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Danish women-led mosque holds first Friday prayers

You don't know the concept of having a 'Masjid' do you?
There are reasons other than mere offering prayer to it. This is not a 'feminist' thing to have seperate places for women, this is more of a culture in Islam.
And same goes for a man, the going up and down. You are not exclusive.

I don't actually care if you yourself are LGBT. Your post is comprised of bullshit in the latter part. It is good that you are tolerant towards LGBT and it is good to finally elect a president or prime minister who is of that orientation. Why mind it? You should do it now.

There is no concept of being born a homosexual in Islam, these are relatively newer concepts so this is how it is. And the practice is discouraged.

Places of worship are not for being aroused. It is not the Church of Satan that could have a nude mass gathering. There are codes followed in places of worship, each according to their own belief.
but people are born homosexual or hetrosexual .. what are u going to do about it.
I personally can do nothing about it and you are free to believe what you like. If you talk about how Islam views it, it is acknowledged as a behavior even in Quran but it is discouraged as a sin.
but people are born homosexual or hetrosexual .. what are u going to do about it.
Places of worship are not for being aroused. It is not the Church of Satan that could have a nude mass gathering. There are codes followed in places of worship, each according to their own belief.
If that's the case then why are people ( including Oscar bhai ) forbidding the entry of women to a place of worship citing things like - male devotees get aroused in presence of female devotees. Isn't it the fault of male devotees that they get aroused in such a holy place. So going by that logic why are female devotees being denied their rights for the follies of their male counterpart.

So will you agree with me if i say that some/all men should be denied entry to a place of worship because he (male devotees) get aroused in presence of female devotees (according to Oscar) and that's is a really unholy thing to do ( according to you).
Sorry not accepted at all, not because I am conservative but its totally against the religion and teaching of Islam. A woman cannot lead the congregation..period. and the idiots who are supporting here are the biggest sums and not trying to understand what west is trying force upon on us.

I respect woman more than anything as they exist in the most beautiful forms of mother, sister, daughter etc.
Women cannot lead a man in prayer and there is no dispute among any scholars. Has nothing to do with a woman's position but to do with the idea of sexuality and zero distractions within prayer.

The same way a homosexual Muslim would be distracted by a butt of a man.
@Joe Shearer
In India there are many such mosques where there are women imams.

so whats good in it, its nothing to do with the non muslims, so how many female pundits you have in hindu temples?
Search 'Hindu women gurus' or 'Hindu women priests'.
In newer temples - the above ladies (eg 'Mother', different from Teresa, Mata Amrita etc) this is quite common.

In older temples -
The reality is we have a lot of 'self-proclaimed' mufti(s) in here. In Islamic world nowadays, actually everyone has started to pass judgements on important issues without having sound knowledge on anything whatsoever.
As for the male devotees as you mentioned it, this never happens as such and we have seperate halls for women in all major mosques in our country. The men get aroused so easily according to @Oscar
He might know it better as I am no man. And yes there are perverts in mosques too
If that's the case then why are people ( including Oscar bhai ) forbidding the entry of women to a place of worship citing things like - male devotees get aroused in presence of female devotees. Isn't it the fault of male devotees that they get aroused in such a holy place. So going by that logic why are female devotees being denied their rights for the follies of their male counterpart.

So will you agree with me if i say that some/all men should be denied entry to a place of worship because he (male devotees) get aroused in presence of female devotees (according to Oscar) and that's is a really unholy thing to do ( according to you).

Good Heavens, you tagged me! What could have provoked you to do that? Your comrade-in-arms has already said it all, hasn't he?

1.Many JNU jhola chaap types tend to be Bengalis and they have Anti-national views like freedom for Kashmir etc.

2. Jadavpur University incident.

3. Intellectuals like Arundhati Roy, Amartya Sen (Keeps saying Bangladesh is better than India when we all know the reality), media person Sagarika Ghose.

4. NDTV - Prannoy Roy's channel which in my opinion has anti-India tendencies.

5. On the internet too Indians who take anti-national stance like making fun of India for poverty etc., calling India a fascist state especially under Modi or advocating freedom for Kashmir tend to be Bongs. Now I cant find examples of those.

6. a very close Bong friend of mine, though a nationalist refused to criticize the JNU incident and kind of supported them.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/why-do-so-many-bengalis-seem-to-be-anti-national.445930/#ixzz4IcKmGVVm

What could a verminous Bengali possibly contribute to the lofty thoughts of the twice-born?
Good Heavens, you tagged me! What could have provoked you to do that? Your comrade-in-arms has already said it all, hasn't he?

1.Many JNU jhola chaap types tend to be Bengalis and they have Anti-national views like freedom for Kashmir etc.

2. Jadavpur University incident.

3. Intellectuals like Arundhati Roy, Amartya Sen (Keeps saying Bangladesh is better than India when we all know the reality), media person Sagarika Ghose.

4. NDTV - Prannoy Roy's channel which in my opinion has anti-India tendencies.

5. On the internet too Indians who take anti-national stance like making fun of India for poverty etc., calling India a fascist state especially under Modi or advocating freedom for Kashmir tend to be Bongs. Now I cant find examples of those.

6. a very close Bong friend of mine, though a nationalist refused to criticize the JNU incident and kind of supported them.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/why-do-so-many-bengalis-seem-to-be-anti-national.445930/#ixzz4IcKmGVVm

What could a verminous Bengali possibly contribute to the lofty thoughts of the twice-born?
Comments please. :)
The reality is we have a lot of 'self-proclaimed' mufti(s) in here. In Islamic world nowadays, actually everyone has started to pass judgements on important issues without having sound knowledge on anything whatsoever.
As for the male devotees as you mentioned it, this never happens as such and we have seperate halls for women in all major mosques in our country. The men get aroused so easily according to @Oscar
He might know it better as I am no man. And yes there are perverts in mosques too

Well i'm not talking about any particular religion or country. I'm just saying that our society is highly patriarchal and we don't even realize how much sexist our views are. We rather consider these views as a norm and the same thing is reflected in whatever religion we follow.
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