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Consensual sex with minor not crime: Delhi court says

no ToI just copy pasted bits of it... please paste the whole judgement ..and I will comment.:lol:
oh ..and did I mention about the sex=marriage thread mayhem... :no:

I asked you whether having consensual sex with a five year old girl (who is considered a minor) legal or illegal?
i dont know... why dont you look around and inform us?

Then why did you support the verdict?

Why did you say ToI posted provocative incomplete verdict?

How did you know it was incomplete?

Or was it trolling?
plz tell us, i do not know about USA laws on it

It is actually really complex but we could learn from them as they have these laws for so long now. Given that we copied the democracy and constitution from them(WEST) and etc etc. Any way in some states it is 16 and some it is 18. But you can still have sex with girls younger than 18 given you are with in 3 years of her age. If more that is she is 17 and you are like 25 or anything like that it will considered illegal even if you have girls consent. May be some American forumers @TruthSeeker can eleborate more.
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Then why did you support the verdict?

Why did you say ToI posted provocative incomplete verdict?

How did you know it was incomplete?

Or was it trolling?

i base it on previous similar articles by toi which was laughed at here... and I am talking about defence matters ..not even legal issues..
there are difference between a verdict and a judge's remark which might not be part of written verdict.

here is a quick quiz question for you... can you tell an instance where even hindu did it .. we bashed the judge for a few hours .. and had eggs on our face later.... :yay:

I support the judgement that decriminalizes teenage sex or sex with a minor who has attained age of consent especially if the partner is barely out of teens (as in this case).

Rest of my comment after reading full verdict. Have patience. :lol:
i base it on previous similar articles by toi which was laughed at here...

Which previous articles?

Did they mention such verdicts by the judiciary?

Can you post the links?

I don't know where you laughed and where you cried.

and I am talking about defence matters ..not even legal issues..

What are you trying to say? What defence matters?

This article is about legal issues.

there are difference between a verdict and a judge's remark which might not be part of written verdict.

Then what "might be"? How come your "might" comes here?

Were you present there? How can you say "might not be"?

here is a quick quiz question for you... can you tell an instance where even hindu did it .. we bashed the judge for a few hours .. and had eggs on our face later.... :yay:

Again I don't know where you had eggs on your face. I don't know which hindu did what.

I support the judgement that decriminalizes teenage sex or sex with a minor who has attained age of consent.

You support the judgement but you can't explain the judgement.

Is consensual sex with a five year old girl child legal?

What is the lowest age of consent?
I am posting a few more comments posted by ToI readers in the ToI comment section:

1. There is minimum age for marriage. If Consensual sex is not an offence, Consensual marriage also cannot be an offence. The judge appears to have missed some common sense.

2. A minor can not vote or hold a job. Can not open a bank account or take a financial decision independently. A minor can not drive a car too. Now the court says that a minor can give consent to sex on his or her own responsibility? How come? Who will be held responsible for the upkeep of a baby born off a minor girl? She herself or her parents?

3. This verdict is stupid ! How can an adult be allowed to have sex, albeit consentual, with a minor girl ? And how can that adult be allowed to marry a minor girl ?

4. I do not agree with judgement in this case as in the garb of consent (coercion or undue influence may be used to false get consent in courts by culprits) the lives of minors may be destroyed.

5. Minor and consensual sex in the same sentence?? This doesn't make sense.. :)

6. I totally disagree, this is terrible judgement on part of the court. A minor could be so easily and intimidated to say otherwise, whether consensual or not, S@x with minors should be considered a crime, no exceptions so as to totally dissuade criminals taking advantage of this.

7. Here court is encouraging ssexula provision to school students . In another word schools become brothels and abortion rate in hospitals will increase .American army will get good feast while they are invited to India by Antony.If the minor get pregnant court will rescue them . Do this court inviting Americans to marry Indian U-18 girls. Philippines has fed up with American navy but it was too late to oust them by making a law. So the new generation become American children. Any way this court order is un welcomed and is fishy.

8. shocked by the verdict ya whats happening to India these days !!!!

9. Does this idiot judge realize that young children can be made to follow commands of an elder just by giving them toys or candies? Wow, Indian Judiciary is really going to dogs. Reservation has taken a toll on every institution of Govt.

10. Stupid judgement. May be the judgement should vary from case to case basis. Only when the experience the issue then only he will realize the stupidity of his judgement. A girl of the age of 10 is also a minor and if she is having a consensual sex with a boy it is also OK as per this judgement.

11. This is really a shocking news!!! If they have consent to have sex, U allow them, which means they are adults to decide their life..!!! But if a crook does illegal things as a minor, you will treat him as a juvenile??? He has the crime also with consent with his conscience!!!

12. A minor is considered not able to protect its interest because of limited knowledge of state of things in/around her. It is clear intention of law that a girl below the age of 18 can't marry. The present judgement can't stand in higher court and is a dangerous precedent. It is against the spirit of present legislation.

13. This judge needs to be fired.

14. A startling judgement !! The consent of the minor can't be taken as valid , as she may not have application of mind to give valid consent which is the essence of the contract. SC to look into verdict & take corrective action...then remove minor word from all contractual and corporate laws & also punish all rapists including minors/Juvenile. Abandon all juvenile boards as it facilitate escape routes for convicts !!!

15. First honourable judge gave verdict that live in relationship is marriage may be man is having relations Sith multiple parent .Now verdict is coming on consent s@x with minor is not a offence .Either judges have gone mad .That can be the only reason of such verdicts .

You had eggs on your face and you are having eggs on your face again. See the comments and see whether public are agreeing with you or are rejecting you.

I knew I would not have eggs on my face, otherwise, I would not have posted the news article rejecting the verdict in the first place. ;)


Please take care of that @Shinigami,

Perhaps a coconut oil eating tamil lungi from South. :rofl:

I am posting a few more comments posted by readers in the ToI comments section:

1. An individual , be it girl or boy under the age of 18 , cannot be considered mature enough to make decesions on sexual relations since they are vulnurable to abuse having little or no awareness of the consequences of intimate physical relationships. For a girl getting pregenant at a tender age would mean being depirved of every opportunity she is entitled including getting a higher education and losing personal freedom. For a boy it could mean a huge responsibility and commitment that would forice him to look for hard labour to support the new family finanacially. The law should enforce stringent measures even it means it amounts to owning individuals under 18 as the state property. No harm in that .

2. This is utter nonsense. agreed that he is not to be punished for kidnapping. but allowing him to marry a girl he took away "with her permission" at an age of 15 is stupidity. then what is all this nonsense about limit in age of consensual sex and marriage that are fixed by the govt? even if he is not guilty of kidnapping, he is still guilty of other offenses as per Indian law.

3. if the Consensual sex with minor not crime, then why is the law for marriage age is 18 & 21. if the the boy & girl understand themself they can marry below their age.

4. so whats the problem if they ask for driving license? why consider them as not adult enough to drive?

5. Did the judge understand that in this country, rapist can also pressurize minor girls or their families to agree that sex was consensual. Also, did he not encourage teens of this country to indulge in sex at an early age? The judgement sounds very unconventional and brave but then West is a different society. In this cut throat competitive society of ours, teens will only spoil their future by indulging in sex at an early age especially if there is no law forbidding them. Even in west, consensual sex with a girl less than 16 years of age is a crime. If not 18 years, what was the minimum age that the judge defined? Or did he define no minimum age? The judge should himself be tried for passing such a worthless judgement.

6. If it is so then, Why not Juvenile Board is To Reduce the limit of Juvenile from 18 to 16, to reduce 70 & of Rapes committed by Juveniles ?????

7. The law is tying itself into knots.

8. While transparency is a virtue , in a country with undeserving freedom, discretion should be applied before spreading such observations......Many a criminal will now be tempted to have forged minor age certificate and also force the victim to sign a consensual document before assaulting the victim.....

9. Does this mean that Child marriage is now OK and that giving birth to babies at the tender ages at 13 and 14 and 15 is just now acceptable? When all the parents and older relatives are happy with such marriages and in fact arrange theses with the blessings of all concerned now its OK according to additional sessions judge Dharmesh Sharma

10. India every thing’re possible, administration failure Maine reason.....

11. Indian law is dump and blind, dump and blind can hear but can not do without support. And our bloody political leaders are supporter of this sickness society .........

12. below 18 boys and girls cant make love or romance, are we living in Afghanistan ?????????????????

13. Can't believe. If this is the case than if a boy below 18 yrs rapes a woman without her consent, than this boy should not be treated like a juvenile. He shud be punished as per the adult.
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Why do I have a feeling that the Judge himself might now get booked?

Well, I don't want that but... ;)
under 18 does not mean five years old or 10.

anyway puberty may be the standard and nothing wrong with that.

What is wrong is that you need to avoid spreading such thoughts to under 18 through your stupid movies and dramas.
under 18 does not mean five years old or 10.

anyway puberty may be the standard and nothing wrong with that.

What is wrong is that you need to avoid spreading such thoughts to under 18 through your stupid movies and dramas.

Very rightly said. Culturally in young age weddings have been part of human culture, that is after puberty. It also does not have any religious restriction also.

In today's stressful world, it is advocated that girls should be married after 18. Some people are of the opinion that they should complete the education before responsibility of home making is put on the girl. Furthermore, with modern life style new generation is kept pampered (in some social circles) which keeps them away from thoughts of responsibility.

All the school of thoughts are correct in relation to their ideas. But one thing is certain an early age marriage (does not mean minor) is better. When the troublesome time of growing the children is over, the couple is still young to enjoy the life.
In such matters city courts are useless. Wait for Superme Court.
We need strict law in this case. Even criminals below 15 must be come under common law.
Btw if court is allowing sex below 18 then why not marriage ? It's means you can have sex but can not marry. Stupid court decision. He does not how bad effect it ll have on society. City courts judge are not that qualified to give judgement on such issue. If you have money and link ,you can buy these judge. (have seen this example where my friend father who is advocate, paid 9 lac to get decision in his favor)
under 18 does not mean five years old or 10.

anyway puberty may be the standard and nothing wrong with that.

What is wrong is that you need to avoid spreading such thoughts to under 18 through your stupid movies and dramas.

I would say, everything wrong with that.

World Health Organization

The consequences

Pregnant adolescents are more likely than adults to have unsafe abortions. An estimated three million unsafe abortions occur globally every year among girls aged 15-19 years. Unsafe abortions contribute substantially to lasting health problems and maternal deaths.

Having babies during adolescence has serious consequences for the health of the girl and her infant, especially in areas with weak health systems. In some countries, adolescents are less likely than adults to obtain skilled care before, during and after childbirth.

Complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death among girls aged 15-19 years in many low- and middle-income countries. Stillbirths and newborn deaths are 50% higher among infants born to adolescent mothers than among those born to mothers aged 20-29 years. Infants of adolescent mothers are also more likely to have low birth weight, which can have a long-term impact on their health and development.

WHO | Adolescent pregnancy

I am not talking about other negative aspects like what the ToI commentators have posted on ToI.

I agree with your last sentence.
Pregnant adolescents are more likely than adults to have unsafe abortions. An estimated three million unsafe abortions occur globally every year among girls aged 15-19 years. Unsafe abortions contribute substantially to lasting health problems and maternal deaths.

SO whether legalised or not minor sex is still taking place. :)
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