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Critiquing CWG may hit business ties: Anand Sharma tells nations

Look at the economic growth rate, and you'll see that the Indian economy will become much much larger than the UK economy in the near future.

This economic growth rate, will not last forever, and when it does cease and hits it's peak then we will be able to tell how strong the Indian economy is. India may have a higher growth, yet its income per capital will always be way below the UK, and that is contributed due to its population size. So the UK does respect India, but if it step's over the line in a threatning manner, we won't just sit down and take such BS from a minister, who is obviously needs a lesson in diplomacy.
A paramilitary personnel relieves himself on a designer wall outside Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, the main venue for the Commonwealth Games, in New Delhi. (AP)

This is a prime example that India is not ready for such an event. You make have a huge GDP, but you got miles away to catch up to Western countries.....this is not a dig at India but the truth. Anyway that Paramilitary personel should be punished.
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