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Chittagong-Kunming connectivity a must

an alternative route is a hop over India to Nepal and onward to Tibet and Xingjian

Bangladesh should start breeding flying pigs to fulfill their dream of uniting with their common Timurid Eurasian brothers.
How it will be economical for Bangladesh to connect to the line via Myanmar??? On top of that India will not allow bd to pass through it if transit has not been given.

Best thing we can hope is to connect to china and if possible to se Asia.
Why not??
There are already 4 train lines between India and BD..............you can always expand upon that.
And you can also choose to become a part of the high speed rail construction program between India , Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand (also Singapore possibly if Malaysia agrees)............The budget for this has been allocated in the latest plan.......

Also, it has been finalised that this line will eventually connect New Delhi to Kunming , via Myanmar, so joining this program , would make this a lot easier for BD.....
Also you can use the $ 1 billion loan , to upgrade the Akhaura and Agartala line to high speed standards, as Agartala will be a a major station in the line
I am not assuming anything, I never said Bangladesh is certainly going to become a member, but we should explore this option and I personally find this an excellent option for Bangladesh. Bangladesh is listed in a wiki article as a possible future observer state and only future potential members can become observers. Laos has already expressed its official support for Bangladesh to become observer:

Can we hear your idea about how we are going to save Bangladesh from being an Indian vassal state, if you do not like the ASEAN option.

I am certainly not against a BD membership in ASEAN. I have knowledge what the Lao Ambassador has told our President. However, I find a very cool Burma who may veto even an observer status for Bangladesh. We must resolve many matters with that country that may also be relevant to India. I hope, our politicians understand ASEAN needs BD to use it as a conduit for trade with India. So, BD must be ready to give access to that trade. However, any Indian overture will not be accepted unless all outstanding issues including water sharing between BD and India are resolved.
I'm not mad, I'm just laughing at the self-delusion of some people who think Mughals sitting in Delhi and their Rajput governors in Burdhaman, Rajmahal etc left their legacy at rural East Bengal. :lol:

Some people just can't be happy at what they are.

What a shallow knowledge you have about history and what a twisting of facts! You do not have to speak of the Mughals or the Muslims, they are not your ancestors, isn't it? Rather teach us more about Dalits like you. What bothers you all the time? Either you contribute positively to the presnt thread or just get lost. Bloody poisonous puzz!

Bangladesh should start breeding flying pigs to fulfill their dream of uniting with their common Timurid Eurasian brothers.

No, no, pig craps are already flowing out of your low caste Dalit mouth. Stupid Indian! Your manner shows a lowly birth, you pig!
What a shallow knowledge you have about history and what a twisting of facts! You do not have to speak of the Mughals or the Muslims, they are not your ancestors, isn't it? Rather teach us more about Dalits like you. What bothers you all the time? Either you contribute positively to the presnt thread or just get lost. Bloody poisonous puzz!

No, no, pig craps are already flowing out of your low caste Dalit mouth. Stupid Indian! Your manner shows a lowly birth, you pig!

lol I can get you banned but I'd give you leeway of being Bangladeshi! :lol:

Anyway why do you think that being born a Dalit is a bad thing? Does your faith not command you to equally treat people regardless of their caste? :P
lol I can get you banned but I'd give you leeway of being Bangladeshi! :lol:

Anyway why do you think that being born a Dalit is a bad thing? Does your faith not command you to equally treat people regardless of their caste? :P

Go and cry to ban me. But, if I stay I will see you do no more insult muslims of the sub-continent including those of Bengal by vomiting ignorance and sending hate posts against them all the time. Stick to the thread and let others talk peacefully.
Go bastard and cry to ban me. But, if I stay I will see you do no more insult muslims of the sub-continent including those of Bengal by vomiting ignorance all the time. Stick to the post or let others talk peacefully.

You really have been taught manners it seems! :lol:

Anyway where did I insult the muslims? I'm only debunking the idiotic claim of the author that India is handicapped because it doesn't follow Timurid legacy. He probably never heard of Timur Lane and his deeds to begin with. Isn't it insulting for us when you ask us to follow a mass murderer like Timur Lane.

By the way flying pigs is a figure of speech, which describe hyperbolic idea.

Flying pig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Easy on your bravado, Internet tough guy! :lol:

Hope we can make our own rail network better for connectivity to ASEAN countries

Hope we can make our own rail network better for connectivity to ASEAN countries

Dude it is a 30 years old railway map. Konkan Railway, Kashmir Railway and rail line to Agartala is missing.
After seeing the map supplied by Kalu mia I can say that trans-asian route will traverse India-BD-Indian NE-Burma-Yunnan route. This rly. network is traversing the same route as the trans-asian highway by which India wants to enter its NE via BD. All other countries favour this route. Even Burma favours this route, and at the instigation of India, Burma is showing little interest in giving a direct link to BD. It wants a BD-NE-Burma route.

People are saying about becoming an ASEAN member, whereas, even Burma does not want to give us a single direct road to connect with China and ASEAN countries. bangladesh has two choices. One, endorse the proposed NE route, highway already being endorsed by SHW, or get the hell out of this network as well as a seclusion from the ASEAN market because of Burmese position. BD is in a dillema to choose between two devil routes.

Pakistan faces the same situation. It does not want to give India a route. This may be one reason why India is more adament about getting a NE route in the banner of trans asian rly.

Things actually are getting critical. Forget trans-asian highway or ASEAN connectivity it was first like there will be a direct communication between China and Bangladesh via Burma as both China and BD were close ally. Also Burma was close ally of China and friendly with BD, there was no problem. Probably a 80 km road from Cox's Bazar to a place Gundum (maybe) in Burma was supposed to be built by BD part and the rest by China. Now it got different dimension possibly by big friend's brain wash on Burma and with this maybe bal govt. is acting a drama. india proposed trans-asian highway is a farce, only blind fool can accept that. I just loled once seeing this India-BD-Indian NE-Burma proposal map :no:
We have gone over the details in this thread, we can take the discussion there if its ok, so everyone can be in one page about the relevant details and we would not have to post the same information in this new thread:
Conclusion: The long and short of it is that there already is existing road from Maungdaw to Yangon, built in 1910 during British rule over mountains, and it needs expansion and improvement. Only 23 km road has to be built from scratch between Bangladesh and Myanmar ( Gundhum near Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh and Boli Bazar in Myanmar) to connect the two countries road network, without even building a bridge over Naf river, where the current river port Muangdaw is in Myanmar, opposite to Teknaf town in Bangladesh.

And please ignore Indians and their posts here. Responding to their provocation may cause you harm and that is what they are always trying to inflict on us, in so many different ways.

Chittagong to Kunming link will go directly from Bangladesh to Myanmar over Bangladesh-Myanmar border, so it has nothing to do with India. Let Indians jump up and down, I find it funny that they cannot figure it out that it only makes them look bad in front of the whole world.

When we are discussing an India related issue, they are welcome to come and participate, in this thread they are just trolling, specially if they are not adding anything of value to the discussion.
Things actually are getting critical. Forget trans-asian highway or ASEAN connectivity it was first like there will be a direct communication between China and Bangladesh via Burma as both China and BD were close ally. Also Burma was close ally of China and friendly with BD, there was no problem. Probably a 80 km road from Cox's Bazar to a place Gundum (maybe) in Burma was supposed to be built by BD part and the rest by China. Now it got different dimension possibly by big friend's brain wash on Burma and with this maybe bal govt. is acting a drama. india proposed trans-asian highway is a farce, only blind fool can accept that. I just loled once seeing this India-BD-Indian NE-Burma proposal map :no:

Now it got different dimension possibly by big friend's brain wash on Burma and with this maybe bal govt. is acting a drama. india proposed trans-asian highway is a farce, only blind fool can accept that.:
Whilst dalals in RAW's payroll were 24*7 busy in bashing JI members, Tariq and Khaleda; spies in upper echelon of RAW were whispering Modon Mohan to fish in BD-Burmese's east looking water. It was one of many birds that RAW-hanumans killed through MUA/FUA's "Vhua Re-engineering BD's" stone. With the creative chaos of Lathi-baita, threat for deprivation of oxygen in ‘Banga Bhavan’ and MUA/FUA'S invasion of BD by 64000 of its own soldiers; BD's innocent mass's mouths were shut by Bharati bastards later to deprive them from reaching out to probable friends, similarly what they had done by hanging 'shadinata carrot' but providing destructive-stick right after 71's war.

It's seem like our 'Independent-illusion' doesn't get over and we like to win over enemy by toeing its agenda/Line of thinking. IMHO, BD was given birth to stay exploitative and it would only be allowed from time to time to have felt good independence. After SK Mujib's utility was expired, Zia was let to gain some capitals later to be stolen through Ershad then politically bankrupted BD was made 'Emerging Tiger' by BNP-JI coalition (1992-96) again to snatch away through RAWamy dalals. Ironically an inherited 'Bottom less basket' was gaining more sovereignty by each passing day (2001-06), which was thwarted by MUA/FUA/HASAIN gongs.

The cycle of dreams that had started in 1946, only short-lived to make mass frustrated over frustrated but why? IMO, It is primarily for colonialists/expansionist’s grips and big bully's close geo-proximity. Prolonging such vicious, dire straightness, having no friendly gesture from Burmese and cursing the welcoming people, we have been unconsciously digging our graves very deep that reminds the saying, "Jaha Chai Taha Pai Na... Aar jaha Chai Na Taha Vhul kore Hole O Pai".
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