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CHT will have separate police force


May 10, 2010
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Thursday, September 6, 2012Metropolitan

CHT will have separate police force


Says Dipankar Talukder
Staff Correspondent
Police deployed in Chittagong Hill Tracts will not work under the authorities of the three district parishads rather the parishads will have separate police forces, said State Minister for CHT Affairs Ministry Dipankar Talukdar yesterday.

Rumours that Bangalee settlers will lose their lands after amendment to the CHT land commission act are unfounded as the chief of Chittagong Hill Tracts Land Dispute Resolution Commission (CHTLDRC) will ensure justice to those distressed, he added.

The state minister was talking to reporters at his secretariat office to dispel confusion among the Bangalee settlers who observed hartal in CHT on August 29 protesting the government's moves to amend the land commission act and keep local police administration under the district parishads.

Parbatya Bangalee Chhatra Parishad, a council of Bangalee settlers, called the hartal.

“Some vested quarters are trying to destabilize the hill tracts by hatching conspiracy that if police are controlled by the district parishads and if the land commission act is amended, the settlers will lose their rights to the lands,” Dipankar said.

“The task of forming local police forces is at its initial stage and will take much time,” he said.

He said the Bangalee settlers' main concern is that the proposed CHTLDRC will comprise of mostly people of indigenous communities and they will work concerning their own interests instead of those of settlers.

However, the new CHTLDRC chief will be a retired justice who will not be an indigenous person and his consent is a must regarding any decision of the commission.

The tenure of previous CHTLDRC ended on July 19 and new commission is yet to be formed.
Can anyone clarify what is in the "CHT land commission act"... heard nothing about it and there are no news as well...:undecided:
Separate police force for what? This is a unitary state not some federation. Hell not even in a federation like USA/PAK/Malaysia there are such separate department for police. Another Indo-awami prescription to divide BD and cause chaos in CHT is under implementation. But even after all these anti-state activities some shameless Buffons living in Japan will find BAL's dalali sweet as honey.
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