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Coca-Cola plans expansion in Pakistan

I don't think it is good news for peoples health, as these drinks are sucking out calcium and vitamin-C out of its consumers, just couple of day's ago I had to visit doctor for some health issue and there I find out the these drinks were the reason for that health issue, the doctor told me that majority of his patents got sick due to these drinks and they people should avoid them, he has asked me to stop drinking these drinks as they will destroy your health.

Just for few jobs and some money one can not put large number of peoples lives at risk.

i drink red bull daily

God bless your Kidneys.
I don't think it is good news for peoples health, as these drinks are sucking out calcium and vitamin-C out of its consumers, just couple of day's ago I had to visit doctor for some health issue and there I find out the these drinks were the reason for that health issue, the doctor told me that majority of his patents got sick due to these drinks and they people should avoid them, he has asked me to stop drinking these drinks as they will destroy your health.

I would be extremely skeptical about any such diagnosis, (unless you drink massive amounts per day), and even more skeptical that "most patients" get sick from soft drinks.

Research your symptoms yourself.
Get ready for Rooh Afza time this Ramadan nothing better than a refreshing drink free of many chemicals.

There is hell of a difference in Coke/Pepsi of M.E, poor Asia, N. America and Europe.

Soft drinks like Coke/Pepsi they provide to south america and poor asian countries are nothing short of poison.
Get ready for Rooh Afza time this Ramadan nothing better than a refreshing drink free of many chemicals.

There is hell of a difference in Coke/Pepsi of M.E, poor Asia, N. America and Europe.

Soft drinks like Coke/Pepsi they provide to south america and poor asian countries are nothing short of poison.

Any particular research I can read to learn more about this?

"They" don't have the motivation, time, or capacity to brew special batches of poison to pass out to the unlucky poor.

Sounds like another scare tactic rumor spread by forces that do not want their population to covet "western" culture, for fear of losing their grip.
Any particular research I can read to learn more about this?

"They" don't have the motivation, time, or capacity to brew special batches of poison to pass out to the unlucky poor.

Sounds like another scare tactic rumor spread by forces that do not want their population to covet "western" culture, for fear of losing their grip.

US would never ever give key ingredients the secret formula to even countries like China-India-Pakistan and the rest of asian nations so whatever these countries and many more poor countries have is cheap formula that tastes like crap full of sugar. No need to go far pick a pepsi from Saudi Arab and one from Pakistan hell of a difference and than from Canada comparing it to Saudi Arab again hell of a difference the saudi one begins to taste bad in mouth. Considering most of Asian countries would be willing to steal and create their own product US would never sell real formula.
Get ready for Rooh Afza time this Ramadan nothing better than a refreshing drink free of many chemicals.

There is hell of a difference in Coke/Pepsi of M.E, poor Asia, N. America and Europe.

Soft drinks like Coke/Pepsi they provide to south america and poor asian countries are nothing short of poison.

In that regard, anything that you buy off the shelf, that is packaged or processed is poison, INCLUDING the that packet of crisps/lays/doritos etc
In that regard, anything that you buy off the shelf, that is packaged or processed is poison, INCLUDING the that packet of crisps/lays/doritos etc

I do not know about them but coke/pepsi is for real the ones you have in asian/Pakistan it is alot different from US/Canadian.

Just go tomorrow pick a bottle see the address go to another shop pick the bottle see the address they are now outsourcing giving it to local unknown manufacturers. It should have been directly from coke/pepsi factories in 90's it was like that standard fell after 95...my uncle was GM coke in 90's and than joined pepsi now a days in nestle. Hell even the water we drink is poison how do you know it is clean and treated properly?
Building factories does not cause greater consumption. The supply is to meet demand.

An occasional can of coke for a healthy and active person is as dangerous as breathing.

Funny, but not true. We didn't evolve to drink carbonated beverages. An occasional can won't kill you, but it certainly is more harmul than breathing. ;p
Dr Subramaniam Swamy has repeatedly urged Indians to avoid Coca Cola and the likes. Excessive waste of water resources in addition to health consequences were his main reasons. I would definitely try to bring down my consumption and go for Amul products. I urge Indians to do the same.
Well, how will Asian get rid of it when we happen to use it for Whiskey and stuff. Although i don't but a lot of my friends use Cola with whiskey? What about the PDF members here?
I do not know about them but coke/pepsi is for real the ones you have in asian/Pakistan it is alot different from US/Canadian.

Just go tomorrow pick a bottle see the address go to another shop pick the bottle see the address they are now outsourcing giving it to local unknown manufacturers. It should have been directly from coke/pepsi factories in 90's it was like that standard fell after 95...my uncle was GM coke in 90's and than joined pepsi now a days in nestle. Hell even the water we drink is poison how do you know it is clean and treated properly?

I understand that, but you are stating that coke/pepsi sold outside of the first world is bad and poison. While there are differences in taste across the world, the coke/pepsi they sell in developed world ain't exactly a potion of health. Carbonated Soft Drinks are the worst you can treat your body with. But hey, people want it, they can sell it, so let's make lots of money
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