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"Collective Hopes & Shared Destinies" - Modi seeks ‘new course’ in India-Pakistan ties


Aug 14, 2013
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Modi seeks ‘new course’ in India-Pakistan ties - The Hindu

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has written to his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharif, saying he looked forward to charting a “new course” in the bilateral relations in an atmosphere “free from confrontation and violence”.
Responding to Mr. Sharif’s letter of June 2, Mr. Modi has said that “a relationship between India and Pakistan defined by peace, friendship and cooperation would unleash enormous opportunities for our youth, secure a more prosperous future for our people and accelerate progress across our region.”
He also condemned the terror strike in Karachi earlier this week and conveyed his “deepest condolences” for the loss of innocent lives in this “senseless and barbaric” attack.
Mr. Modi said he was encouraged by discussions with Mr. Sharif during his visit to Delhi on bilateral relations and the convergence on views.
“I look forward therefore to working closely with you and your Government in an atmosphere free from confrontation and violence in order to chart a new course in our bilateral relations,” he said according to text of the letter released by Pakistan on Friday.
Mr. Sharif had written to Mr. Modi expressing satisfaction over his visit to Delhi for attending the swearing-in of the new government on May 26. The two leaders had then held talks to discuss the future of the bilateral relationship.
He thanked Mr. Sharif for attending the oath taking ceremony.
“Your presence and that of other leaders from our region not only added a special sheen to the event, but also a celebration of the strength of democracy in our region and a reflection of our collective hopes and shared destinies,” he wrote.
In the letter, Mr. Modi also wrote, “I also take this opportunity to condemn in the strongest terms the terrorists attack in Karachi and convey my deepest condolences for the loss of innocent lives in this senseless and barbaric attack.”
He thanked for the letter which Mr. Sharif wrote and also for the gift of sari that Sharif send for his mother, saying it is “a gesture that she has deeply appreciated”.
Now it is bhai-bhai for Modi. Pre-elections it was sabre rattling
Now it is bhai-bhai for Modi. Pre-elections it was sabre rattling

It's a right way forward ....!

Modi’s leap of faith across Jhelum - Indian Punchline

The Prime Minister, Narendra Lodi has written an exceptionally warm reply to his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif within the week of receiving the latter’s letter. Modi’s letter to Sharif has the right personal touch, carrying forward the rapport they seem to have established when they first met in Hyderabad House on May 26.
A new momentum seems to be appearing in the India-Pakistan exchanges, which is very important, because what Modi can do in the first six months of his term as prime minister to try to turn around this flawed relationship is going to create the critical mass for the two countries to move forward for the coming 5-year period.
Modi has not allowed the obscure attack on the Indian consulate in Herat last month to come in the way of his dialogue with Sharif. That is the right approach, and the only sensible approach — not allowing the militants and the ‘hawks’ (on both sides) to set the agenda for India-Pakistan ties. On the other hand, Modi has conveyed to Sharif his anguish over the “senseless barbaric” terrorist attack on Karachi international airport.
This should prompt thoughtful Pakistanis to introspect whether it isn’t really the moment to seize to inscribe a new page of “collective hopes and shared destinies”, as Modi put it.
Frankly, I was feeling depressed after reading the well-known security analyst Praveen Swami’s essay “Talking to Pakistan in its language” in the Hindu newspaper two days ago and was beginning to wonder whether the ‘deep state’ in our country is going to repeat history by overwhelming yet another new prime minister with old cliches and dollops of paranoia even before he could settle in and hustles him.
The fact of the matter is that maybe Swami is damn right to say there is going to be a devastating terrorist strike against India “sooner than most people expect”, but the issue is what do we do about it. Indeed, the “hard options” are exactly four, as Swami flags, and they are all inadequate, dangerous, counter-productive or ineffectual.
So, where does Modi go? Apparently, he is left with no option but to allow the ‘deep state’ to develop “covert means, like bomb-for-bomb strikes or targeted assassination of jihadist leaders.” But then, India is not Israel, nor is Pakistan Gaza or the West Bank and Lebanon.
Pakistan is a nuclear power and it has the capacity to retaliate in kind — and make no mistake about it that we too have any number of people in our society today who may become the target for assassination or car bombs. Where does such a bloody trail really take us? It is a road to nowhere and even Israel realized it, finally.
In fact, the job is cut out for our ‘deep state’. Just look within. Our capabilities today are far from sufficient to fasten ‘homeland security’. Instead of constantly passing the buck or finding alibi, the ‘deep state’ should try to improve the state of affairs on this front. It has a job cut out for it, don’t quibble over the Mission.
Furthermore, if we get entrapped in a cycle of violence with Pakistan , what would happen to Modi’s ‘India Dream’ — eradicating destitution from the face of Mother India by the 75th anniversary of her freedom from slavery?
Without doubt, Modi has taken a brave decision to take to the path of peace and reconciliation with Pakistan. It is a risky decision and while taking such a leap of faith he is even annoying some of his most ardent starry-eyed supporters.
They are stunned. They claimed monopoly over Modi’s mind and thought processes and were expecting fire and brimstone on the IB and the Line of Control with Pakistan — and the Line of Actual Control with China from day 1 in the Modi era.
But instead, the prime minister is releasing peace doves almost every week since he took over, across the Himalayas to China and across the Jhelum River to Pakistan. Modi engaged with the Chinese leadership meaningfully last week. Sharif’s letter to Modi followed within forty-eight hours of Modi’s meeting with the Chinese special envoy. And it took just another forty-eight hours for Modi to reply to Sharif.
So what exactly is different between his foreign policy and that of Congress ??

whether his foreign policy is different from Congress or not will take time to show up.

But right from his swearing in ceremony he has shown what his priorities are ?

His move to bring SAARC countries together is itself proof that his foreign policy is not same as that of Congress .

Off course I will wait and watch ...before concluding anything as yet .

so far.... so good !
So what exactly is different between his foreign policy and that of Congress ??

Either you must have a good policy or a bad policy.But for Congress they dont have a policy at all.
We dont know what is Narendra Modi aiming for.Be careful about a person who show extra warm relation to an enemy.Especially Narendra Modi , former RSS Pracharak.
“I look forward therefore to working closely with you and your Government in an atmosphere free from confrontation and violence in order to chart a new course in our bilateral relations
thats what his stand has been....
Pakistan shouldn't work with extremist terrorists like Modi
Interesting Attitude from Modi. Compared to his pre-Election Bragging. Hope he is for real this time.
An interesting fact is that Pakistan always enjoy better relations with india when Rightist Nleague is power in Pakistan and apparently far right and Pakistan Hater partt BJP is in power in india.
I still remember a pre election column by Zafar Hilali that Pakistan will have better relations with india under BJP as compared to congress(then ruling party) and we were all laughing at him.
BTW good to see warming relations between two neibours
It's a right way forward ....!

Modi’s leap of faith across Jhelum - Indian Punchline

The Prime Minister, Narendra Lodi has written an exceptionally warm reply to his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif within the week of receiving the latter’s letter. Modi’s letter to Sharif has the right personal touch, carrying forward the rapport they seem to have established when they first met in Hyderabad House on May 26.
A new momentum seems to be appearing in the India-Pakistan exchanges, which is very important, because what Modi can do in the first six months of his term as prime minister to try to turn around this flawed relationship is going to create the critical mass for the two countries to move forward for the coming 5-year period.
Modi has not allowed the obscure attack on the Indian consulate in Herat last month to come in the way of his dialogue with Sharif. That is the right approach, and the only sensible approach — not allowing the militants and the ‘hawks’ (on both sides) to set the agenda for India-Pakistan ties. On the other hand, Modi has conveyed to Sharif his anguish over the “senseless barbaric” terrorist attack on Karachi international airport.
This should prompt thoughtful Pakistanis to introspect whether it isn’t really the moment to seize to inscribe a new page of “collective hopes and shared destinies”, as Modi put it.
Frankly, I was feeling depressed after reading the well-known security analyst Praveen Swami’s essay “Talking to Pakistan in its language” in the Hindu newspaper two days ago and was beginning to wonder whether the ‘deep state’ in our country is going to repeat history by overwhelming yet another new prime minister with old cliches and dollops of paranoia even before he could settle in and hustles him.
The fact of the matter is that maybe Swami is damn right to say there is going to be a devastating terrorist strike against India “sooner than most people expect”, but the issue is what do we do about it. Indeed, the “hard options” are exactly four, as Swami flags, and they are all inadequate, dangerous, counter-productive or ineffectual.
So, where does Modi go? Apparently, he is left with no option but to allow the ‘deep state’ to develop “covert means, like bomb-for-bomb strikes or targeted assassination of jihadist leaders.” But then, India is not Israel, nor is Pakistan Gaza or the West Bank and Lebanon.
Pakistan is a nuclear power and it has the capacity to retaliate in kind — and make no mistake about it that we too have any number of people in our society today who may become the target for assassination or car bombs. Where does such a bloody trail really take us? It is a road to nowhere and even Israel realized it, finally.
In fact, the job is cut out for our ‘deep state’. Just look within. Our capabilities today are far from sufficient to fasten ‘homeland security’. Instead of constantly passing the buck or finding alibi, the ‘deep state’ should try to improve the state of affairs on this front. It has a job cut out for it, don’t quibble over the Mission.
Furthermore, if we get entrapped in a cycle of violence with Pakistan , what would happen to Modi’s ‘India Dream’ — eradicating destitution from the face of Mother India by the 75th anniversary of her freedom from slavery?
Without doubt, Modi has taken a brave decision to take to the path of peace and reconciliation with Pakistan. It is a risky decision and while taking such a leap of faith he is even annoying some of his most ardent starry-eyed supporters.
They are stunned. They claimed monopoly over Modi’s mind and thought processes and were expecting fire and brimstone on the IB and the Line of Control with Pakistan — and the Line of Actual Control with China from day 1 in the Modi era.
But instead, the prime minister is releasing peace doves almost every week since he took over, across the Himalayas to China and across the Jhelum River to Pakistan. Modi engaged with the Chinese leadership meaningfully last week. Sharif’s letter to Modi followed within forty-eight hours of Modi’s meeting with the Chinese special envoy. And it took just another forty-eight hours for Modi to reply to Sharif.
wtf? Narendra Lodi? :rofl:
So what exactly is different between his foreign policy and that of Congress ??
will find out soon enough.
"“I look forward therefore to working closely with you and your Government in an atmosphere free from confrontation and violence in order to chart a new course in our bilateral relations,"

The nation will hold him to his statement "Bomb aur Bandooki ke shor mein baatcheet ki awaz kaha sunai deti hai"
Too many foreign players deeply rooted in Pakistan will never allow this to blossom. If it does bear fruit, it will be short term. I only hope we learn our lesson, though it may be costly. This temporary lull in violence will allow them to set up major sleeper cells in India...if we are not alert.
I have never been a supporter of friendship with India but this seems promising an I hope this turns our relationship around.
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