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Congratulation to all Liberals

Are people unhappy that a transgender person got married? Don't they have the right of getting married? Arn't they humans with capability of love and emotions?

People need to stop poking their noses in every single detail of other peoples lives and stop spreading negativity and judgments. Live and let live, be happy and let others be happy.
Desi Liberals strive to clone everything that happens in the glorious West, with same-sex marriages being a norm there, this is a momentous news for the Pakistani Liberals :lol: . One an other note, they also casually mock the concept of Ummah by adding the Chumma word.

The title is drenched in sarcasm, but it isn't offensive.

Watching them from a distance is painful. They’re the biggest tools I’ve ever seen lol. It’s like watching a fucking monkey. Monkey see, monkey do.
I think halaalness or haraamness of these unions will depend on whether there is any sodomy involved which is strictly forbidden (according to all 3 Ibraheemi Deens and their sects)
Meta ideas would ask if a sex change would still be sodomy?
I think halaalness or haraamness of these unions will depend on whether there is any sodomy involved which is strictly forbidden (according to all 3 Ibraheemi Deens and their sects)

Fair enough, but do all the people jumping up and down know the situation of person?

The aim of my previous post was to educate people to stop spreading hatred and judgments, especially when you don't know the whole story.
No, I do not believe so, anyway, thanks for a polite reply! cheers!!

Happiness breeds more happiness, give respect and you will receive respect, be polite and you will be returned with politeness. I believe in this.
do you mean corrective surgery for an almost female with minor problems or full scale removal of male member to replace with manmade female genitalia (didn't understand very clearly, sorry!)?

Sodomy definition is clear: which is anal intercourse, whether with male or female or khojasra
Frankly none of my concern or priority. With women and children being raped under the name of religion, engagement in corruption and destruction of public property and general danger to public life while screaming “Labaik ya rasool Allah rehmat ul ill aalaameen”.. there are FAR FAR more serious issues and priorities to take offense and action against to fix by studying them and precenting them.. as compared to whether anal sex occured or not between two irrelevant poor folk just trying to live their lives.
I think halaalness or haraamness of these unions will depend on whether there is any sodomy involved which is strictly forbidden (according to all 3 Ibraheemi Deens and their sects)

Anal intercourse between husband and wife is considered permissible (but not desirable) by the majority of Shia scholars. Among Ahlussunnah, majority considers it forbidden but there is a minority opinion (for example that of Abdullah ibn Umer, Imam Malik etc.) that it is permissible (See Ibn e Hajr's commentary on Sahih Bukhari and Jalauddin Suyuti's tafseer for details)
Anal intercourse between husband and wife is considered permissible (but not desirable) by the majority of Shia scholars. Among Ahlussunnah, majority considers it forbidden but there is a minority opinion (for example that of Abdullah ibn Umer, Imam Malik etc.) that it is permissible (See Ibn e Hajr's commentary on Sahih Bukhari and Jalauddin Suyuti's tafseer for details)
As mentioned, it isn’t a priority. If anyone wants to stick an opening to their body into another opening meant for waste excretion for the sake of pleasure; its between them and Allah as long as it is with consent from an adult.
Greater issues to worry about in this world.
According to the Shia Muslims I associate with, it is haraam even with the permission of the wife,........

Q42) Is anal intercourse permissible?
A42) Permission is bound to wife’s agreement, but it is strongly undesirable.

Question: Is anal sex allowed in islam
Anal sex is allowed with her permission. Although very hated and discouraged.
I have removed the offending posts
PS. were it halaal, Allah would not have destroyed ummat of Hazrat lut (sodom and gomorrah) according to your own Quraan

There was nothing "offending" about the posts.

The Qur'an states that "Your wives are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like, ..." (2:223) .. Please read commentary on this verse and you will know how this verse has been interpreted by different scholars.

As for Qaum e Lut, please quote the exact Qur'anic verse that states they were destroyed for sodomizing their wives ..
ohhh to wo madraasy main molvi truck drivers or wo bachabaaz pathan bhai sab liberal hain ? .
How is this related to liberalism or the ummah? Foolish thread title by a reactionary thought process it seems.

It may be a legal issue but one that was backed by Fatwas and endorsed by the religious leadership. The so called liberals had nothing to do with nor was any Ummah involved, cant say the same about Chummahs though.

Which fatwas and which leadership?
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