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communal riots at vadodra

Still less than the number of Muslims killed by other Muslims in Islamic Republic of PAkistan.

Grow up kid. These childish posts are not going to hide the real matter which we were discussing. Indians on this forum should stop presenting muslim minority as villains after doing all kind of sh!t with them.

i don't know when you guys are going to act mature. You yourself has been banned a lot of time on this forum. Grow up munnai.
What was the main reason behind this violence?

Its pretty obvious,

"Communal clashes erupted at Kotiyarknagar near Panigate on Sunday, forcing the police to open fire in air. Teargas shells were lobbed to disperse the mobs that gathered after a man was stabbed on Waghodia Road on Sunday afternoon.

Another person was stabbed in Champaner Gate

In short Two Hindus were randomly stabbed without reason by what appeared to be muslims during the Hindu holy festival of Navratri and when Modi was visiting the US. SO what do YOU think the reasons are ? :coffee:
Religion as an institution should be demolished and crushed to ground stomping with those steel boots on a gritty terrain.
Human race will evolve much better without these brainless obsolete rules.
Prayer is made compulsory in Masjid's not in home you can monitor not but you cannot demand to stop friday prayers.How are you so sure attacks will not be planned in temples ...?.Come with a valid proof then discuss about stopping friday prayers.
In temple people do pooja and no lecture is given on hinduism, rather slokas and mantras are chanted. They dont discuss there on riots. The environment is totally different. There is muslim brother hood ideology but no hindu brotherhood. As we believe in vasudeva kutumbhukum.
Grow up kid. These childish posts are not going to hide the real matter which we were discussing. Indians on this forum should stop presenting muslim minority as villains after doing all kind of sh!t with them.

i don't know when you guys are going to act mature. You yourself has been banned a lot of time on this forum. Grow up munnai.
You are a muslim, but you are not a spokes person of Indian Muslims. So please keep yourself away from muslims in India. THE MORE PAKISTAN TRIES TO GET CLOSER to indian muslims, the more you are putting them in danger

Religion as an institution should be demolished and crushed to ground stomping with those steel boots on a gritty terrain.
Human race will evolve much better without these brainless obsolete rules.
Hindulism explains what is a religion, and itself not a religion. The phylosoohy of existence of governing power and ways to know that power is explained in hinduism. If that helps you to atleast spare Hinduism.
You are a muslim, but you are not a spokes person of Indian Muslims. So please keep yourself away from muslims in India. THE MORE PAKISTAN TRIES TO GET CLOSER to indian muslims, the more you are putting them in danger

Hindulism explains what is a religion, and itself not a religion. The phylosoohy of existence of governing power and ways to know that power is explained in hinduism. If that helps you to atleast spare Hinduism.
Dear if you know in the name of religion India and it's poor ARE oppressed for years.

I don't need to give lecture but the current understanding and implication of religion is nothing but GO BAR.
Dear if you know in the name of religion India and it's poor ARE oppressed for years.

I don't need to give lecture but the current understanding and implication of religion is nothing but GO BAR.

It is not because in the name of religion people are kept opressed, it is also to poor law and bad banking system that people are opressed. Which is more lethal than the religion.

for a mome t if religion is crushed then people are kept oppressed in the name of race.

if racism is demolished then people do regionism, lobbying.

It just a drama to cover up bad law and bad education , bad accountability an inability to serve. More over hinduism is a way of living which explains what religion is itself is not a religion
You are a muslim, but you are not a spokes person of Indian Muslims. So please keep yourself away from muslims in India. THE MORE PAKISTAN TRIES TO GET CLOSER to indian muslims, the more you are putting them in danger

First try to understand the crux of my post and then post. Mindless posts by you indians are just irritating now.
o ebola virus, you are needed in india... come clean this insane society.
o ebola virus, you are needed in india... come clean this insane society.
I hope you and your family die in a truck accident. Your young one and old too.

Now how does that feel you idiot. Before making such stupid remark remember if someone doesn't take what you give it comes back to you.
I hope you and your family die in a truck accident. Your young one and old too.

Now how does that feel you idiot. Before making such stupid remark remember if someone doesn't take what you give it comes back to you.

huzoor, ebola may affect me too, i may die too... but won't india be shocked out of its continuous insanity?? do think about that... how many more years of "world's suicide capital", honor killing, discrimination through money, farmer suicides etc do you want?? surely, you too want to live in a peaceful and progresive society...
huzoor, ebola may affect me too, i may die too... but won't india be shocked out of its continuous insanity?? do think about that... how many more years of "world's suicide capital", honor killing, discrimination through money, farmer suicides etc do you want?? surely, you too want to live in a peaceful and progresive society...
i know what u tryin to sell,,,,nobody is buying..
First try to understand the crux of my post and then post. Mindless posts by you indians are just irritating now.

I have understood what you are saying. But you also have to understand that muslim minority in India is different from muslim minority of arbi people or turk people. Of course our muslim minority is a hardcore supporter of wahabism, but restricted only to sunnis. Shia on the other hand have different ideology. It is not a problem when they are in minority specially sunnis, the problem is the majority, because we are not ready to accept that Islam and that also suni Islam is the best religion. That is the conflict.
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