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Counter culture? Few Pak youths giving up Islam

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ToI checks everything... Thats their job.. They post news international and local. They are into sensational media thing. They wont hesitate in reporting anything which can get some attention of its readers.

Ok then i would be expecting IPs of the page starter, lolzzz anyway what ToI is we all know. This kind of attention is just short lived and more damaging.

No wonder The Hindu has respect whereas ToI is living on sensations.

Congrats ill show ur neighbors cat to my cat, maybe they can chat or play farm-ville.

My cat is atheist :P

Also point to be noted that it doesnt necessarily mean that all the followers of that FB link are actually atheists , anybody can join any group in an internation social networking site..

Bad part of reporting from Indian side i should admit.

Benny even if they are i feel its their own choice and personal affair. Religion can not be enforced. Its better to be a non-hypocrite atheist than a hypocrite devotee
Times of India :lol:

But the concern is very much real and it is indeed like a threat from those Hawkish Goldless socities who just love to mock religion be that a christianity , Judaism , Islam or even perhaps Hinduism and Buddhism..!!!

Back few day i was reading abt stephen hawking's crap Godless theory and i realy felt that how actively these forces are into play to banish religions and the established beliefs ..
that aint no ones lies when maracles are preformed infront of crowds and after hundreds of years later we have dum arses say ( UH HEY THAT NEVERED HAPPEND IT ALL A LIE)

Do you know some of those dumb arses are ancient Muslim untellectuals about which Muslims are very proud, They were not really atheists but they questioning & demolished the very foundations of Islam e.g. the greatest clinician of all times ,Al-Razi :)
he wrote three books The Prophets' Fraudulent Tricks, The Stratagems of Those Who Claim to Be Prophets and On the Refutation of Revealed Religions

Back few day i was reading abt stephen hawking's crap Godless theory and i realy felt that how actively these forces are into play to banish religions and the established beliefs ..

They really don't need to conspire in any way :lol:
Time & time the religious predictions have been proven wrong e.g. Earth is 6,000 years old, Earth is flat, Earth is center of Universe & on & on
Here in the U.S. I've seen Pakistani youths are becoming more religious than their parent's or grandparent's generation were.

The vast majority of Pakistanis will always be Muslim, no matter how much indians would love if Pakistanis turned away from Islam.
It is always like that, buddy. It is mostly non-residents Indians/Pakistanis who are more religious and conservative than the local ones. It is because tho who live in the country are accustomed to seeing their culture and way of life being followed and don't expect a threat from any other group or following whereas when they go to other countries, seeing others proudly following their way of life makes them find their own.
Here in the states, people from other countries generally become more attracted to their home faith. But then there are those who don't look back on religion ever. There are pakistanis here who are like 20 years old and don't know how to do namaz and others who know how to but only do so because of their parents.

You are either religious or not, thats your choice.
Man I will be glad if people who really dont believe in islam but pretend to be muslim show them selves as what they are. It will be really good for our society and hopefully we can get rid of this hypocrisy.

100 members dont make pakistan. Indian media :)
Well if 100 give up faith , 100,000 new ones join the faith ...

religion does not needs followers , instead its the other way around

They could order some new drinks from India (cow you know what don't ask me google it times of india cow you know what) , and put some ice cubes in it and discuss with their friends :P on meaning of life lol

But most of the ppl in this situation are the ones bombarded with negative sides of Islam thru media , thru racism and other means so they get confused
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you see all these prophets dident haved an idea (HEY LETS MAKE RELIGON AND MAKE PEOPLE FOLLOW IT )what i mean is that aint no ones lies when maracles are preformed infront of crowds and after hundreds of years later we have dum arses say ( UH HEY THAT NEVERED HAPPEND IT ALL A LIE) and ye the only time we will stop bashing you is that you mind your buisness and lead your self god hateing life in your own direction and stop preaching your theoryritical baseless life if you accecpet god end of disscussion

Its people like you, Tablighis who are not into minding your own business. If you see the post by Forcetrip, he says giving up your religion is committing social and professional suicide. Pakistanis just seem to state that matter of factly as if its OK because its Pakistan without even realising how oppressive it is.
The reasons which led to mass atheism in other religions were successfully tackled by Muslims in 8th and 9th century Iraq.
How did ToI checked it was real ;)

BTW my neighbour's cat is also on fb.

Seems Orange Media had hired some people to keep checking fb, twitter and hey what after that orkut? seems ToI did not get anything spicy on match fixing today.

And above all ok SO if people are turning atheists whats the big deal i mean aint there many already.

Thousands are converting to faiths and some become atheists too so ?

Nw if sm1 gets a whole FB data of most Pakistani users , Cultural anthropolists can easily exploit a few bads and could enhance there attacks through phsycological warefare.. where the f-cuk is privacy..if only i could run a querry on fb to chk how many Pakistani users bashed there own country and are feeling down in just last 30 days .. Nw jst imagin if sm1 other than Pakistani has this data .. !!!
They really don't need to conspire in any way :lol:
Time & time the religious predictions have been proven wrong e.g. Earth is 6,000 years old, Earth is flat, Earth is center of Universe & on & on

Those were dogmatic beliefs which prvailed before Islam , and Theres no such thing found like that in Quran .. I mean many of scintific research has proven what has been said in Quran way back 1400 years ago ...

The fact is due to these azzholes and fake Mullah who preach wrong interpretation of Religion some hardcore athiest groups with vested interests do not hesitate to conspire even against the righteous Mullahs who dont really go down that Path of Preaching Extreemism and all that Jihad and 72 virgins HoHa ...!!!
Here in the U.S. I've seen Pakistani youths are becoming more religious than their parent's or grandparent's generation were.

hehe its true for Sikhs also, in Canada they are more religious than Sikhs in India. Sikh youth in India doesn't grow his beard, doesnt keep Kes (hair). Whereas Canadian Sikhs are very religious, Khalistan has support only in CA, US and UK now.
stephen hawking's crap Godless theory ..

He is right. If you are religious than you should agree with him. God is the cause of everything, surely, evolution must be included in that.
Atheists say that that evolution is the cause, Religious person say God caused evolution.

See so easy ? :lol:
At least we should be thankful to Quran for warning us, it is one of the major sign--people are disturbing easily by this world and astray to become athiest, good! How weak they are. :agree:

Here in the states, people from other countries generally become more attracted to their home faith. But then there are those who don't look back on religion ever. There are pakistanis here who are like 20 years old and don't know how to do namaz and others who know how to but only do so because of their parents.

You are either religious or not, thats your choice.

Yeah, some parents didn't realize it unfortunately. Kids are so passives, however parents(their faults) should guide them properly instead expecting them following. Freekin, we hope sincerely you do namaz often yourself.
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LOL.. so actually Indian media has enough time to look over facebook to make news!!!

A group of 100 becoming atheist !! wow, what a revolution. I then ask same media outlets to calculate the number of converts to Islam, which might be 100,000+ a day(the fastest growing religion on planet).

I made a community back in my college days named [My College SUX!]. It had 574+ members. I hope Indian media outlets catches that soon and publishes a report.

Growing illiteracy rate in Pakistan!!
Pakistan moving backwards!!!
Pakistani youth in the grip of Taliban!!
Pakistani youth hate to study!!! :rofl:

If i was an Indian i would have really started some sort of campaign against such crappy media reports!!!:hitwall:

Today Im really disappointed, never expected Indian media to get so low!!!!!:disagree:

But its not their fault too i guess, since anything against Pakistan sells like hot cakes!!
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