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Combat Helmets in the USA


Apr 28, 2011
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The Armed Forces have been using the combat helmets since 1915 when the first modern steel helmets were introduced by the French forces called M15.

The US Armed Forces first came up with M1 helmets designed for combats in early 1941 during world war II. It was a very successful designed and accepted by the personnel. The M1 was a replacement of the US modified version of a British made Brodie helmet and was called M1917 helmet. The M1 could only last for two phases of production. One being in 1941, and the second in the 1960s with a streamlined forehead protection. It weighed approximately about 1.29 kgs.

The M1 helmet was used for over 40 years until 1985.

Wars are one of the scenarios when most of the research and development takes place. The successor of M1 helmet was Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops (PASGT; pronounced pass-GET) designed by the Program Executive Office Soldier, who is responsible for rapid prototyping, procurement, and deployment of protective equipment to its soldiers. It is called as “K-Pot” amongst the troops of the US Army.

The PASGT helmet was designed post after the Vietnam War after observing the casualties due to head injuries. PASGT helmet was extensively adopted by the armed forces and the US law enforcement agencies such as SWAT teams. For warfighters, dodging bullets, shrapnel, and explosions is a regular part of their day. The Shell of the PASGT helmet is made of layers of Kevlar and provides a Level III-A protection which protects the troops from shrapnel and ballistic threats.

The PASGT helmets are also used by many nation’s armed forces including United Nations Peacekeeping Forces. PASGT is also a popular design for media personnel reporting from hostile situations. Just in case you are looking to buy these helmets, make sure you buy from a listed & certified manufacturer.

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