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Conversation topics..!!


Dec 30, 2008
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I know this is absurd..!!! I got recently engaged and its an arranged one..!! I have got two months to get to know her before marriage..!!! And the problem now is i don't know what, how to talk to her..!! i am stuckk guys..!! she is shy and dosent talk much..!! how do i talk to her and make her talk yaar.. i am all out of conversation ideas when i pick up the phone..!!!

So guys and gals.. plssss help..!!!!

Mods:- if inapproriate pls delete the thread befor u think what this forum has come too ..:D
It is not that difficult unless you make it difficult. When talking to her just assume she is one of your friend and things will be fine. There is no need to be talking on specific topic, let the topic flow.
Just make her laugh, and she'll open up to you.

good luck :D

thanks freekin..!! but may be because i am nerveous..!! i always worry if i scare her off with my jokes u know..!! lot of worries going on my mind.. is this right or is that right..!! wot do people talk when they are engaged and how do these guys speak for hours man..!!! i find speaking about love and stuff too cheesy..!!! u know hvent ever had got the luck to be ever in a relationship b4..!!! :frown:
Just be normal, I hope you have made some friends in the past, if you have you will know the art of softening others by gradually starting from name, hobbies, interests and then moving on to more personal/controversial topics, if you can't do this, YOU WASTED YOUR LIFE AS A LONER !!!!!

Good Luck........
haha i tried politics once.. and i was thinking like.. why the fcuk am i talking about bjp..congress and the left.. instead of something else..!!! :D totel disaster..!!1 :(

dudes i was kidding.. they hate all that stuff.. if shes so shy just glare her in her eyes and tell her.. You dont have to be shy when ur with me .. And never dicuss politics,weather,education etc.. its fking bore for girls..!!!

Just act like normal ,dont overreact ..!

Make her feel free and azad in your company..!
dudes i was kidding.. they hate all that stuff.. if shes so shy just glare her in her eyes and tell her.. You dont have to be shy when ur with me .. And never dicuss politics,weather,education etc.. its fking bore for girls..!!!

Just act like normal ,dont overreact ..!

i know friend..!! actually i was a jerk when i talked about politics..:( the problem is she doesnt have many friends from the opposite sex and mee too have the same problem..!!
I am travelling now and all my conversations are on phone..!! i think i can get better topics if i take her out one time..!!! but donno whether it would be approriate.. u know we live in a kinda conservative society..!! any ways i gonna give that a try..!!!
haha i tried politics once.. and i was thinking like.. why the fcuk am i talking about bjp..congress and the left.. instead of something else..!!! :D totel disaster..!!1 :(

What??????? never talk about politics with girls.

Choose topics that you are good at or have some knowledge.

But remember that topic should be interesting for a GIRL not boy.

Don't try to talky about bikes, car, cricket because she will take them as her competitor.

Try to crack some jokes or talk about Bollywood.

Yes its the safest topic and most of he girls are crazy about movies. And remember no action films.

You must remember to make her comfortable and the topics you choose are gonna make ur impression.
1. Just try to make her comfortable in our presence or while talking.
2. Always be a good listener.
3. Try to know her point of view in various issues.
4. Try to gain her trust.
5. Make her habitual of your presence.
6. Go slow.
7. Try to become a friend of her.
8. Have a good but healthy sense of humour.
and lastly,
9. Just be what you are.

She will first like you and then eventually fall in love with you.
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