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Clearing the air on Pakistani Sikhs

Caste based discrimination is illegal and there are strong laws in India to deal with that. You will attract higher punishment that others, if the caste angle is proved. Also govt has many schemes for positive discrimination.
Contrast that to the blasphemy law, which is a law made by govt. Which means the law discriminates the weak against strong.
We both are backward societies, but at least the law should be there to support weak and minority.

About muslims celebrities not getting house for rent, I concede it is something indian society should think about.

In India, Muslims are also wrongly probed by police for bombings:

Police falsely implicate Muslims for bomb blasts: Justice Katju | TwoCircles.net

You never find bias like this against minorities in Pakistan. I agree both of our countries have backward societies, I've made my position abundantly clear on how minorities of both countries fare once you take out the media sensationalism. India does better than Pakistan in many aspects, & Pakistan does better than India in some aspects.
FKPcamper, what you have written is purely what you have experienced on a personal level. I have a Pakistani father & an Indian mother (who surrendered her Indian citizenship when she married my Dad in Pakistan), & family in both Pakistan & India. I've been to India a few times as well. I think Pakistani & Indian societies are very similar. This is my assessment of Indian & Pakistani society:

1) India overall is a more liberal country than Pakistan, Pakistan is conservative.

2) Opportunities to excel in all walks of life for minorities are similar in both countries. Contrary to common belief, minorities in Pakistan are involved in all fields of life in Pakistan, & the only thing they can't be is the PM/President of the country, they can be anything else they want to. Their involvement in Pakistani affairs is quiet, but significant.

3) I feel minorities (& their places of worship) in Pakistan are given better protection than the minorities in India, & there is less bias of LEA against minorities in Pakistan. The security problems Muslims in Pakistan have faced are greater than what minorities in Pakistan have faced.

4) In Pakistan, some religious minorities (especially poor people) might want to keep their distance from the majority Muslims. In India, it is similar as well to an extent. There is a better understanding of minorities in India though, than of minorities in Pakistan, partly because minorities in Pakistan like to keep their distance from the majority, & live peacefully. There are poor minority neighborhoods in both Pakistan & India. But in Pakistan, the poor people live in poor neighborhoods, regardless of religion. Minorities never manage to have problems finding housing in Pakistan based on their religions, which even rich minority people in India do, just because of their religion.

5) In India, while there is a general acceptance of diversity, there is also a "secular Indian-ness" that is expected on some levels. The overly religious people in India can sometimes be perceived wrongly in India, & people might not think they are patriotic enough. In Pakistan, such diversity is not accepted (unless you're in Karachi, or Islamabad to a lesser extent), so if minorities want to remain "closed off" from the majority in Pakistan, they are free to do so peacefully. We do not suspect any of our citizens regardless of religion to be a spy or something.

If you have money and education,nothing matters else nothing else matters.
In India, Muslims are also wrongly probed by police for bombings:

Police falsely implicate Muslims for bomb blasts: Justice Katju | TwoCircles.net

You never find bias like this against minorities in Pakistan. I agree both of our countries have backward societies, I've made my position abundantly clear on how minorities of both countries fare once you take out the media sensationalism. India does better than Pakistan in many aspects, & Pakistan does better than India in some aspects.

ya agree but the case is more than a religion bhai..The problem is that sometimes some of the guys Police just tries to get easy way to solve the cases , you can say another form of corruption.In our area here everything is normal..
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