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CM Vows Defence Modernisation


Feb 21, 2014
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Keeping her focus on the big picture that could emerge after the Lok Sabha elections, Chief Minister and AIADMK general secretary J Jayalalithaa on Monday reached out to defence personnel by promising to make every effort to augment the country’s military capabilities to put India on par with the global superpowers. Also, welfare of personnel of all three armed forces would be high on her party’s agenda, she said.

Jayalalithaa said her government in Tamil Nadu had been extending unprecedented concessions to the police personnel so that they could discharge their duties with a greater sense of patriotism. A lot of measures had been taken to modernise the State police force, making it a model worthy of emulation, she asserted.

“The AIADMK will strive to make the Indian Army a model for the rest of the countries in the world. All modern equipment required for modernisation of the three armed forces would be bought. In sum, the defence capabilities of the country would be upgraded on par with that of the superpowers in the globe,” Jayalalithaa assured.

“Besides, all possible concessions would be provided to the armed forces personnel so that they feel there is a government to take care of the welfare of their families. This would encourage them to discharge their duties with enhanced enthusiasm,” Jayalalithaa said.

Charging that the allocation for the defence sector made in the UPA’s interim budget was the lowest since Independence, Jayalalithaa said long-term plans for modernising the armed forces had merely remained on paper.

On the industrial growth of the country, Jayalalithaa said due to the wrong economic policies pursued by the UPA government, the quantum of export had come down drastically and the value of the rupee also had depreciated.

Stating that corruption had been the watchword of the UPA regime during the past 10 years, Jayalalithaa listed the mega graft cases that happened under Manmohan Singh’s watch as prime minister, including the 2G spectrum scam, the coal scam, the Augusta helicopter scam and Commonwealth games scam. “It is our duty to oust the UPA he armed forces had merely remained on paper.

On the industrial growth of the country, Jayalalithaa said due to the wrong economic policies pursued by the UPA government, the quantum of export had come down drastically and the value of the rupee also had depreciated.

Meanwhile, Jayalalithaa urged the electorate to use their vote to change the nation’s destiny by putting an end to the decade-long dynastic rule at the Centre.

“Use your franchise to ensure the welfare of Tamils and Tamil Nadu and save India by doing so,” Jayalalithaa said and quoted a song in a MGR starrer in the 1960s: “Fear is foolish as courage is the hallmark of Dravidians... death is certain at any moment in life; but paramount duty of everyone is to protect the motherland.”

Introducing AIADMK candidate for the Kancheepuram (SC) seat, Maragatham Kumaravel, she appealed to the voters to elect her and promised that the party nominee would look after the constituency well and fulfil the needs of the people.

CM Vows Defence Modernisation -The New Indian Express
Jayalalithaa said and quoted a song in a MGR starrer in the 1960s: “Fear is foolish as courage is the hallmark of Dravidians... death is certain at any moment in life; but paramount duty of everyone is to protect the motherland.”

that's what Tamils did in Elam but ended in mass graves (genocide) from invading Aryans ......
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