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Countries Ranked by Military Strength (2013)

to be honest UK wont last long without NATO help its just not the Great Britain we used to know.Yea they have SLBMs thats pretty much it.even france is stronger than UK. My personal opinion
Ḥashshāshīn;3881038 said:
Bangladesh has a weak, pretty untrained military. Pakistani Military is professional. I'm sure you know about PAF involvement in Arab-Israeli war.

In a full scale war, Israel would run out of troops... Don't get me wrong, per capita wise, Israel is probably THE strongest country on Earth, but it doesn't work that way.
Yes, their involvement was minimal and meant nothing in the end. You must be proud.

But look at Israel Land area
The Arabs have land greater than Pakistan a few times over and that didn't stop them from being humiliatingly defeated.
Ok why do people post their random rankings made by their own "knowledge"??? :hitwall:Sure only a real war will tell the truth but the GFP tanking formula is still much better than some stupid fanboy rankings.

Here is how they do it.
Waterway Coverage by Country
What a joke!

Japan is 17, while S. Korea stands 8th.
Singapore is 47, while Thailand stands 20th.

and Vietnam 27?

The list belongs to a trash bin!
What special they have that we dnt except SLBM??

Experiance. Britain, France, Germany practically invented modern warfare as we know it: From the evolution of tanks to air craft. I am certain that the above mentioned nations can produce better tanks, Aircraft, subs than their Indian counterparts.

Afterall is that not why Russia is ranked so high? Despite having a far lower population than India.
If that website was given their Formula for calculating we would understood whether it's true or not
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