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Communal christian news report from Reuters - how they spread hate and fear.

Nov 20, 2013
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I have posted this thread to showcase how communal christian agenda is woven in as regular practice and fed to unsuspecting Indians even in a reputed news agency like reuters. My comments are added in Red.

This article will now be picked up by global news agencies including one in India and this propaganda will spread.

Narendra Modi campaign stirs religious divide in UP| Reuters

(Reuters) - Prime ministerial hopeful Narendra Modi used a large rally in the historic city of Agra on Thursday to push his Hindu nationalist agenda ( :cheesy: Nowhere did he talk about Hindutva in Agra - attempt 1) in a key election state where the sizeable Muslim minority eyes his campaign with alarm. (attempt 2 - injecting hate and fear among all community by using opinion as a news article)

With a bigger population than Russia and 80 seats up for grabs, Uttar Pradesh (UP) is seen as a must-win battleground for Modi in a national election expected to start by April.

The rally in Agra, where tens of thousands of people filled a dusty field outside the centre of the city that boasts the Taj Mahal, was Modi's fourth visit to the state in the last month or so, underlining its importance.

The 63-year-old, whose gruelling campaign has put him in pole position to lead the world's biggest democracy, attacked the ruling Congress for pandering to minorities - making indirect references to majority Hindus and minority Muslims. (attempt 3 - Nowhere did he refer to muslims o_O )
"They are ... neglecting 75 percent of the people and playing games for 25 percent of the people," ( :woot: attempt 4 - does India have 25% muslims ? ) he shouted from a large stage decorated in the saffron colour (ooohh... the color of terror) of his opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

"Doing injustice to 75 percent of the people is all they have done," he said to cheers from a rowdy crowd where very few Muslims were visible. (Attempt 4 - First they indirectly claim the crowd was Hindu, and then they call it Rowdy :cheesy: Why Rowdy ? did they holler, rape or loot ? ...no they are rowdy because they cheered for Modi :P)
Most of India's 150 million Muslims eye Modi with deep suspicion, (attempt 5 - says who ? muslims in gujarat certainly voted for him) after Hindu mobs killed at least 1,000 people, most of them Muslims, (attempt 6 - 1000 people dead included both Hindus and Muslims and they were killed by both hindus and muslims, but the article refers to the killers as Hindus and the killed as muslims :sick:) in religious riots in Gujarat in 2002, (mandatory reference to 2002 :coffee:) when he was chief minister.

Modi has been accused of turning a blind eye to the violence, or even encouraging it, but he rejects any blame.


In a provocative move criticised by Congress, the BJP rally honoured two politicians accused by police of fanning clashes (attempt 7 - but they were acquitted by the court) in September in the UP town of Muzaffarnagar, where Hindus and Muslims fought street battles and more than 50 people died.

Local lawmakers Sangeet Som and Suresh Rana, who deny any wrongdoing and who have been released on bail, were welcomed to the stage, garlanded with flowers and presented with white scarves and colourful headgear, to loud applause.

But in a sign that the BJP wants to distance Modi from the violence while at the same time appealing to his core constituency, they were ushered off stage before he arrived.

Since becoming the BJP's prime ministerial candidate 10 weeks ago, Modi has softened his image by avoiding the emotive language of "Hindutva", (attempt 8 - now they cleverly admit he did not speak about Hindutva :cheesy: or Hindu nationalistic agenda which they claimed earlier, but implies its an act) a hardline brand of Hindu nationalism. (attempt 9 - Hardline ? Supreme court called Hindutva as way of life :cheesy:)
Other speakers on stage were less circumspect, however, with local BJP leader Ram Pratap Singh Chauhan calling Congress, and two regional parties aligned with it in UP, "anti-Hindu".

"That is why we need someone like Modi in India, to stop the appeasement of Muslims," he said.

"Small countries like Pakistan ... are issuing threats because we are unable to take action. Narendra Modi is a man who is capable of breaking anyone's jaw if it comes to that."

All major parties have traditionally sought to exploit religious and caste loyalties to win votes in UP, where the BJP won only 10 seats in the last national ballot in 2009 and is believed to need around 40 to have a chance nationally.

Modi has travelled the length and breadth of India addressing huge crowds and electrifying politics with speeches that combine economic promises, a focus on local issues and ridicule of the Gandhis who control the Congress party.

In Agra, he spoke of the need to do more to attract tourists and to provide clean water to a city where supplies are short.

"If our government is formed, I can promise you we will bring development to this country which will change the lives of your children ... change the lives of the poor," he said.

Despite the momentum behind his campaign, political analysts believe Modi will struggle to conquer UP.

"In Uttar Pradesh, the BJP has seen a tremendous decline," said Sudha Pai, professor at the Centre for Political Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi.

"I don't think one individual can make that much difference," she said, while cautioning that India's fractured political landscape makes predictions difficult.

(Writing by Mike Collett-White and Frank Jack Daniel; Editing by Alistair Lyon) :partay:
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I have posted this thread to showcase how communal christian agenda is woven in as regular practice and fed to unsuspecting Indians even in a reputed news agency like reuters. My comments are added in Red.

This article will now be picked up by global news agencies including one in India and this propaganda will spread.

Narendra Modi campaign stirs religious divide in UP| Reuters

(Reuters) - Prime ministerial hopeful Narendra Modi used a large rally in the historic city of Agra on Thursday to push his Hindu nationalist agenda ( :cheesy: Nowhere did he talk about Hindutva in Agra - attempt 1) in a key election state where the sizeable Muslim minority eyes his campaign with alarm. (attempt 2 - injecting hate and fear among all community by using opinion as a news article)

With a bigger population than Russia and 80 seats up for grabs, Uttar Pradesh (UP) is seen as a must-win battleground for Modi in a national election expected to start by April.

The rally in Agra, where tens of thousands of people filled a dusty field outside the centre of the city that boasts the Taj Mahal, was Modi's fourth visit to the state in the last month or so, underlining its importance.

The 63-year-old, whose gruelling campaign has put him in pole position to lead the world's biggest democracy, attacked the ruling Congress for pandering to minorities - making indirect references to majority Hindus and minority Muslims. (attempt 3 - Nowhere did he refer to muslims o_O )
"They are ... neglecting 75 percent of the people and playing games for 25 percent of the people," ( :woot: attempt 4 - does India have 25% muslims ? ) he shouted from a large stage decorated in the saffron colour (ooohh... the color of terror) of his opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

"Doing injustice to 75 percent of the people is all they have done," he said to cheers from a rowdy crowd where very few Muslims were visible. (Attempt 4 - First they indirectly claim the crowd was Hindu, and then they call it Rowdy :cheesy: Why Rowdy ? did they holler, rape or loot ? ...no they are rowdy because they cheered for Modi :P)
Most of India's 150 million Muslims eye Modi with deep suspicion, (attempt 5 - says who ? muslims in gujarat certainly voted for him) after Hindu mobs killed at least 1,000 people, most of them Muslims, (attempt 6 - 1000 people dead included both Hindus and Muslims and they were killed by both hindus and muslims, but the article refers to the killers as Hindus and the killed as muslims :sick:) in religious riots in Gujarat in 2002, (mandatory reference to 2002 :coffee:) when he was chief minister.

Modi has been accused of turning a blind eye to the violence, or even encouraging it, but he rejects any blame.


In a provocative move criticised by Congress, the BJP rally honoured two politicians accused by police of fanning clashes (attempt 7 - but they were acquitted by the court) in September in the UP town of Muzaffarnagar, where Hindus and Muslims fought street battles and more than 50 people died.

Local lawmakers Sangeet Som and Suresh Rana, who deny any wrongdoing and who have been released on bail, were welcomed to the stage, garlanded with flowers and presented with white scarves and colourful headgear, to loud applause.

But in a sign that the BJP wants to distance Modi from the violence while at the same time appealing to his core constituency, they were ushered off stage before he arrived.

Since becoming the BJP's prime ministerial candidate 10 weeks ago, Modi has softened his image by avoiding the emotive language of "Hindutva", (attempt 8 - now they cleverly admit he did not speak about Hindutva :cheesy: or Hindu nationalistic agenda which they claimed earlier, but implies its an act) a hardline brand of Hindu nationalism. (attempt 9 - Hardline ? Supreme court called Hindutva as way of life :cheesy:)
Other speakers on stage were less circumspect, however, with local BJP leader Ram Pratap Singh Chauhan calling Congress, and two regional parties aligned with it in UP, "anti-Hindu".

"That is why we need someone like Modi in India, to stop the appeasement of Muslims," he said.

"Small countries like Pakistan ... are issuing threats because we are unable to take action. Narendra Modi is a man who is capable of breaking anyone's jaw if it comes to that."

All major parties have traditionally sought to exploit religious and caste loyalties to win votes in UP, where the BJP won only 10 seats in the last national ballot in 2009 and is believed to need around 40 to have a chance nationally.

Modi has travelled the length and breadth of India addressing huge crowds and electrifying politics with speeches that combine economic promises, a focus on local issues and ridicule of the Gandhis who control the Congress party.

In Agra, he spoke of the need to do more to attract tourists and to provide clean water to a city where supplies are short.

"If our government is formed, I can promise you we will bring development to this country which will change the lives of your children ... change the lives of the poor," he said.

Despite the momentum behind his campaign, political analysts believe Modi will struggle to conquer UP.

"In Uttar Pradesh, the BJP has seen a tremendous decline," said Sudha Pai, professor at the Centre for Political Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi.

"I don't think one individual can make that much difference," she said, while cautioning that India's fractured political landscape makes predictions difficult.

(Writing by Mike Collett-White and Frank Jack Daniel; Editing by Alistair Lyon) :partay:

Acceptable rebuttals from your side, but how is this "communal christian news", just because some Caucasian happened to co-author the article? That would be akin to labeling any article (which might contain content which is found to be disagreeable by certain individuals or groups) authored by you about some gora politician (lets say some Republican from the bible belt stateside) as an article infused with "communal Hindu" overtones or agendas. Avoiding unsubstantiated insinuations is vital.
Why doesn't BJP takes legal action against these media outlets for defaming them???
One big blunder BJP made during Vajpayee's reign was they failed to give rise to right wing media outlet hope they correct it this time
Acceptable rebuttals from your side, but how is this "communal christian news", just because some Caucasian happened to co-author the article? That would be akin to labeling any article (which might contain content which is found to be disagreeable by certain individuals or groups) authored by you about some gora politician (lets say some Republican from the bible belt stateside) as an article infused with "communal Hindu" overtones or agendas. Avoiding unsubstantiated insinuations is vital.

I can see you are cautious to refer to collett white, Frank Jack Daniel and Alistair Lyon as caucasian

How do you know they are caucasian ? They could be afro, afro american, anglo indian or chinese too.

The probability of them being christian is almost certain.

Yet you wish to sound 'secular' and call them caucasian and not Christian. This exactly what Christian brain washing of 200 years has successfully molded Hindus into.

You would rather sound like a racist than got forbid, like a communal Hindu.

Are you seriously telling me that there is propaganda against 'Hindutva' Modi because the writer is Caucasian ? :cheesy: .....or is it more likely because they are Christian ?

What does the caucasians have against Modi ? Is he anti White ? :lol:

Why not just call a Spade a Spade ? You see the insinuation is not unsubstantiated as we all would like to believe. Just needs a bit of spine to call it out.
@Dillinger Everything in that article is Anti-Hindu.

Right from making insinuations of Muslim Fear, talking about Hindu national agenda, Muslim alarm, Saffron insinuation, Hindutva, Hindu Rowdy, Hindu killers, Muslim suspicion, Hindu hardline & Hindu leaders.

You tell me, this is because the writers are Caucasian or is it because they are christians ? .....or let us be charitable and call them followers of Abrahamic faith. Is that secular enough ?
I can see you are cautious to refer to collett white, Frank Jack Daniel and Alistair Lyon as caucasian

How do you know they are caucasian ? They could be afro, afro american, anglo indian or chinese too.

The probability of them being christian is almost certain.

Yet you wish to sound 'secular' and call them caucasian and not Christian. This exactly what Christian brain washing of 200 years has successfully molded Hindus into.

You would rather sound like a racist than got forbid, like a communal Hindu.

Are you seriously telling me that there is propaganda against 'Hindutva' Modi because the writer is Caucasian ? :cheesy: .....or is it more likely because they are Christian ?

What does the caucasians have against Modi ? Is he anti White ? :lol:

Why not just call a Spade a Spade ? You see the insinuation is not unsubstantiated as we all would like to believe. Just needs a bit of spine to call it out.

Oh just the fact that Collett, Daniel and co. actually happen to be Caucasians, I would know. Most of the criticism of any assertions of cultural pride in the orient are actually racially motivated- there is that bit too- although I would not attribute this article to any such motivation either since I am not omniscient and cannot divine the psyche behind said article. I never asserted that they wrote what they wrote because they are Caucasians, I stated that the fact that they were Caucasians should not lead us to attribute their opinions to any religion, let me now amend that by adding that neither should their nationality/organisation of employement lead to any such assumption either- that would be a logically fallacious move. The point is that just because a gora or some foreigner wrote the article does not make it Christian propaganda. If you believe that people are so uni-dimensional that all their political or ideological beliefs/leanings spring from which religion they might belong to and that their faith is the single irreducible factor in all their actions then this is going to be an exercise in futility and I will have had the distinct displeasure of having run into another Zarvan.

@Dillinger Everything in that article is Anti-Hindu.

Right from making insinuations of Muslim Fear, talking about Hindu national agenda, Muslim alarm, Saffron insinuation, Hindutva, Hindu Rowdy, Hindu killers, Muslim suspicion, Hindu hardline & Hindu leaders.

You tell me, this is because the writers are Caucasian or is it because they are christians ? .....or let us be charitable and call them followers of Abrahamic faith. Is that secular enough ?

Or perhaps because irregardless of their faith they are prejudiced, there is that too. You don't need to be a Christian to be opposed to any assertion of Hindu identity. Assumptions serve no one, they could equally be working in the service of personal economic interests. You forget that political and economic interests extend beyond religious lines, after all the majority of articles vilifying Modi have been written by Indians- many of whom also happen to belong to the Hindu denomination. Similarly a distasteful opinion emerging from the perception that Modi is a bigot need not be fed by any religious belief at all but rather by strongly held ideological convictions. Sans some tangible proof one if left dressing up one's opinions as facts, which they most assuredly are not till they are proven to be so with some concrete substantiations, till then such assertions fall firmly in the category of opinions or hunches which may be true or may be false.
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Oh just the fact that Collett, Daniel and co. actually happen to be Caucasians, I would know.

Sure :D

Most of the criticism of any assertions of cultural pride in the orient are actually racially motivated- there is that bit too- although I would not attribute this article to any such motivation either since I am not omniscient and cannot divine the psyche behind said article.

Of course there is a racial overtone to the whole article, but its Anti-Hindu agenda is overwhelming.

I never asserted that they wrote what they wrote because they are Caucasians, I stated that the fact that they were Caucasians should not lead us to attribute their opinions to any religion, let me now amend that by adding that neither should their nationality/organisation of employement lead to any such assumption either- that would be a logically fallacious move.

Not asserted, but implied. Now consider this,

When Modi and RSS speaks against Minority appeasement they are Anti-Muslim, uni-dimentional communal Hindus.

When Collett & Daniel’s of the world write Anti-Hindu articles, it may be because they are Caucasians who might have racist tendencies :P…….and not because they are Christians.

Why do not a Indian Hindu get this benefit of doubt ? why do they get called RSS chadiwala :azn: ...why this double standards ?

The point is that just because a gora or some foreigner wrote the article does not make it Christian propaganda. If you believe that people are so uni-dimensional that all their political or ideological beliefs/leanings spring from which religion they might belong to and that their faith is the single irreducible factor in all their actions then this is going to be an exercise in futility and I will have had the distinct displeasure of having run into another Zarvan.

That is both a Red herring and a strawman argument, hence a logical fallacy. You might want to take your own advice.

Or perhaps because irregardless of their faith they are prejudiced, there is that too. You don't need to be a Christian to be opposed to any assertion of Hindu identity. Assumptions serve no one, they could equally be working in the service of personal economic interests.

This article was more Anti-Hindu and Anti-Hindutva than Anti-Modi. Who would pay Reuters editors to make such claims ? :azn:

You forget that political and economic interests extend beyond religious lines, after all the majority of articles vilifying Modi have been written by Indians- many of whom also happen to belong to the Hindu denomination. Similarly a distasteful opinion emerging from the perception that Modi is a bigot need not be fed by any religious belief at all but rather by strongly held ideological convictions.

Sure, many Pseudo-secular Hindus have written Anti-Modi articles, but Pseudo-secularism is a uniquely Indian phenomenon. This weird twisted definition of secularism does not exist anywhere else in the world.

If a foreigner writes Anti-Hindu or Anti-Hindutva articles, you can certainly rule out pseudo-secularism.

It could be communism or any other such ..ism with a rabid Anti-Hindu agenda, just that its unlikely. (coming from Reuters)

Sans some tangible proof one if left dressing up one's opinions as facts, which they most assuredly are not till they are proven to be so with some concrete substantiations, till then such assertions fall firmly in the category of opinions or hunches which may be true or may be false.

Of course it’s an opinion based on analyzing the article. An studied opinion. Considering the world media share of Abrahmic relgion, especially English media outlets, it is a reasonable assumption too.
Sure :D

Of course there is a racial overtone to the whole article, but its Anti-Hindu agenda is overwhelming.

Not asserted, but implied. Now consider this,

When Modi and RSS speaks against Minority appeasement they are Anti-Muslim, uni-dimentional communal Hindus.

When Collett & Daniel’s of the world write Anti-Hindu articles, it may be because they are Caucasians who might have racist tendencies :P…….and not because they are Christians.

Why do not a Indian Hindu get this benefit of doubt ? why do they get called RSS chadiwala :azn: ...why this double standards ?

That is both a Red herring and a strawman argument, hence a logical fallacy. You might want to take your own advice.

This article was more Anti-Hindu and Anti-Hindutva than Anti-Modi. Who would pay Reuters editors to make such claims ? :azn:

Sure, many Pseudo-secular Hindus have written Anti-Modi articles, but Pseudo-secularism is a uniquely Indian phenomenon. This weird twisted definition of secularism does not exist anywhere else in the world.

If a foreigner writes Anti-Hindu or Anti-Hindutva articles, you can certainly rule out pseudo-secularism.

It could be communism or any other such ..ism with a rabid Anti-Hindu agenda, just that its unlikely. (coming from Reuters)

Of course it’s an opinion based on analyzing the article. An studied opinion. Considering the world media share of Abrahmic relgion, especially English media outlets, it is a reasonable assumption too.

There seems to be a fundamental inability to understand nuance here. There is no logical fallacy in what I stated, you have simply assumed that this has something to do with some Christian agenda and I am pointing out, this time in the simplest of terms possible, that there is no concrete evidence pointing towards the veracity of your assertions.

Anti Hindu overtones does not equate to a Christian/Jewish/Muslim agenda (insert any other religion here), nor should such a conclusion be reached on the basis of the author's likely nationality/race (both factors which can be used to infer the most likely religious belief of said author) along with his/her ideology. That is what I stated. I provided the reasoning behind labeling your line of argument as fallacious, you simply retorted by claiming that it was my logic which was fallacious, a label which you provided sans the required accompanying syllogistic explanation.

Of course, when Modi or any other leader for that matter speaks up against minority appeasement logic would dictate that unless there was a clear addendum demanding that said minorities be maltreated, harmed and/or disenfranchised the statement in question should not be twisted and communal tones should not be attributed to it. This should be understood without need of elucidation, any one who does not apply such standards equally and fairly is a hypocrite, the latter fact should also not require any elucidation. Lamentably we are not a people known for being logical often..
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There seems to be a fundamental inability to understand nuance here. There is no logical fallacy in what I stated, you have simply assumed that this has something to do with some Christian agenda and I am pointing out, this time in the simplest of terms possible, that there is no concrete evidence pointing towards the veracity of your assertions.

Not at all. After studying and analyzing this article and countless similar article on India, Hindu, hindutva etc.. I have come to the conclusion that this kind of Anti-Hindu and anti-Hindutva articles stems primarily from motivated Christian writers with religious influence and partially due to racist tendencies.

Of course, when Modi or any other leader for that matter speaks up against minority appeasement logic would dictate that unless there was a clear addendum demanding that said minorities be maltreated, harmed and/or disenfranchised the statement in question should not be twisted and communal tones should not be attributed to it. This should be understood without need of elucidation, any one who does not apply such standards equally and fairly is a hypocrite, the latter fact should also not require any elucidation. Lamentably we are not a people known for being logical often..

Hence the need to spell out my studied opinion and label it as such.
Not at all. After studying and analyzing this article and countless similar article on India, Hindu, hindutva etc.. I have come to the conclusion that this kind of Anti-Hindu and anti-Hindutva articles stems primarily from motivated Christian writers with religious influence and partially due to racist tendencies.

Hence the need to spell out my studied opinion and label it as such.

An assumption which you have converted into the rubric of this thread. Other than that, since it is indeed your opinion and you are set to follow your own counsel, we have reached an impasse.
An assumption which you have converted into the rubric of this thread. Other than that, since it is indeed your opinion and you are set to follow your own counsel, we have reached an impasse.

Surely you are aware the the US govt. denied Visa to Hindutva Modi on the grounds of religious freedom violations. They have calls on Gujarat and other Indian states with anti-conversion laws to repeal such legislation and ensure freedom to practice, propagate, and profess ones’ religion. :cheesy:

Anti-Hindutva agenda has the state sanction of a very powerful christian nation.
Surely you are aware the the US govt. denied Visa to Hindutva Modi on the grounds of religious freedom violations. They have calls on Gujarat and other Indian states with anti-conversion laws to repeal such legislation and ensure freedom to practice, propagate, and profess ones’ religion. :cheesy:

Anti-Hindutva agenda has the state sanction of a very powerful christian nation.

If their opposition was limited in its scope by being solely directed against anti-conversion laws then they are right. Each man or woman should have the right to chose his or her religion and denying and/or hindering the exercise of that right is denying a fundamental human right. If Hinduism requires an anti-conversion law (under assumption that said law posits and enforces what its name suggests literally) to survive then it is better off not surviving, it is then no different than any other Abrahamic faith which censures and forbids "apostasy".

As such that is not the scope of this thread nor are American actions pertaining to this matter driven solely or even largely by any such altruistic considerations, furthermore I am not cognizant of the particulars of the legislation in question-as such there is nothing more to state or write.
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If their opposition was limited in its scope by being solely directed against anti-conversion laws then they are right. Each man or woman should have the right to chose his or her religion and denying and/or hindering the exercise of that right is denying a fundamental human right. If Hinduism requires an anti-conversion law (under assumption that said law posits and enforces what its name suggests literally) to survive then it is better off not surviving, it is then no different than any other Abrahamic faith which censures and forbids "apostasy".

And yet the same parameter of measurement and action is not extended to Saudia Arabia, Pakistan or China. This is the same nation that raised outrage when there was plans to include a small mosque in WTC and which sanctioned arsenic poisoning of Acharya Rajneesh a.k.a Osho for spreading Hinduism in the US.

US has no moral or legal authority to forcibly arm twist India to facilitate US sponsored christian missionary evangelism.

As a matter of fact, since Hinduism is literally the poorest religion in the world and more over since the govt. of India exercises complete control of all major Hindu temples and is directly responsible for strangulating Hinduism in India, Hinduism does require a certain amount of protection. Especially against a proselytizing religion that is the worlds richest and also the most powerful militarily and exerts tremendous media control.

I completely disagree that only the monetarily or militarily mighty religion deserves to survive and that proselytizing religions are free to use any immoral or unethical means for conversion.

As such that is not the scope of this thread nor are American actions pertaining to this matter driven solely or even largely by any such altruistic considerations, furthermore I am not cognizant of the particulars of the legislation in question-as such there is nothing more to state or write.

Thankfully you do not get to define the scope of the thread. The thread is about exposing communal religious tendencies in foreign media which we are mutely required to accept as secular and neutral.
Why doesn't BJP takes legal action against these media outlets for defaming them???
One big blunder BJP made during Vajpayee's reign was they failed to give rise to right wing media outlet hope they correct it this time
I told many Bjp fellows long time ago, but most of them were unconcerned they thought they could do things old school, now you see since the impact of Social Media, the support for the right wing in internet and how its growing.
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