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CIA Failed To Located Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons (Washigton Post)

propaganda mate. Why would they advertise that they can't locate our nukes?
propaganda mate. Why would they advertise that they can't locate our nukes?
Mr these are secret documents which got leaked not open files its same they were sent by USA military to their own officials which got leaked like thousands of other things leaked by Snowden
Yes. Our Military & Intel Agenices know how to deal with these a** holes.
lol, typical exaggeration and jingoistic bs from Pakistani media for the consumption of illiterate Pakistani masses.
anyone got any link of Washington post report this vid is referring to???
Why would Amrika do that, aren't they our biggest ally and don't we love them the most because of their flowing dollars? :rolleyes:
lol, typical exaggeration and jingoistic bs from Pakistani media for the consumption of illiterate Pakistani masses.
Mr information is right because this is secret which got leaked but that addition of music is always to do propaganda
lol, CIA might be thinking they do not have any nukes :) as they cant see it ....

reality is Pakistan nukes are world most safest ones, there are incident involving nuke in whole world even in USA ...
Mr these are secret documents which got leaked not open files its same they were sent by USA military to their own officials which got leaked like thousands of other things leaked by Snowden

they leak what they want leaked, reality is always the opposite of what i leaked
why all of sudden in last two years things have been leaking like a Pakistan made faucet
they leak what they want leaked, reality is always the opposite of what i leaked
why all of sudden in last two years things have been leaking like a Pakistan made faucet
Mr this was leaked by Snowden not what they often do yes I know they leak lot of things but this was not done by them
lol, CIA might be thinking they do not have any nukes :) as they cant see it ....

reality is Pakistan nukes are world most safest ones, there are incident involving nuke in whole world even in USA ...
Not exactly. USA have 1000s of Nuke, so it becomes difficult to keep track of each and everything.
But Pakistan & India have less weapons and full resources are used to keep is safe and secret as the numbers are small
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