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Christians’ suffering under Zionist occupation


Jan 22, 2009
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Evangelist leaders like Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, John Hagee, and other Christians on Israel payroll - like the Christians to believe that Muslim Arabs are fighting Jews in Palestine against God’s biblical promise to Jews to occupy that land.

Fundamentalist Christian ministers like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson would have their congregations believe that if one does not stand by Israel, God would not forgive them. It is also believed that for Jesus Christ to return to Earth, support for Israel must be whole and unconditional. What Falwell, Robertson, and like-minded ministers don’t tell their parishioners is that they are forsaking their Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters who are suffering under Israeli occupation.

According to Duane Burchick, director of Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation: “Christians are suffering the same fate as Arab Muslims. The IDF uses military might to expel all those who inhibit Zionist pursuits, whether Muslims or Christians - Grounded in the idea that Holy Land belongs to the Jewish people alone….”

Dr. Sherry Muzher, a US-Palestinian Christian wrote on October 25, 2002 - “Christians have also suffered under the inhuman Israeli siege by not being able to leave their towns go to their jobs, seek medical care, and attend schools. Churches have been fired at by Israeli anti-tank missiles, and at least car carrying Catholic officials was fired on despite the waving of Vatican flag….”

Israeli professor Israel Shahak in his 1994 book Jewish History, Jewish Religion, wrote: “Dishonoring Christian religious symbols is an old religious duty in Judaism. Spitting on Cross, and especially on the Crucifix, and spitting when a Jew passes a church, have been obligatory from around AD 200 for pious Jews. In the past, when the danger of anti-Semitic hostility was a real one, the pious Jews were commanded by their rabbis either to spit so that the reason for doing so would be unknown, or to spit onto their chests, not actually on the cross or openly before the church. The increasing strength of the Jewish state has caused these customs to become more open again but there should be no mistake: The spitting on the cross for converts from Christianity to Judaism, organized in Kibbutz Sa’ad and financed by the Israeli government, is a an act of traditional Jewish piety…”

Jack Bernstein, an American Jew, who lived and got married in Israel - summed up Zionist racist experience in his book Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel, says: “It is against Israeli law to try and convert a Jew to another religion even if the Jew is an atheist or humanist. A Christian is permitted to preach Gospel in a church building, but for the clergy or anyone to even tell teaching in the Bible outside the church building will bring a five year sentence. For a Christian to give Bible or religious article to a Jew will bring a five year sentence. Even an act of kindness by a Christian toward a Jew, such as giving a gift of food, can be interpreted as trying to convert the Jew to Christianity and can bring a five year prison sentence…..”

At the Sixth International Jerusalem Conference, Bishop Attallah Hanna told people that tens of thousands of Arab Christians have fled Palestine under Jewish occupation. Before 1948, Christians made up 12% of total Palestinian population with 30,000 living in Jerusalem alone. Since Zionist occupation - Christian population has be reduced to less than five percent with only 7,000 Christians left in Jerusalem.

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