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Counter Narrative to Terrorism - What are Brelvis of South Asia

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people like these become sufis and as i mention to become bigger peer and recieve wah wah they spread hate only which results in such threads
Again you are making it a religious debate instead of just declaring the terrorists as terrorists! The TTP Apologist mindset is at its best. This video competition will make hundreds of pages of this thread. Muzaras are a job of ulema! don't be a quack or a jack of all trades!
This typical reply is identical in all salafis/wahabis/deobandis. They all belittle the crimes of TTP, Al-Qaeda, Daesh, Najdi etc and blame others. The extreme of this behavior is the Waqia Karbala when these guys blame Imam Hussain (a.s) and give a clean chit to yazeed. Every TTP Apologist share the following thoughts.

1- Pak Army is equally responsible because (fighting Amrika Ki Jang)
2- TTP commanders are shaheeds.
3- Abdul Wahab Najdi is the greatest scholar of last 2 centuries and his acts are justified.
4- Sunnis and Wahabis are same thing.
5- Every terrorist attack is done by either Pakistani agencies or raymond davis.

For your information, every mainstream deobandi mullah like Sami ul Haq, Fazlu Rehman, Mufti Shamizai, Munawar Hassan openly supported the TTP ki Jang as their own Jang.
Still remember the words of Sami ul Haq that the guys are not fighting their own war but the war of all of "us" (deobandis). They are implementing or helping to implement QITAAL inorder to seize a control of control just like followers of Abdul Wahab Najdi seized control of Hejaz after QITAAL.

this typical reply is the truth which no barelvi want to hear. they believe in peer sahabs who are no less than TTP commanders in brainwashing people to hate their muslim brothers. i had given you facts and proves. you are just doing what politicians do in this country like me na manun.
none of them said TTP hamari jang lar rhi ha. afghan taliban ki support puri qoum including hamari forces sab kr rhi han.
sami ul haq had said it on record that afghanistan k darbari moulvion ne pakistan k khilaf fatwas diye.

Again you are making it a religious debate instead of just declaring the terrorists as terrorists! The TTP Apologist mindset is at its best. This video competition will make hundreds of pages of this thread. Muzaras are a job of ulema! don't be a quack or a jack of all trades!
why don't you give the same reply to the ones who blame all non barelvis for terrorism in the world or write what ever they heard from such people. they even tried to start karbala thread within a thread.

to defeat TTP we have to make our economy stronger. strong economy would mean we can cover all over borders with high tech surveillance equipments. economic prosperity will take the potential jihadis away from our enemies which could become more better citizens. YOU CAN'T EXPECT TO STOP THE PROXY WARS OF COUNTRIES GIVING YOU AID.
Brelvis are not any new thing. They are existing Islam. Salafis (created by British intelligence) just named them "Brelvis" in South Asia due to tussle. This is a scholarly debate. Don't be a jack of all trades. Just deny the concept of "QITAAL" actively practiced by TTP and other salafis in lengths and breadths of Pakistan.

Issue of Mumtaz Qadri Shaheed (r.a) is separate. This thread is not for that and i am sure that qadyani loving mods of PDF will not allow any debate on it.

Kindly also shut down the threads started in favor of qadyaniyat. Because non-Muslims are openly criticizing the base of Islam in those threads and mods are enjoying silently!
Salafis weren't created by British you are following typical Barelvi lies and I have only one standard to discuss and judge sects that is what they say and actions they do are they in accordance with Quran and Sunnah or not and sorry most Barelvi actions are in complete contradiction to Quran and Sunnah
lol.. and two century old cult called wahabbism is authentic Islam :D salute to you Wahabbi, now dont try to blow this thread..
I'm not Wahhabi, but the odd mixture of Islam that Barelvis follow is kind of strange.

Your tone and choice of words pinpoint your simpleton background. Thanks for your post and thanks for showing exactly what kind of people follow weak and uncorroborated ahadeeth.
Ooh no Zarvan you have never been a Sunni (Barelvi) but I myself was a Wahhabi Salafi changed to Sunni (aka Barelvi called by Salafi Wahhabis just to take over the sir name Sunni).
Why don't you show some cases right here and bring proof with your points. At Roza-e-Mubarik a Jordanian come up to us and bring in pocket Quran and show us verses and tried his best to proof one single point and just one single reference was enough to refute him as he was disoriented for a moment but as usual he won't accept and in front of Roza-e-Mubarka he keep on insisting on his views where we don't even speak louder and never argue any one for the respect but he never showed any of it. Well you must have a habit of reading as you said but kindly read without being biased. And regarding your verification I believe you verify from Salafi sources.

Salafis have money and unlimited resources they never fairplay.
I was a Barelvi and I know lies upon lies Barelvi speak and never bring proof from Quran and Sunnah if you want to debate you can contact me on Facebook

Yeah thats why you salafist have least population (even less then Shia) in subcontinent despite your 100% Aqaid being truth.. Lol watch on youtube how when ur Mullah sit face to face act like donkeys infront of sunni ulema.. They even disown thier akabirs when they are proven ghustakh e Rasool.. Just check famous video of Talib ur rehman vs Hanif qureshi where he disown shah ismael dehlavi..

@Ghazwa e Hind plz use sufi or sunni term for us.. barelvi is the term which fanatic wahhabi use to give impression that our aqeeda is 200 years old like their which is wrong.. Mughals, ottoman and people before them were follower of our Aqeedah..
Sorry this majority thing doesn't work in Islam and why don't you read work of Salafis like Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab or Ibn Taymia and point out single thing not according to Quran and Sunnah
Dude what happened to taking PDF MODs to court ??????

Or you were not seriously talking about your law and constitution !!!!!!!!!
If so then it is also an insult too !!!!!!!
You better keep your words.

He doesn't have enough resources to go courts but he does have enough stones, so better watch out from him before he starts stoning blasphemy law victims.
I don't consider myself anything, neither salfi or deobandi. Nor I believe both are 100% correct. since some of their beliefs are self made too. But considering I spend my childhood between barelvis and some of my family member use to believe in peer faqir. I can attest, Barelvism is one of the most retarded self-made in India Islam. Kinda part Sunni, part Shia, part hindu culture and part stories.


Bro I'm not even religious and neither believe in sects or have anything personal against wahabis. My mother family is wahabi and know them very well. But I will rather be in to peer faqiri then following sect which easily brainwash people in to killing innocents and bringing shame to muslims.
I do not have enough resources to go to courts! Hope that i will find resources to bring every blasphemer and their supporters infront of law. Pakistani government have a policy to save the blasphemers inorder to take guarantees for their regime from international establishment.

All bark, no bite :argh:...... Cool:coffee:
Many non-Muslims in the world do not recognize the difference between Sufi & Salafi Islam. The terrorism linked to the religion of Islam is considered as the implementation of the concept of "Jihad" by some fundamentalist Muslims. All this confusion is far from reality.

Pakistan is facing the worst kind of terrorism from last one and a half decade. A specific school of thought motivated by salafi ideology is killing people of Pakistan inorder to implement the salafi ideology on a national level. This project is stated as "QITAAL" by them. Main salafi (deobandi/wahabi) leadership of Pakistan vowed to achieve their goals in Pakistan in a procession at Minar e Pakistan in heart of Lahore. According to their own interpretation of Islam, all other Muslim school of thoughts are literally practicing the "Shirk" and "Biddah" at a mass scale due to which they are not Muslims anymore so they should be killed on a mass level inorder to bring reforms to the society. Abdul Wahab Najdi introduced this concept more than 100 years ago from now due to which his followers started a revolt against Ottomans and after killing thousands of Muslims in Hejaz province, they seized the control of Makkah and Madina. Those boundaries made them able to announce their own Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan, a faction of Afghan Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab, Boko Haram, ISIS/ISIL and several other salafi groups are following the same path due to which we see several bombings and killings from Istanbul to Baghdad to Islamabad to Dhaka etc.

Brelvis of South Asia and specially Pakistan are prime target of Saudis and their clerics in Makkah and Madina are specially advised to keep an eye on Pakistanis because they consider them potential "mushriks" and "biddatis". TTP, TNSM and other terrorist organizations have killed more than hundred thousand Pakistanis on following the lines of "QITAAL". They are equally recruiting the fresh blood and collecting funds but unfortunately none of our governments worked on this aspect of war against terror. This is the reason that why Shia and Sunni/Brelvi clerics openly issues fatwas against terrorism but salafi/deobandi clerics are reluctant to even condemn TTP and other terrorist movements.

Following is a link to a TV talk show in which the real image of Brelvi school of thought and their Imam Al-Shah Ahmad Raza Brelvi (r.a) is being discussed. This program will help many salafis and other school of thoughts to understand the real essence of Islam. Otherwise salafis will keep killing the Muslims and non-Muslims by implementing violent fatwas of Abdul Wahab Najdi and his successors.

People will now put you in discussions involving sides matters meant to stray you from the actual case.
Just ask them this very simple question "show me a single Sunni/Barelvi or Shia that have blown himself up or have carried any sort of attack against common public or security forces".
That's why now it is quite a "national fact" to say that "all deobandi's are not terrorists, but all the terrorists are indeed deobandis".
And by the way let me know if you haven't been already blocked from commenting on your own post? though if you would have been saying "vice versa" of what you have said then I wouldn't have been asking you this, I hope you would have got the point.
I was a Barelvi and I know lies upon lies Barelvi speak and never bring proof from Quran and Sunnah if you want to debate you can contact me on Facebook

I am not interested in any debate at FB and why should I give away my personal account to become insecure ???

Salafi, Wahabbis have resources and we already face them on regular bases they harass us on the way to work and follow my fellows many times. If you want to show something you have why not right here you show it to the people here as they are involved here at the thread and you have called Sunnis liars and Salafi, Wahhabis on the right track. So why not discuss it here. If their are any rules of forum which hurdles in it then you took your words back because its an open attack and you are unable to proof anything!
I am not interested in any debate at FB and why should I give away my personal account to become insecure ???

Salafi, Wahabbis have resources and we already face them on regular bases they harass us on the way to work and follow my fellows many times. If you want to show something you have why not right here you show it to the people here as they are involved here at the thread and you have called Sunnis liars and Salafi, Wahhabis on the right track. So why not discuss it here. If their are any rules of forum which hurdles in it then you took your words back because its an open attack and you are unable to proof anything!
I have no problem discussing here but it's against this forum rules and when ever I start debate Mods send me warning so contact me on Facebook
I have no problem discussing here but it's against this forum rules and when ever I start debate Mods send me warning so contact me on Facebook

OK then you better forget It I would like to stay anonymous instead of being in lime light. Sorry NO FB.

You are happy with what you have I am happy what I have and we both are Liars in each other eyes but I am absolutely ready to address any issue right here at the forum.
This is not a sectarian debate. It is about the counter terrorism. Majority of Pakistani Muslims are Sunnis/Brelvis and declared as "Mushriks" and "Biddatis" by Taliban and their ideological masters! This is what i am trying to elaborate here.

It means Brelvis should be killed like there 100,000 brethren already killed by deobandi taliban in Pakistan? Do you support Munawar Hassan, Sami ul Haq, Fazlu Rehman, Mufti Naeem and other deobandi mullahs statements in favor of TTP?

Brother this is the purpose of this thread but i am highlighting the ideology due to which TTP and other terrorist organizations are constantly recruiting new fighters and killing Muslims of Pakistan by declaring them "Mushriks". This issue should be resolved.

Sardar Abdul Qayyum fought in 1947-48 with more than 70,000 mujahideen. All of them were Sunnis. Wazirs from Waziristan and Afridis from Tirah were all Sunnis who played their part in Kashmir Liberation War of 1947-48. Hurr Force of Sindh fought along with Pak Army in 1965. Sunnis also took part in Afghan War, Kargil War but you cannot blame them when establishment is funding wahabi/deobandi groups. Rest of your blames are just normal trolling which Sunnis face everyday!

Lot of anti-Sunni/Brelvi messages posted by some Salafi/Wahabi/Deobandi members! Many of them tried to prove Brelvis as "Mushriks" and "Biddatis". This thought evolves into the "QITAAL" fatwas. Abdul Wahab Najdi issued fatwas to kill all non-Wahabis in Hejaz and thousands of Ottomans were killed in the result.

Same in the case of Pakistan when people like Munawar Hassan, Sami ul Haq, Mufti Shamizai, Haq Nawaz Jhangvi spread hate and resulted in the "QITAAL" of more than 100,000 Pakistanis. Still people are trying to justify the acts and fawas of TTP and like minded organizations. I think 100,000 lives are enough to think on this issue..

Deobands are also Muslims. Kindly do not speak the typical language of Shia and their companians(Barelvis). Whoever speak against them is declared Wahabi Deobandi Takfiri Kharjii, and i am amused to say that they hate being called as Kafir... What a joke. Tell me One Barelvi name who fought in the war of independence or anyother Muslim country for oppressed Muslims.
Deobands are also Muslims. Kindly do not speak the typical language of Shia and their companians(Barelvis). Whoever speak against them is declared Wahabi Deobandi Takfiri Kharjii, and i am amused to say that they hate being called as Kafir... What a joke. Tell me One Barelvi name who fought in the war of independence or anyother Muslim country for oppressed Muslims.
But that is the hallmark of the Deobandis of today and your own language is testifying to it. Perhaps the problem is people like you.
As far as fighting for the war of independence, not one deobandi was involved; they were still undecided between Kafiristan and Paleedistan which they abandoned only after the few Ulema who were actual Ulema and part of Deoband convinced them otherwise. These men were then removed from their positions of importance in Deoband because they took a different approach to dealing with other sects.

As far as fighting for oppressed Muslims, the Deobandis have ONLY fought as recruits against the AnA alongside the Taliban. their contribution to the Kashmir militants has been minimal at best since they have disagreements with the other groups that are also splinters of Deoband; so the question then comes in if Deoband's greatest contribution and achievement is offering competition to other sects in creating further divides along sectarian and religious lines in Pakistan.

That being said; I am no fan of the current form of the Bareilvi group either as it has slipped from Sufism into something different entirely.. nor am I a fan of the religious gatherings seen in Shia gatherings since they too engage in rather offensive languages against the Prophet's companions in private.

As far as I am concerned, they are all sides of the same dice and Fitna which the Prophet predicted.

On this end;While I consider myself a follower of Abdul Qadir Gilani RA, I see no point in opening in another thread where all the faecal matter that infests our forum and calls themselves Pakistanis whilst posting hatred about each other is allowed an open space.

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