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Dar terms $1.5b donation a 'gift from friends'

Ur post started with loans and ended witg loans.

I stop reading after that line ..... i think you need to get a reference from Dictonary to know the meaning of Aids and Grants as highlighted in my previous post ....... which you just ignored ....


I was under the impression that you are a smart poster but .....all your posts are full of hatred ...... that why I call Indi@n @$$ is on fire .... :flame:

And how many Chinese members do you see on this thread acting like smart asses? None. Learn some humility from them. Remember, respect is not demanded, it is earned.
Err it is a two way street Pakistanis also troll in Indian threads some of the Indians are just returning the favour.
Err it is a two way street Pakistanis also troll in Indian threads some of the Indians are just returning the favour.

That's not very mature, don't act like those teenagers. Each member can make a difference towards the quality of the forum...
That's not very mature, don't act like those teenagers. Each member can make a difference towards the quality of the forum...
Yeah you are right but why you are saying this to me?? I didnt trolled,did i??.I just very calmly said that your comparison is wrong.
I stop reading after that line ..... i think you need to get a reference from Dictonary to know the meaning of Aids and Grants as highlighted in my previous post ....... which you just ignored ....
View attachment 21560

I was under the impression that you are a smart poster but .....all your posts are full of hatred ...... that why I call Indi@n @$$ is on fire .... /quote]
That's barely $400 million, of which about 160 million is by GEF. What effect do you think it has on Indian economy?
That's barely $400 million, of which about 160 million is by GEF. What effect do you think it has on Indian economy?

I believe before to talk about the effects you will read previous post to understand the context of this post .... (Claims of Indian posters) ..... and would comment about the $ 31.4722 billion 'grant' Indian government received in 18 years ....

& if you are a serious poster and have a bit understanding of economy can you tell me how much effect $1.5 billion can cause to the economy of $ +240 billion ..... ???

i expect you would not repeat exchange rate argument ..... seriously no joking ....
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I believe before to talk about the effects you will read previous post to understand the context of this post .... (Claims of Indian posters) ..... and would comment about the $ 31.4722 billion 'grant' Indian government received in 18 years ....

I do not know how much of it was given to the government and how much to NGOs. Need more info.

& if you are a serious poster and have a bit understanding of economy can you tell me how much effect $1.5 billion can cause to the economy of $ +240 billion ..... ???

i expect you would not repeat exchange rate argument ..... seriously no joking ....

That is a wrong comparison. Foreign currency has minimal direct effect on economy. You have to check its effect on current account balance, which affects the economy.

Pakistan's current account balance stands - $2 billion as of 20 feb:
KARACHI: Pakistan’s current account deficit widened sharply to $2.05 billion in the first seven months of the current fiscal, as compared to $441 million in the same period last year, data issued by the State Bank of Pakistan showed on Wednesday.
Current account deficit widens to $2.05 billion - thenews.com.pk

1.5 billion is almost 80% of its current account deficit.

“The State Bank holds only $2.8 billion in foreign currency reserves, of which $2.6 billion has been borrowed from the commercial banks,” said Sayem Ali, an economist at foreign commercial bank. “This latest data thus points to worrying times ahead and greater risk of default on payments to commercial banks and international creditors.”

The foreign currency reserves are almost nil if excluded the borrowing. 1.5 billion is about 60% of total reserves.

Exports is $10.367 billion in (July–November 2013)and imports is $18.110 billion[1]
Foreign trade of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

15% of the exports that get the foreign currency.

You should be well aware that dollars is the life line of economy - the trading currency of oil.

About India:


Current account deficit narrows on exports push-up - Economic Times

The CAD varied between 125 - 40 billion within an year. But it is still too large compared to any aid/grant. 400 million is peanuts. Infact, it is much larger than the aid received in 18 years - 31 billion that you posted. To come out of recent crisis, govt discouraged bullion imports, which itself amounted to saving 20 billion within a year. Now compare it to any grant/aid.

India's foreign trade is in tune of 350 billion exports 450 billion imports. An yearly aid of 1.5 billion from your charts doesn't affect.
I stop reading after that line ..... i think you need to get a reference from Dictonary to know the meaning of Aids and Grants as highlighted in my previous post ....... which you just ignored ....
View attachment 21560

I was under the impression that you are a smart poster but .....all your posts are full of hatred ...... that why I call Indi@n @$$ is on fire .... :flame:

Dude, think again. Its not bout being *** on fire. All the above Aid u talking bout is frm UK which was in the constitution of theirs to pay the commonwealth for a stipulated time.

Even you know India has strongly asked UK to not consider it for its Aid program and thats where the NEt Donar vs Net Aid Acceptor debate in India started.

Now my point is, when have u seen India ASK for an Aid by keeping its sovergnity on line?

As I said, Aid factor in India and Pakistan are Completely different. Aid is not bad UNTIL it climbs on ur shoulder and pisses in ur ear.

In India Aid is never a detterent of Self Respect.
In Pakistan Aid is irrespective of Self Respect.

I know u are a sane poster and finally understand my intent right frm start.
Dude, think again. Its not bout being *** on fire. All the above Aid u talking bout is frm UK which was in the constitution of theirs to pay the commonwealth for a stipulated time.

I would ask you again to read that attached report and that data given in it ....
I would ask you again to read that attached report and that data given in it ....
I did. And I felt proud that none of the Aid recived has ever come with any conditions attached. Those Aid are not asked by the govt but are voluntary. In other words the safest of the grants.

Dont divert from the intent of our discussion. The discussion is not bout whether Aid is right or wrong or whether India takes Aid or not. The crux of discussion is, whether ASKING for Aid with your Sovergnity and Self Respect on a toss is justified?

We all know the answer and seen the consequences.
I do not know how much of it was given to the government and how much to NGOs. Need more info.

even this is non-of my concern or point of debate in context of previous discussion (hope you have read previous post of Indian posters)

That is a wrong comparison. Foreign currency has minimal direct effect on economy. You have to check its effect on current account balance, which affects the economy.

Pakistan's current account balance stands - $2 billion as of 20 feb:

Current account deficit widens to $2.05 billion - thenews.com.pk

1.5 billion is almost 80% of its current account deficit.

I would like to ask you to plz elaborate your statement or reconsider it "Foreign currency has minimal direct effect on economy" ...... because this is such a wrong statement even it is contradicting to your own statement in this very same post
You should be well aware that dollars is the life line of economy
so i am giving you benefit of doubt here.

secondly it seems you think $ 1.5 Billion is given to balance the 'Current Account' which is not the case, just study the the below attached table from the State Bank of Pakistan-Monetary policy Compodium-March 2014

point to be observed here:
  • Current Account Balance as % of GDP is -1.1 (i am not quoting the CAD of India as you have already quoted in you post)
  • Our Export + Remitances Stand (till Jul-Jan) 23,737
  • Against the Import bill (till Jul-Jan) 24,500
  • Difference 763 million
What does this Indicates, simple we had to choose our options to settle our other International Financial commitments which we managed much before the receiving of that amount which is quit evident (the attached report of Forex Reserve of Pakistan-SBP) as our reserve held by SBP as of July-13 $ 5,203.8 million & at December-13 $ 3,479.3 million, Difference $ 1,724.3 million which is almost equivalent to our other commitments.

We received the $ 1.5 Billion in two tranches one in February & second in March. if every thing goes according to the plan of government than our Current Account Deficit would be much less than -1.1 of GDP till June-14

BAP-March 2014.JPG

sources SBP Monetary Policy information Compodium March 2014
link: http://www.sbp.org.pk/m_policy/2014/MPS-Mar-2014-Compendium.pdf

The foreign currency reserves are almost nil if excluded the borrowing. 1.5 billion is about 60% of total reserves.

Will not comment about your observation or knowledge attached is the report of Forex reserve of Pakistan from 2004-05 till 7Th March 2014.


sources: SBP Liquid Forex Reserve Report till 07- March-2014, link: http://www.sbp.org.pk/ecodata/forex.pdf

your quoted figure for Pakistan Forex reserves is wrong.

Come on be mature don't use wiki when you can excess original DATA from primary sources ......

15% of the exports that get the foreign currency.

plz explain your statement as i am unable to get your point ...... r u implying that Pakistan received PKR against 85% of its exports .....

You should be well aware that dollars is the life line of economy - the trading currency of oil.

About India:


Current account deficit narrows on exports push-up - Economic Times

Should I discuss about Indian economy here my dear, believe me I am quite capable for this as well & will use official DATA from primary sources, but as its not the core of our discussion I would leave this topic here.

The CAD varied between 125 - 40 billion within an year. But it is still too large compared to any aid/grant. 400 million is peanuts. Infact, it is much larger than the aid received in 18 years - 31 billion that you posted. To come out of recent crisis, govt discouraged bullion imports, which itself amounted to saving 20 billion within a year. Now compare it to any grant/aid.

India's foreign trade is in tune of 350 billion exports 450 billion imports. An yearly aid of 1.5 billion from your charts doesn't affect.

Dear my point was simple Do not lecture us about the economic transactions (Grant & Loan), It not some thing that is alien for Indians ...... If your trying to lecture me about the Indian economy and Trade open a thread it will be fun to learn some thing ..... at least for me .... ;)
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na ....its quit easy .... there is a magic wand known as 'Google' .... :cheesy:
Didn't know that you have access to such delightful things :) gawd try uploading a video next ..... Try YouTube !!!
I did. And I felt proud that none of the Aid recived has ever come with any conditions attached. Those Aid are not asked by the govt but are voluntary. In other words the safest of the grants.

Dont divert from the intent of our discussion. The discussion is not bout whether Aid is right or wrong or whether India takes Aid or not. The crux of discussion is, whether ASKING for Aid with your Sovergnity and Self Respect on a toss is justified?

We all know the answer and seen the consequences.

Its own your comprehension of the discussion & the matter ...... accept it or deny it ..... India does receive aid, grants and loan ..... and allow me to repeat 'there is no free lunch in this world'
Its own your comprehension of the discussion & the matter ...... accept it or deny it ..... India does receive aid, grants and loan ..... and allow me to repeat 'there is no free lunch in this world'
Well, frankly. as for India I never saw the cost India payed for this lunch. Enlighten me if u can.

On the other hand Pakistan has payed extra premium for a roadside meal. Care to explain this difference.

Matter of fact is, both India and Pakistan faced foreign pressure in this regard but India successfull rebutted it everytime since Partition whereas Pakistan never ever. Care to explain this difference?
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