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Crashed IAF Pilot Missing for Over A Week


May 24, 2011
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MiG-29 Pilot Missing For A Week

The search operation is still very much on, though incessant snowfall is making things extremely difficult. Seach parties on the ground are now having to dig through snow to find pieces of the IAF MiG-29's wreckage. Tomorrow, it will be a week since the IAF MiG-29, piloted by Squadron Leader Dharmendra Singh Tomar, crashed in mountainous terrain. The IAF says it is not giving up. Three days ago, it founds bits of wreckage and has managed to identify the general area of the crash, though debris is spread over a fair area. It is unclear if Tomar ejected or didn't.
Pilot’s kin announce Rs 50,000 reward for clues

Posted: Mon Oct 24 2011, 03:43 hrs

Relatives of Squadron Leader D S Tomar, pilot of the MiG-29 that crashed in the high altitude mountains of Lahaul-Spiti last week, announced a reward of Rs 50,000 to any person providing a clue to help rescue him.

Prahalad Garg, the father-in-law of Tomar, accompanied by the pilot’s elder brother met Lahaul-Spiti Deputy Commissioner Rajeev Shanker on Sunday.

Garg had come from Indore in Madhya Pradesh.

“They met me during the day and wanted the search operation to be intensified so that they get to know something about Tomar. It’s almost five days and they have been waiting for some clues,” Shanker said.

Meanwhile, the IAF and Army teams, which took up the ground operations in the morning, abandoned it after snowfall started at higher altitudes and even in the main town of Keylong. The search parties returned to the base camp to wait for the weather to clear.

Shanker said the IAF have formed teams of trained personnel and on Monday a few more, specially trained for rescue operations in high altitude areas, will join from Ladakh.

Tomar, who is from Gwalior, was on a night flying exercise and had taken off from the Adampur air base near Jalandhar when the mishap happened.

Some locals have found wreckage of the fighter jet but since then, search parties, including aerial teams, have not been able to reach the site of the crash due to bad weather conditions and snowfall.
one shouldask the question how come the debris have fallen in large area? it was a malfunction and the jet crashed- not a mid air explosion of any sort?- or is it?- thus making the pilot unable to eject?- the pilot shold have ejected as the jet was not over a populated area to avoid any ground casualities-
The agony to family and friends have caused bloggers to speculate. This is one:

Anonymous said...
if an indian defected... like in the case of Rabinder Singh... do we have a mechanism to detect it... when it happens... or detect before hand... this still can go on... and Rabinder Singh... singh is common... with one other name... well think nobody remembers... this shows GOI... has effectively... put a lid on this episode...
6:34 PM
How is the debris spread over a large area? Mid-air explosion then?
Albeit I did read somewhere that some local villagers claimed they heard an explosion, however don't pilots carry a transponder to relay their position. ??
Albeit I did read somewhere that some local villagers claimed they heard an explosion, however don't pilots carry a transponder to relay their position. ??

I think the transponder is with the seat, rather than the pilot? Or am I wrong?


Monday, October 24, 2011

Shimla : The parents of the missing IAF MIG-29 pilot are now in the Lahaul valley scouting the bleak and barren mountains searching of their missing son whose plane crashed in the region a week ago .

“Parents of the missing pilot have requested the locals to help find their missing son . They have even announced a sum of Rs 50,000 for finding him,” said Rajeev Shankar , DC Lahaul & Spiti .

Search operations have been hampered by snow and cold in the inhospitable terrain of Lahaul where temperatures are already far below freezing .

The MIG-29 went missing Tuesday . Largely uninhabited Lahaul Spiti is the second largest district in India .
The survival rates go down fast after the first 65 hours. Now it is a week. Why they do not use automatic beacons for such things?
There has to be darn mechanism to detect the person. At least a damn all-weather radio rugged enough to deal with hostile weather should be provided. I can imagine and feel the pain of his family members.

Maybe someone should do the same with Rahul Gandhi as well just to put the point across. Unless the politicians lose their own loved ones, they will not react.
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