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Closer Ties Predicted between Russia and Pakistan.


Sep 8, 2009
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A New Approach to Pakistan and South Asia

Reference: A research paper written by Russian Professors
Read the Origional Research/Recommendation paper

credit :
Vladimir Moskalenko/
Petr Topychkanov


The Afghan conflict ensures long-term engagement between Russia and Pakistan.
Terrorism, organized crime, drugs, nuclear safety, nonproliferation, and various
other issues will also call for closer cooperation between the two states.
Indeed, Moscow is paying greater attention to Pakistan than ever before
on doctrinal, expert, and practical levels. Russia’s priorities in South Asia are
clearly delineated, even if its approach to the region remains piecemeal.
In the future, Russia would benefit from a balanced and stable development
of Russian-Pakistani relations. In order to do so, Moscow should replace its
separate approaches to the countries of South Asia with
a unified concept of Russian policy in the region, which
would include its policy on Pakistan.

"Establishing a continuous informal and semiformal dialogue between Russian
and Pakistani representatives would increase transparency and confidence"

This Pakistan policy should support intensive dialogue
between the civil, military, and economic institutions of
Moscow and Islamabad on issues involving bilateral and
multilateral relations.


Regular exchange visits by the countries’
highest officials would be helpful in facilitating these
conversations. Establishing a continuous informal and
semiformal dialogue between Russian and Pakistani representatives
would increase transparency and confidence in the burgeoning
relationship. Moscow should actively use regional organizations and initiatives
to promote these various levels and forms of dialogue.

In addition, Russia should support Pakistan’s efforts to respond to security
threats on its territory politically, economically, and militarily. This support
can include cooperation on military technology


Russia and Pakistan: Shared Challenges and Common Opportunities
Promote intensive Russian-Pakistani dialogue.

Discussion between members

of civil, military, and economic institutions in both countries will help
further endeavors to deepen cooperation on a range of issues.


Enhance existing contacts between officials.
Increasing ties between representatives

of the Russian and Pakistani power structures will build trust,
promote transparency, and boost confidence in the developing relationship.
Help Pakistan respond to security threats on its territory.

Providing political,

economic, and military support will help Islamabad address security issues
before they threaten Moscow.
Reach out to the Pakistani public. (Wow may be large civilian projects??)
Informing the Pakistani audience of

Russian positions and projects in South Asia will help Moscow build trust
with regional countries and make its policy more transparent and predictable.


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I was suprised reading the research paper how closely it predicts the current affairs and events taking place for last 5-6 years for a safer Euro-Asia

Obama never visited pakistan ... did he ... no he didn't - that loner


We even asked for the super cobras 4 years ago ...well what can you say , forever alone
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As we can see our importance in the eyes of United States, we should change our foreign policies too. Well we are already friendly to China. Its time to make stable relations with Russia too...
As we can see our importance in the eyes of United States, we should change our foreign policies too. Well we are already friendly to China. Its time to make stable relations with Russia too...
Does pakistan have foreign policy.. ????? US is after you just because of Afghan .. not because economical factors...
Does pakistan have foreign policy.. ????? US is after you just because of Afghan .. not because economical factors...
After all these years, we have seen change in our allies e.g. United States etc. We all know that US is after us because of Afghanistan. The only thing we can do for now is to create relationship with other countries e.g. Russia. It will not only help us but also show US that we are not on their hands.
Well we are simply cooperating with regional neighbours , for economic and anti terror operations
I believe its safe to say that Pakistan a future member of SCO , economic group , does have right to engage in economic and mutually beneficial discussions with other member of SCO organization

---------------------------------Shanghai Cooperation Organization---------------------------------------------

Caption: I told you Nawaz, SCO is the way to go for economic prosperity
Making friends with Russia will possibly screw up your brothers in Turkey, thanks to PKK and Russia.

Idiotic American foreign policies may have just lost an economic friend. :hitwall:
Yesterday Pakistan was a "Warrior State" Today "Asian Tiger" ??

Somebody please tell OP that Tigers are not even found in Pakistan:


........... :angel:






In Pakistan the Snow Leopard (uncia uncia )is found in the high mountains of the Karakoram and the Hindukush. There are mainly found in Baltistan, Chitral, Gilgit, Upper Swat Valley, the Slopes of Nanga Parbat, Khunjerab National Park and the Chitral Gol National Park. The total population of the snow leopards in Pakistan is 100-200. (old estimate)

Snow Leopard Watching Tour|Snow Leopard Watching Trip|Snow Leopard Watching Itinerary|Pakistan


further you can search about the documentry "Snow Lepord beyond the myth"
........... :angel:







further you can search about the documentry "Snow Lepord beyond the myth"

Difference Between Tiger and Leopard

Tiger and leopard are felines belonging to the same family and genus. Though these two big cats are similar in some characteristics, there is a huge difference between the two.

One of the striking differences between a Tiger and a leopard, one can come across, is in its outer fur. The tigers have dark vertical stripes on a white or orange background. Instead of the vertical stripes, a leopard comes with spots or rosettes in its fur. One can see a large number of small spots on a leopard’s body.

When comparing the size of the two felines, the leopard is smaller to a tiger. When a tiger weighs about 500 pounds, a leopard just weighs 140 pounds. When talking about strength, the tiger has an upper hand over the leopard. The tiger has more powerful legs and shoulders than the leopard.

When a tiger stretches 6 feet in length and has a tail length of three foot, the leopard stretches to about 6.25 feet and has a tail length of about 4.5 feet.

Unlike the tiger, a leopard is known for its climbing ability. Leopards can be often seen resting in treetops. Though these two felines are known as good swimmers, the tiger is a better swimmer when compared to a leopard.

Well, the leopard is highly concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa and are also seen in India, china, Indo-china and Malaysia. Tiger population is somewhat concentrated in southern and eastern Asia.

Leopard was earlier believed to be a hybrid of lion and panther. And thus the name leopard is a mix of Greek words leon (lion) and pardos (panther). Tiger is a word that has also been taken from Greek ‘Tigris’, meaning arrow (reference to a tiger’s speed).


1. The tigers have dark vertical stripes on a white or orange background. Instead of the vertical stripes, a leopard comes with spots or rosettes in its fur.

2. When a tiger weighs about 500 pounds, a leopard just weighs 140 pounds.

3. A leopard is known for its climbing ability.

4. Tiger is a better swimmer when compared to a leopard.

5. When comparing the strength, the tiger has an upper hand over the leopard. The tiger has more powerful legs and shoulders.

6. Leopard is a mix of Greek words leon (lion) and pardos (panther). On the other hand, Tiger is a word that has also been taken from Greek ‘Tigris’, meaning arrow (reference to a tiger’s speed).

Read more: Difference Between Tiger and Leopard | Difference Between | Tiger vs Leopard Difference Between Tiger and Leopard | Difference Between | Tiger vs Leopard
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