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CVC Issues ID Cards to Non-Nagas in Nagaland


Dec 5, 2011
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CVC Issues ID Cards to Non-Nagas in Nagaland


Crimes committed by illegal immigrants have time and again disturbed the already fragile security situation in the state, and has often come to the fore in the recent times. The situation has prompted the immediate need for a workable and strong mechanism to monitor the inflow of immigrants, particularlyBangladeshi Muslims. In the backdrop of the Naga Council of Dimapur taking the initiative to keep an eye on the presence of immigrants, other organizations and villages are also following suit. On Sunday, March 25, Chekiye Village Council started issuing identitycards to non-Naga settlers and other immigrants. The decision was taken by the village council on March 12. According to the council, there are over 500 non-Naga residents living within the jurisdiction of the village. The initiative is an effort to ensure that the non-Naga residents are legal citizens of India.
Chairman of the council Toiho Yeptho told media persons that the measure is in no way aimed at undermining the recent resolution of the Naga Council of Dimapur. ¡°With due respect to Naga Council, I think it is not possible for them to cover the vast areas of Dimapur¡* this is one way of lightening their burden¡±, Yeptho said. It is informed that non-Naga residents of the village would be using the ID cards issued by the Chekiye Village Council and not that of the Naga Council of Dimapur. The main objective of the drive is to know the people with whom the villagers are living with and at the same time make sure that no alien elements are residingwithin the jurisdiction of the village. Yeptho further said that the village council would be ready to furnish data or legal documents of the immigrants to any government agencies or social organizations, if and when required.
After the ID cards are issued, the council would go on an inspection drive. Non-Naga residents of the village found without identitycards issued by the council would be driven away, Yeptho said. It is mandatory for the non-Naga residents to produce permanent residence certificate from their respective native villages, temporary residence certificate from the present land/house owner where the individual is presently residing and two passport photos along withRs 300.The records will be maintained by the CVC.

CVC Issues ID Cards to Non-Nagas in Nagaland | Northeast Today
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