“The State Bank holds only $2.8 billion in foreign currency reserves, of which $2.6 billion has been borrowed from the commercial banks,” said Sayem Ali, an economist at foreign commercial bank. “This latest data thus points to worrying times ahead and greater risk of default on payments to commercial banks and international creditors.”

With weak inflows through the year – barring trickles from the IMF – official reserves of the central bank fell to critically low levels in the week ending February 7, 2014. While Dar has expressed hopes that foreign exchange reserves will go up to $10 billion by the end of March and $16 billion by the end of December 2014, there is yet no word on how this is to happen.
Current account deficit widens to $2.05 billion - thenews.com.pk

I was assuming it would be prior to the 1.5 billion transaction, thus giving the situation of SBP without the aid.
Now check SBP statement, on 7 feb, the reserve is 2.8billion, which is what the newspaper reported. Also, the news said that 2.6 out of 2.8 is borrowed from commercial banks. Unfortunately I am unable to find the relevant detail in the SBP site but I suppose that article is reliable enough. No?

Come on be mature don't use wiki when you can excess original DATA from primary sources ......
It can be easily verified. Which tells me I made a mistake :P. I quoted a figure for July November, the July-Jan data from SBP report stands 14.7 export and 24.5 import.

plz explain your statement as i am unable to get your point ...... r u implying that Pakistan received PKR against 85% of its import .....
No, I meant that this aid is very percentage of Pakistan's yearly foreign trade. My purpose of bringing this up was that the foreign trade of Pakistan is not a big figure, an aid of a billion and half dollar can easily tip the scales. Certain person can live up to his claim of bringing the currency down to 1$ = 100PkR. CAD could be balanced out. Any mismanagement in fiscal policies can be hidden behind it.

Should I discuss about Indian economy here my dear, believe me I am quite capable for this as well will use official DATA from primary sources, but as its not the core of our discussion I would leave this topic here.
As I said before, I have no problem discussing India. I am not a big fan of the current government, and its policies.

Dear my point about was simple Do not lecture us about the economic transactions (Grant & Loan), It not some thing that is alien for Indians ...... If your trying to lecture me about the Indian economy and Trade open a thread it will be fun to learn some thing ..... at least for me .... ;)
There is nothing to lecture. Yes, India has taken aid. A lot of it. There is nothing to criticize Pakistan about it. But I would point out two things - it was never a deciding factor. Like I showed in my post before - the aid from 18 years - 31 billion dollar would not be sufficient to cover the account deficit of this one year alone. Infact, India would be giving more than a billion dollar in aid to other countries this fiscal.
Second - the government was quick to take corrective measures. Which is where I would criticize the Pakistani government. It has been receiving large amount of aid for a long time, yet it failed to take any measure to reduce the deficit.

It is true that it has been hit by war and terrorism, but you cannot call the performance of either of your government - this or the previous one - to be satisfactory.
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It would be used for things like infra development. But it came right at the time where FCR was very low. Some high sitting person had commented to get the $ below 100Rs or something, this raises question.

Dear even at the 07Th Feb 2014 (as per your observation FCR was very low at that day) 'Total Forex Reserve' were $ 7.589 Billion, that High sitting person was Finance Minister of Pakistan & was aware of that very fact that our current account is not that widen or unmanagable that it will lead free fall of PKR, as I showed you earlier in my previous post excluding other Financial Comitments our Trade Deficit + Remittances was $ -763 million (approximately 0.3179% of GDP) quit manageable. At the time of receiving that Saudi grant we had already met all of our commitments.

now to make this point more understandable and clears follow the calculations below

SBP 'NET' RESERVE as on July-13 ------ $ 5,203.8 million
SBP 'NET' RESERVE as on Dec-13 ------ $ 3,479.3 million
SBP 'NET' RESERVE Difference ---------- $ 1,730.5 million

it is approximately equivalent to the current account deficit $ 2.0 billion, as $ 322 million was received in December 2013. (refer to the SBP Liquid Foreign exchange reserve table attached in previous post )

Can you detail?

which detail are you are asking .... I was referring to all items of Current account deficit other than Trade Deficit+ Remitances.

I only stated current account deficit, and not complete balance, which stands on $2 billion. Overall balance is -2.1 billion, more than CAD. Proves me right. Would not quote SBP reserves from this, please refer below.

My dear calculation of outstanding is one thing and the payment of outstanding is another thing, I have showed you that we had already fulfilled all of our financial commitments ..... so what are you trying to point out here ....

I quoted the news was for before 14 feb. Please check -

Current account deficit widens to $2.05 billion - thenews.com.pk

I was assuming it would be prior to the 1.5 billion transaction, thus giving the situation of SBP without the aid.
Now check SBP statement, on 7 feb, the reserve is 2.8billion, which is what the newspaper reported. Also, the news said that 2.6 out of 2.8 is borrowed from commercial banks. Unfortunately I am unable to find the relevant detail in the SBP site but I suppose that article is reliable enough. No?

No, either reporter was just illiterate in terms of economics or it is mis-reported, I have already told you from an authentic source that SBP had 'net' foreign reserve of $ 2.8413 billion and Scheduled commercial banks were holding $ 4.7483 billion as foreign reserves which constituted a total of $ 7.5896 billion forex reserves.

Secondly government borrow from Pakistani commercial banks in PKR not in $ and that to meet Government expenditures as normal practice around the whole world ...... nothing extra ordinary here

One more thing is the borrowing from banks for the under discussion period stands @1.819 billion not for 2.6 billion there is no such figure of borrowing from Shedule banks

External Debt.JPG

source SBP Monetary Policy Information Compodium March-2014
link: http://www.sbp.org.pk/m_policy/2014/MPS-Mar-2014-Compendium.pdf

No, I meant that this aid is very percentage of Pakistan's yearly foreign trade. My purpose of bringing this up was that the foreign trade of Pakistan is not a big figure, an aid of a billion and half dollar can easily tip the scales. Certain person can live up to his claim of bringing the currency down to 1$ = 100PkR. CAD could be balanced out. Any mismanagement in fiscal policies can be hidden behind it.

if your logic is that every single penny earned or borrowed cause a positive impact in the balance of payment than my dear $ 400 million or $ 400 billion also tipped the scale to a certain degree for the balance of payment of India ....

plz allow me to say, this $ 1.5 have not made any extraordinary impact on the balance of payment (if you account other forex receivable which are much higher than this amount) ..... its just help to reduce the speculations from the forex market (I would not say that it has ended the speculation)

As far as mis-management of policy is concern I give you hint here our Current transfer were standing at $ 11.542 billion against 23.737 billion, and out $ 11.542 billion $ 9.0 billion were the remittances because of this reason speculators were playing their role.

There is nothing to lecture. Yes, India has taken aid. A lot of it. There is nothing to criticize Pakistan about it. But I would point out two things - it was never a deciding factor. Like I showed in my post before - the aid from 18 years - 31 billion dollar would not be sufficient to cover the account deficit of this one year alone. Infact, India would be giving more than a billion dollar in aid to other countries this fiscal.
Second - the government was quick to take corrective measures. Which is where I would criticize the Pakistani government. It has been receiving large amount of aid for a long time, yet it failed to take any measure to reduce the deficit.

Again I posted those figures to reply certain class of posters, would repeat myself that its non of my concern that India borrowed $ 400 billion or received $ 31 billion as grant ..... the basic purpose was to shut some big mouths ....

It is true that it has been hit by war and terrorism, but you cannot call the performance of either of your government - this or the previous one - to be satisfactory.

I am not here to defend any government either, but it does not mean I should accept the comment of every tom dick & harry .....
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Don't have time to look things up any more, I'll defer to you here.Nice discussing with you.
No Video ????? oh my god ....so u posted your picture instead !!! such a pretty face ....:no:

*** galla te menu ve kadnia andia ne ...but i will let you be yourself ....

open a thread will discuss different factors ...... in detail


..... :whistle:
No Video ????? oh my god ....so u posted your picture instead !!! such a pretty face ....:no:

*** galla te menu ve kadnia andia ne ...but i will let you be yourself ....

te sardar jee karo na galla ..... roka kis na hai .... but remember ........ :whistle:

Video on demand .... ;)
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