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Chinese version of Predator and copy of AC130 gunship


May 21, 2006
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cant they do something original why do they have to copy every thing.
Brother I cant see the pictures . Can you do sosmething about it.
cant they do something original why do they have to copy every thing.

If a 'Successful' concept is already available, then why waste billions of dollars on R&D when you can simply copy the existing 'Effective' and 'Reliable' design?

That's like saying that why do the Chinese used a 'Turbo Fan' engine for the J-10 when they could've come up with something original like a 'Noodle Powered Engine'.
Irfan bhai amrikans and russians copied from Germans while US still using many concepts into reality in modern era what The Germans sketched example B-2...this word copying is insulted by west yet they copy it more than east does...
I have to say if this is the real deal coming from China then good job. Maybe Pakistan can use it in SWAT
The first pic shows the “Xianglong” unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a high-altitude, long-duration UAV for strategic reconnaissance role, similar in size and arrangement to the U.S. RQ-4 Global Hawk (not Predator). The Xianglong completed its high-speed taxing test in October 2008, and the maiden flight is expected to take place in early 2009. Unlike the Global Hawk, however, Xianglong does not possess global operation capability. The UAV is only intended to operate in Asia and Pacific region.

There is no such thing as a Y-8 gunship: its just CGs.
@ haider

you should change the tittle.
none of them are a copy of US planes since chinese dont have the US technology to copy it.
Nice snaps man...

i was wondering the other day that a platform like AC130 gunship can really be a great asset in our counter terrorism efforts...

I think we should trial 2 or 3 versions for our Chinese friends...they can get a battle tested platform and we shall deplete the TTP ranks with good effect.

A win win situation if you ask me.
we are very very happy that china is doing well in the field of armed forces in future we see raptor in chinese airforce without a doubt if chinese millitry industry ahcieving it taagets like that i hope pakistan also joint venture with china on predator uav
If a 'Successful' concept is already available, then why waste billions of dollars on R&D when you can simply copy the existing 'Effective' and 'Reliable' design?

That's like saying that why do the Chinese used a 'Turbo Fan' engine for the J-10 when they could've come up with something original like a 'Noodle Powered Engine'.

'Noodle Powered Engine.... Nice one..... :azn:
BTW, its better to enhance existing design and install new technologies to meet your requirements... you dont have to reinvent the wheel .....
i know that chinese are the biggest copycats in the whole world but you cant copy things which are not physically made available to you...
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