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Dar terms $1.5b donation a 'gift from friends'

Not much difference there either:

Big difference, aid given to government vs NGOs.
Official government stance is that aid is peanuts, and it doesn't receives any.

Neither does it receives any gift just to keep the currency afloat, and economy running.
Big difference, aid given to government vs NGOs.
Official government stance is that aid is peanuts, and it doesn't receives any.

Neither does it receives any gift just to keep the currency afloat, and economy running.

Yes let's get into semantics, try to deflect and deny but the bottomline is we received pretty much the same amounts. So don't throw dirt on others in threads not related to you, without any provocation.
Big difference, aid given to government vs NGOs.
Official government stance is that aid is peanuts, and it doesn't receives any.

Neither does it receives any gift just to keep the currency afloat, and economy running.

Will India say no to gift of $21 billion just because, its another thing no one is ready to bail out India at the moment with $21 billion.
Yes let's get into semantics, try to deflect and deny but the bottomline is we received pretty much the same amounts.

There is no point in deflecting/denying, India is a poverty hell. But I merely pointed out difference in government attitude. Even in recent crisis, instead of taking loan/aid whatever, GoI took some strong measures to control the CAD. The same no GoP - this or previous - seem to be attempting to do.

His comment might be provocative, but you cannot sweep it under the rug by pointing to India. It is a valid question, does this gift is really a gift? Comes with no baggage?
Will India say no to gift of $21 billion just because, its another thing no one is ready to bail out India at the moment with $21 billion.

The whole post WW2 Europe was built via Marshall Plan do they seem to be complaining?
Yes with hard data, your begging bowl as you put it is just as big, try to insult Pakistan anymore with your worthless rambling then I have a feeling that you'll be shown the door pretty soon.

@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz

don't be a cry baby... we all know how pakistan sells her out... not a new thing... we don't sell out ourselves...

and this is for your kind information


India’s trajectory from aid recipient to donor nation | India at LSE

India Emerges as an Aid Donor | Center For Global Development
There is no point in deflecting/denying, India is a poverty hell. But I merely pointed out difference in government attitude. Even in recent crisis, instead of taking loan/aid whatever, GoI took some strong measures to control the CAD. The same no GoP - this or previous - seem to be attempting to do.

His comment might be provocative, but you cannot sweep it under the rug by pointing to India. It is a valid question, does this gift is really a gift? Comes with no baggage?

It was due to this or that, don't throw dirt on others when you are receiving similar amount of AID. instead of debating with me, you are better off telling your compatriot to put a lid on it.

@majesticpunkaj , yada yada yada....have you stopped receiving aid? Yes or no?
Will India say no to gift of $21 billion just because, its another thing no one is ready to bail out India at the moment with $21 billion.

A free gift from blood brothers, may be. But there is nothing like free gift, and associated stigma is not something India would like to bear, so may be not.
A free gift from blood brothers, may be. But there is nothing like free gift, and associated stigma is not something India would like to bear, so may be not.

There is non, our strategic allies are chipping in , nothing wrong with that. Btw how much does US give to their strategic allies, the Israelis, each year? I don't see you giving ghairat lectures to them...
A free gift from blood brothers, may be. But there is nothing like free gift, and associated stigma is not something India would like to bear, so may be not.

Then why India has been receiving $ billion of aid every year? Which also help keep currency afloat? And GCC are our brothers, our relations with them goes back 5000 years in time of IVC. @al-Hasani

This is jealousy nothing more, no one is ready to hand over $21 billion to India. India doesn't have relation like that with anyone. At best India can hope for aid for poors.

$3 billion gift will help start huge infrastructure projects without need to get yet another loan.
@Bilal. we have not stopped.but we don't sacrifice our interests and act as client state or send mercenary forces... we are changing the way also.. we are moving form a net recipient to a net donor
@Bilal. we have not stopped.but we don't sacrifice our interests and act as client state or send mercenary forces... we are changing the way also.. we are moving form a net recipient to a net donor
Net donor? First help 60% of Indians without toilets. Seriously Indians on pdf need to come out of their buble. We know reality of Bharat.
@Bilal. we have not stopped.but we don't sacrifice our interests and act as client state or send mercenary forces... we are changing the way also.. we are moving form a net recipient to a net donor

What mercenary force? US used to keep it's troop in KSA and used to get paid for it. We are strategic allies and this assistance has nothing to do with troop deployment, they can have our troops whenever they want, they just have to ask... Like we did in the first gulf war.
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