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Conversation between Afghan doctor and a tribal elder

Jun 23, 2010
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Afghan Doctor: So Mashr - do you call yourself Afghan or Pakistani?
Tribal elder: Well we are Pakistani but our ancestory and our land is also in Afghanistan.
Afghan doctor: But your forefathers got passports from Amanullah Khan himself right?
Tribal elder: sighs - to tell you the truth my grandfather did not want our other folk to go there because he knew it would creat a schism in our clan. See all of our land is arranged in a grid pattern. You can identify - to this day who is related to who most directly based on location of our plots of land. Thats why i could have a very hard time selling to you but my cousin - not so much. So my grandfather let them go eventually and we have some lands near Kandahar and also near Birmal and what not that Amanullah Khan gave us - but we lost touch with these others.
Afghan Doctor: But dont you think that its very unfair that every group in pakistan gets their own strategic and ethnic territory named for them and each time Pashtuns want something of their own -even if NO sedition is involved - Pashtuns here are told that Islamic character dominates over ethnic character and that this is a plot to dissolve the Islamic nature of pashtuns?
Your grandfather and mine according to the old stories gave us the name Afghan right? Why is it a bad word all of a sudden? Look in the Qurans from the 1930s that the Brits translated and the Arabs themselves sent - they call us all the Afghans. Why shouldnt you own the name as much as us? Pashtuns have been the best defenders of their faith and no one can try to tell them they havent given the most for it - so why should this sort of tactic work on you?
Look at the abuse you get here? You and I go into Peshawar and certain people make fun of our turban they make fun of us as if we are the outsiders even though Peshawar bowed multiple times.
The Elder: Look - we go where our interest is. Our nuts and dried fruit sales are best in that direction.
Doctor: Well if say you had a better market in Kabul would that shift your allegiance?
The Elder: Probably it would make a difference yes. We go where our interest is. When Amanullah and Nadir made it our interest - And Abdali Baba did before them - we went with our interest
@Sher Malang, @Abu Zolfiqar, @Spring Onion, @ghilzai, @datalibdaz
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Afghan Doctor: So Mashr - do you call yourself Afghan or Pakistani?
Tribal elder: Well we are Pakistani but our ancestory and our land is also in Afghanistan.
Afghan doctor: But your forefathers got passports from Amanullah Khan himself right?

I think my dear Sir,

This Afghan doctor is parah likhah be-waqoof. He even doesn't know that Pakhtoons in Pakistan have their own "territory" named as Pakhtunkhah. Must be someone with his @rse stuck in the 60s.

I am so impressed that Pashtun Baba Ji is much more intelligent. He is pragmatic and peaceful guy who means business.

But the daaktar is like a donkey with pile of books on his back and no brain whatsoever. I am sure he got his medical degree from Russia. He would have certainly failed in 12 grade in Pakistani school, let alone getting a medical degree. :lol:

I mean seriously!

Who the f talks about some dumb passport issued by some dumb Amanullah decades if not centuries ago.

Even Afghans living in the hell-hole called Kabul do not carry that ancient piece of rag anymore.

You think that fing daaaktar carries one issued by that Hamam-mullah ooops amanullah?

Huh? Please tell me.

Tell you a secret Pak-One

A close secret. Don't tell anyone. OK? Please do not. Thank you.

Baba Ji's son got married to a gori and got himself a green card then an Amreeki passport.

But this idiot daaaaktar is still living in old old old old old dumb times.

peace to you my dear, peace to all.

p.s. Afghanistan has turned into piece of $hit all thanks to this $tupid stuff with Pakistan.

Now thankfully with hard work of Americans, this hell-hole of the country is improving a bit, and the same $hit is being shoveled again. So sadly. Truly truly sadly.

And Pak-One I didn't expect you to shovel this $hit.
Leaving your homeland and settling in foriegn country is one thing. Living in your homeland and looking for your interests is another thing. Pakhtuns have least tendency among all pakistani to settle in foriegn countries. Most of them work in gulf countries, sending their earning back to their families in homeland (increasing foriegn exchange for the country).
I think my dear Sir,

This Afghan doctor is parah likhah be-waqoof. He even doesn't know that Pakhtoons in Pakistan have their own "territory" named as Pakhtunkhah. Must be someone with his @rse stuck in the 60s.

I am so impressed that Pashtun Baba Ji is much more intelligent. He is pragmatic and peaceful guy who means business.

But the daaktar is like a donkey with pile of books on his back and no brain whatsoever. I am sure he got his medical degree from Russia. He would have certainly failed in 12 grade in Pakistani school, let alone getting a medical degree. :lol:

I mean seriously!

Who the f talks about some dumb passport issued by some dumb Amanullah decades if not centuries ago.

Even Afghans living in the hell-hole called Kabul do not carry that ancient piece of rag anymore.

You think that fing daaaktar carries one issued by that Hamam-mullah ooops amanullah?

Huh? Please tell me.

Tell you a secret Pak-One

A close secret. Don't tell anyone. OK? Please do not. Thank you.

Baba Ji's son got married to a gori and got himself a green card then an Amreeki passport.

But this idiot daaaaktar is still living in old old old old old dumb times.

peace to you my dear, peace to all.

p.s. Afghanistan has turned into piece of $hit all thanks to this $tupid stuff with Pakistan.

Now thankfully with hard work of Americans, this hell-hole of the country is improving a bit, and the same $hit is being shoveled again. So sadly. Truly truly sadly.

And Pak-One I didn't expect you to shovel this $hit.

This a real conversation, i wont reveal the source. Its upto the members to draw their own conclusions from the conversation. I am neither representing that Afghan neither tribal, but it should be helpful to know about mindset of two sides.
Most people think of tribals as cattle herding, cave dwelling , backward jahil people....but the fact is they are very clever folk..neither afghanistan understood this nor pakistan.
^^ Real conversation or fake.

Doesn't matter. You are trying to convey an idea in the name of this dumb daakatar.

So nothing against you. My comments are really against any Afghan who brings up Amanullah Khan's passport in 2013.

I mean how dumb one can get. Show me one Afghan who carries Hamam-ullah's issue passport. Just one.


P.S. It is time we end this Afghan-vs.Pakistan $hit shoveling. It is bad for Pashtuns in particular, and terrible for Afghanistan. They are about to get out from under the gora boots. If this $hit goes on, they again will be. And may take Pakistan with them. Is that the outcome Afghanis looking for?
Unnecessary troll post without provocation.Only troll when provoked.
pakistan should not be having pashtuns as pakistanis. afghanistan is a much older entity , pakistan is only a made up hotch potch of muslimes.i think the pashtuns shoul be given a country by cutting up pak and afg.

which Breed you are???

Afghan Doctor: So Mashr - do you call yourself Afghan or Pakistani?
Tribal elder: Well we are Pakistani but our ancestory and our land is also in Afghanistan.
Afghan doctor: But your forefathers got passports from Amanullah Khan himself right?
Tribal elder: sighs - to tell you the truth my grandfather did not want our other folk to go there because he knew it would creat a schism in our clan. See all of our land is arranged in a grid pattern. You can identify - to this day who is related to who most directly based on location of our plots of land. Thats why i could have a very hard time selling to you but my cousin - not so much. So my grandfather let them go eventually and we have some lands near Kandahar and also near Birmal and what not that Amanullah Khan gave us - but we lost touch with these others.
Afghan Doctor: But dont you think that its very unfair that every group in pakistan gets their own strategic and ethnic territory named for them and each time Pashtuns want something of their own -even if NO sedition is involved - Pashtuns here are told that Islamic character dominates over ethnic character and that this is a plot to dissolve the Islamic nature of pashtuns?
Your grandfather and mine according to the old stories gave us the name Afghan right? Why is it a bad word all of a sudden? Look in the Qurans from the 1930s that the Brits translated and the Arabs themselves sent - they call us all the Afghans. Why shouldnt you own the name as much as us? Pashtuns have been the best defenders of their faith and no one can try to tell them they havent given the most for it - so why should this sort of tactic work on you?
Look at the abuse you get here? You and I go into Peshawar and certain people make fun of our turban they make fun of us as if we are the outsiders even though Peshawar bowed multiple times.
The Elder: Look - we go where our interest is. Our nuts and dried fruit sales are best in that direction.
Doctor: Well if say you had a better market in Kabul would that shift your allegiance?
The Elder: Probably it would make a difference yes. We go where our interest is. When Amanullah and Nadir made it our interest - And Abdali Baba did before them - we went with our interest
@Sher Malang, @Abu Zolfiqar, @Spring Onion, @ghilzai, @datalibdaz

Though a made up story But anyway the point that is visible that

This Doctor is trying to create bad blood BUT failed.

end of the story
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which Breed you are???

Though a made up story But anyway the point that is visible that

This Doctor is trying to create bad blood BUT failed.

end of the story

So doctor is evil who is trying to sow seed of discord among pakistanis?
may be he is the type of guy who thinks that unity is strength?....a broken and divided family that needs to be united?
So doctor is evil who is trying to sow seed of discord among pakistanis?
may be he is the type of guy who thinks that unity is strength?....a broken and divided family that needs to be united?

If he was for unity he would have selected positive words NOT trying to pitch Pakistani Pukhtuns against each other simple as that.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the Punjabis are called Punjabis because we live in a land of Punj aab. So is the case with the Sindhis and Balochis. They get to called that cause that live in those lands and not the other way around. And that is exactly why I am not in the favor of any territory of Pakistan be given the name based on the population majority. We are all PAkistanis, its our identity that is given to us because we are of this land.
So doctor is evil who is trying to sow seed of discord among pakistanis?
may be he is the type of guy who thinks that unity is strength?....a broken and divided family that needs to be united?

Yes its needs to be united...No doubt in that..But where was the unity back post 1973 when Afghanistan was ruled by Zahir. Why were there visa restriction for pakhtun settled in pakistan.. Why were they first to run to soviet when soviets attacked afghanistan...Where was the unity back then...And why would you run to a country that attacked you... After the soviet defeat and it broke down...why was it that majority of those familys ran to germany and other Europion countrys..Why didnt they come back to there dear afghanistan to fight along with mujahideen... They people who cried for pushtun's, and called themself leaders... why did they leave their people...what happened to pakhtunwali then...Why no one asks them...Just because a Pakhtun cannot call another a traitor...After 79 , the border opened...No visa, nothing was asked from them by Pakistan...The border between Pak and afghan became imaginary...It was first time it looked like Pakhtuns had been united...And they did come and flooded our place...Started business...no one asked them what they are doing...They were free..Free to move from Afghan to Pak and we were free to move to Afghanistan...I went there...Nobody on the border asked me were was i going and for how much time...
Why are you forgetting this all...Why are you turning a blind eye to what we did for them...and still they call us traitors...What bad have done to them...
Just because you are living in afghanistan doesnt make you a better pakhtun than me...Have you asked any afghan pakhtun why did he leave afghanistan when it was attacked...Where was the will to fight till last drop of blood fell on the ground...It was Pakhtun's of pakistan who went there to fight the soviets as mujahideen...Do they give us credit for it...No, they blame us...Have asked them why would you blame your brother who liberated the country for you..And they still do..
Dear Pak-one you need to dig alot-lot deeper...I am only thinking that how the fcuk do they have the courage to point finger at us...In reality when they are face to face with me... I always make their heads bow in shame...Where was the pakhtunwali in them when they allowed their women for prostitution, majority of them... Why have they close their border now...Why visa system for us again...Why aren't we allowed to move freely..Have you ever thought about these little things. This does matter...
I read all of your comments...I know your are a patriot...But dont ever be blinded by it..I can write as much as the thread goes...But if you and all other open your eyes a bit...you will get my point...

As a Pakhtun i dont expect anything from others but do expect something from my brother Pakhtun...
Bring other afghan's on this thread and ask them to give answers if they call themselves pakhtun...
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