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Clashes between anti-India protesters and police leave dozens hurt in IoK

do you really enjoy problems in kashmir? you know in india the kashmir is the major violence hit area but in pakistan the entire part except for punjab is violent and facing insurgency and suicide bombing, go search and you can find out people beating police and paramilitary. enjoying other's problems is not a good thing.

Kashmir is disputed territory according to UN, its not your "problem".

No one in Pakistan is chanting India. The only people we have running around are militants funded by you who shoot little girls like Malala.

Do you know why Kashmiris love us so much?

We don't have much to offer, we are nearly in ruins ourselves so surely it is not because of the money we can give them.

Its much deeper than that, they chant Pakistan not because of the territory, its because for them Pakistan is a physical manifestation of freedom. Freedom is a beautiful thing, and you don't appreciate it when you have it in abundance.

It is a precious thing, far more valuable than any money in the world.

We have died for them, and they have died for us. We are metaphysically and spiritually eternal.
The OP has not posted the entire article.

Several hurt in clashes between Hindus and Muslims in Indian Kashmir - The Washington Post

Several hurt in clashes between Hindus and Muslims in Indian Kashmir
By Associated Press,
SRINAGAR, India — Indian forces imposed an indefinite curfew Friday in a town in the Indian portion of Kashmir after firing tear gas and warning shots to disperse groups of Muslims and Hindus who clashed during Eid celebrations, police said.

The army began enforcing the curfew as rival groups attacked each other with stones and sticks, and burned several shops and vehicles in Kishtwar, a town 200 kilometers (125 miles) southeast of Srinagar, the main city in Indian-controlled Kashmir.

Several people were hurt in the clashes, said one police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to talk to reporters.

The trouble erupted after Hindus objected to Muslims shouting raising pro-independence slogans on the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which caps the fasting month of Ramadan.

State Home Minister Sajad Ahmed Kitchloo, who is from the area, escaped unhurt when his motorcade was attacked with stones by the clashing groups.

The state director-general of police, Ashok Prasad, said “the situation is serious and our priority is not to allow the situation to escalate.... We are trying to enforce the curfew strictly.”

Anti-India feelings run deep in Kashmir, where about a dozen rebel groups have been fighting against Indian rule since 1989. More than 65,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed.

The rebel groups have largely been suppressed by Indian troops in recent years, and resistance is now principally expressed through street protests.

Indian forces also used tear gas and pellet guns to quell thousands of stone-throwing protesters who took to the streets after the special Eid prayers in Srinagar.

Dozens of protesters, police and paramilitary officers were injured in the clashes, another police officer said.

The protesters chanted “We Want Freedom,” and “Down with India” as they marched through the streets of Srinagar.

The injured included 19 police and paramilitary soldiers, said Kishore Prasad, a spokesman for the Central Reserve Police force.

Several separatist leaders were put under house arrest on Thursday night to stop them from leading the protests ahead of the holiday, and shops and businesses were closed in the region.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan. They have fought two wars over its control since they won independence from Britain in 1947.

The Indian portion of Kashmir is the only Muslim majority state in a predominantly Hindu country.

As underlined the cops had no other avenue except to take strong action so they could control the situation. Pakistan may tolerate it in their country we do not. the cops and army did the right thing.

The above is a very good documentary in english, I would recommend for you to watch.

Understand the savagery of your soliders, may God have mercy on your souls.
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Kashmir is disputed territory according to UN, its not your "problem".

No one in Pakistan is chanting India. The only people we have running around are militants funded by you who shoot little girls like Malala.

Do you know why Kashmiris love us so much?

We don't have much to offer, we are nearly in ruins ourselves so surely it is not because of the money we can give them.

Its much deeper than that, they chant Pakistan not because of the territory, its because for them Pakistan is a physical manifestation of freedom. Freedom is a beautiful thing, and you don't appreciate it when you have it in abundance.

It is a precious thing, far more valuable than any money in the world.

We have died for them, and they have died for us. We are metaphysically and spiritually eternal.

Kashmir acceded to India, its not disputed.

Man carrying an injured woman during a clash between protesters and Indian police officials in Srinagar (AFP)

Man carrying an injured woman during a clash between protesters and Indian police officials in Srinagar (AFP)

See some paid elements start and the inocent gets hurt ??so sad.why cant everyone follow the law.
I wish you write something worthful. Thankyou Pakistan for making Kashmir as a part of India, if Pakistan hadn't attacked it wouldn't have integrated to India. :lol:

Have you heard the story about "Hen laying golden egg a day and the owner kills it to take all the eggs" .you know the moral of the story.
I wish you write something worthful. Thankyou Pakistan for making Kashmir as a part of India, if Pakistan hadn't attacked it wouldn't have integrated to India. :lol:

One of the many self-goals.

Anyway, now we have nothing to do with this country and it's people. None of our business if they obsess about people who have nothing to do with them and couldn't care less.
Kashmir is disputed territory according to UN, its not your "problem".

No one in Pakistan is chanting India. The only people we have running around are militants funded by you who shoot little girls like Malala.

Do you know why Kashmiris love us so much?

We don't have much to offer, we are nearly in ruins ourselves so surely it is not because of the money we can give them.

Its much deeper than that, they chant Pakistan not because of the territory, its because for them Pakistan is a physical manifestation of freedom. Freedom is a beautiful thing, and you don't appreciate it when you have it in abundance.

It is a precious thing, far more valuable than any money in the world.

We have died for them, and they have died for us. We are metaphysically and spiritually eternal.

look man your knowledge is lower than a 10 year old boy.
for your knowledge
1. Kashmir is disputed territory according to UN because it is also claimed by pakistan and had fought 3 wars for it
2. Malala was shot by taliban which is raised, funded, trained by pakistan military. malala is shot because pakistan's political and law and order failure. they failed to have proper government in that region
3. kashmirs was brainwashed by pakistani military (even pakistani military leaders agreed this) and some terrorists. they don't love pakistan, they want a separate state. insurgency in kashmir was started in late 80s not in 1947.

Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
look man your knowledge is lower than a 10 year old boy.
for your knowledge
1. Kashmir is disputed territory according to UN because it is also claimed by pakistan and had fought 3 wars for it
2. Malala was shot by taliban which is raised, funded, trained by pakistan military. malala is shot because pakistan's political and law and order failure. they failed to have proper government in that region
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3. kashmirs was brainwashed by pakistani military (even pakistani military leaders agreed this) and some terrorists. they don't love pakistan, they want a separate state. insurgency in kashmir was started in late 80s not in 1947.

Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. Yes we have fought 3 wars, many of us have died for them and they recognise that. Thats why they raise "OUR" flag, because they know they will not be a minority anymore. They will be a majority, our army, our missiles, our air force at their mercy, standing with them fighting for their rights, not ours. Instead of beating and raping them which you do to them daily.

2. Chuck Hagel criticised for India-Afghanistan remarks - Telegraph

Chuck Hagel Chuck Hagel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, current serving Secretary of Defence USA has confirmed India are funding terrorism in Pakistan, the obvious is TTP. So TTP are yours.

In the speech, he said: "India for some time has always used Afghanistan as a second front, and India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan on that side of the border. And you can carry that into many dimensions."

3. Those kids chanting and raising the flag in indian occupied Kashmir in the videos are doing so at their own free will, it looks spontaneous. This is general sentiment over there. Pakistan does not have the money to "brainwash" anyone.

What you need to understand is Kashmiris think like us, they are ideologically aligned to our reasoning and logic.

So what that means they can also see through your carefully constructed propaganda churned out by your media machine. They cut through and get to the essence of your very reasons for occupying that area. You are not there for the people, if that was the case they would have prospered many decades ago. You are there for the land, just the territory. They recognise that, thats why they hate you. You cannot erase half a century of suffering, they are not European Caucasians of 1700 or African Americans. They are Pakistanis, like for like.
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