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Crazy Like A Fox: Karzai's Bipolarity Obscures Dubious Motives


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
United States
A very interesting article written by Michael Hughes (who, as you may you is an avid Pakistani hater) on Huffington Post.

Nevertheless, he bring up some very interesting points on the current situation in Afghanistan.

He talks about Dr. Azam Dadfar's thesis (an Afghan psychiatrist) that: the Afghans, as a people, have developed a national psychosis; due to the fact that they have been subject to a long and horrific trauma at the national level.

Who knowns, perhaps the ingratitude and visceral hatred of Pakistanis by Afghans even after hosting them in our bosom for 30+ years can at some level be explained by such a national psychosis that now afflicts the Afghans as a nation?

Perhaps Pakistanis should grant the Afghans some modicum of sympathy even when the Afghans cry marg-bar-Pokiston -- who knows?

Highly recommended readying for any Afghan buff here, excerpts below:

In addition to bipolar disorder Dr. Azam Dadfar, one of the few psychiatrists in Afghanistan trained in psychoanalysis, believes Karzai also suffers from a multiple personality disorder, a mental state that has impacted an entire generation of Afghans raised amidst constant war. It's a coping mechanism for those looking to survive in a Hobbesian jungle where "there are no values but self-preservation" in which an actor comes to accept that only the cleverest and most criminal will prevail. And, according to Dadfar, "this character learns to lie even to himself."


To be sure, mental illness is a serious disorder that impairs one's ability to function in society and those victimized by it do deserve sympathy and support. However, it does not explain the moral failings of Hamid Karzai whose cynical antics have proven more worthy of contempt than pity.
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