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Come October, China could flex its muscles again. India must prepare urgently

So you want to China fire a DF-21D toward the carrier and start WWW3:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy:

Well, have you read what GobarTimes tweeted on behalf of CCP?
Why all that bluster if all CCP can do is shut it's holes and let US trample all over them?

We killed Chinese recently, exactly what has CCP done when 2 AC of US are violating them continuously.

Why the false bravado when they can't match the words?
Well, have you read what GobarTimes tweeted on behalf of CCP?
Why all that bluster if all CCP can do is shut it's holes and let US trample all over them?

We killed Chinese recently, exactly what has CCP done when 2 AC of US are violating them continuously.

Why the false bravado when they can't match the words?
shut up China and USA is not in war that they can destroy each other Naval assets in south China sea, in peace time PLAAN can intercept these carrier, that's the standard procedure in peace time to intercept your enemy and believes what you want about ladakah standoff, you're in delusional mode

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