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Chinese scientists develop world's 1st oral HDAC inhibitor

Finally. A bragging. Now I believe you are an indian :lol:

Care to share some thoughts on why indians are so successful in the US? some of my friends told me they think the indians are good at 1)english 2)talking 3)office politics 4)nepotism which makes them much easier to get into management positions than the chinese,hence the better pay. but I think maybe they are saying this out of jealousy

I told you. He is Indian. He is 21 years old and his family happens to have gone through the vices of the Cultural Revolution. Definitely an Indian.

I tell this. Internet makes lying a cheap business. In the past, lying used to have consequences. Now, it is just called trolling. But, I guess it is enough to engage the Indian.

Power-free refrigerating technology brings new hopes for vaccination in Africa
By Yao Chun (People's Daily Online) 14:09, May 22, 2015

Ren Yizhao, the director of Integration Management of AUCMA demonstrates Arktek. (Photo/ People’s Daily Online)

Keeping cool for more than a month without any power source, a keg-like device makes it possible for many doctors in remote, power-lack areas to preserve vaccines that may save many lives, especially those of children. This equipment, developed by AUCMA, a Chinese refrigeration equipment supplier, with the name of Arktek was presented at a press conference held at Gates Foundation China Headquarters on May 21.

“Vaccination is considered one of the 10 great public health achievements of the 21st century. With the exception of safe water, no other modality, not even antibiotics, has had such a major effect on mortality reduction and population growth,” said Robert Scherpbier, UNICEF Chief of Health and Nutrition.

Yet, more than a million children die each year from vaccine-preventable diseases. This is due to the temperature-sensitive nature of the vaccines themselves, which spoil if they are not properly kept cool from manufacture all the way to point of use. Cold storage for vaccines is a particular challenge in hot, remote settings due to the lack of reliable power sources, parts for repairs, and expertise needed to support refrigeration equipment, according to Robert Scherpbier.

To help strengthen the refrigerated vaccine supply chain-the “cold chain”-in underserved regions, AUCMA, a Chinese refrigeration equipment supplier and Global Good, a research institution funded by Bill Gates, have partnered to provide a Passive Vaccine Storage Device (PVSD) that requires no power source and can keep vaccines cold for a month or more on a single set of frozen ice blocks.

Vaccines in the device can be retrieved as needed without jeopardizing the remaining vials, and the device can be easily serviced, restocked, and redeployed into the field. With a reasonable distribution programs, each device safely transports and stores the vaccine to meet the ongoing needs of the community of about 6,000 people, with typical 4% annual birth rate, according to Guo Zihong, the Technical Industrialization Director of Global Good.

The Arktek PVSD combines several technologies to maintain stable cold internal temperatures for vaccine protection. Its core vacuum-walled flask is integrated with overall design and materials that mitigate unwanted heat exchange. In rigorous testing, the device has been proven to keep vaccines within 0 degrees Celsius to 10 degrees Celsius range for over 35 days-even in hot climate conditions, says Guo Zihong.

Ice blocks and vaccines are loaded into the PVSD using the access opening on the top of the device. The ice blocks are stacked against the inner wall, and the vaccine carrier cup-stacks are then loaded in the center. Health workers can easily retrieve and replace the vaccine vial stacks several times per day as the Arktek continues to stay cold and protect the vaccines, says Guo Zihong.

For additional verifications that the vaccines remain protected, the temperature sensors and on-board electronics provide an alert if the interior space goes below the safe temperature range, added Li Wei, AUCMA chairman

The Arktek’s practical performance has been well-proven in studies done by Aucma and Global Good in Senegal and Ethiopia. Deployed in a variety of use cases and extreme environments, the device provided actual immunizations to children in populations served by the trial-site health posts. In addition to demonstrating reliable technical performance, the device received very positive responses from the health worker who used it daily. That highlighted its ease of use, time-saving benefits, excellent temperature stability, and minimal maintenance requirements.

“Previously, vaccinating daily was unthinkable in remote areas in African countries, but now the PVSD assists to vaccinate anytime as long as the children come and the monthly consumption of vaccine is at hand,” Said Ren Yizhao, the director of Integration Management of AUCMA.

“Seeing African people very grateful and excited for the great function of Arktek, I experienced satisfaction and pleasure that I haven’t felt before. Though this device will not make a lot of money, it really improves the effectiveness of vaccine management and brings AUCMA’s refrigeration technology to a new level,” said Li Wei.
I never claimed it. Which poster pointed out?
I don't remember, probably flagged and deleted. Before copy pasta, just be careful.

Finally. A bragging. Now I believe you are an indian :lol:

Care to share some thoughts on why indians are so successful in the US? some of my friends told me they think the indians are good at 1)english 2)talking 3)office politics 4)nepotism which makes them much easier to get into management positions than the chinese,hence the better pay. but I think maybe they are saying this out of jealouy
In Malaysia, the difference between Chinese and Indians is Indian don't have the concept of 'Face'. So they tend to report on other people mistakes to get merit.
China"s Rescue Robots


In the rescue work and after-calamity investigation, two kinds of earth quake rescue robots -ruins search-and-rescue robots and unmanned rotor crafts, developed by Shenyang Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, played a significant role.



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Finally. A bragging. Now I believe you are an indian :lol:

Care to share some thoughts on why indians are so successful in the US? some of my friends told me they think the indians are good at 1)english 2)talking 3)office politics 4)nepotism which makes them much easier to get into management positions than the chinese,hence the better pay. but I think maybe they are saying this out of jealousy

Why is stating a fact bragging my friend? It is a fact.
Also, I didn't even bring this fact forth, and was forced to do so because of Taishang's completely false claim of Indians being the most undocumented workers or something.

Next, if you want to know the reasons, I to some extent agree with your friends.
The reasons:
1. English - A very big one. For an educated Indian, english often becomes the main language. Indians are far better at English, simply because we put more emphasis, we also have the colonial legacy of English, where it was well entrenched in whole political and educational elite. To top that, English and most of Indian languages fall under the same branch of Indo-European languages and have huge similarities in the way the language works.

So yes, Indians are far more adapt at English.

2. Lack of Opportunity in India
While, this is beginning to change, and we are having many people coming back to India from the US, Indians in general had fewer opportunities back home.

3. No history of Immigrants, and no undocumented workers
Indians from India, are mostly fresh migrants. 70% or so Indians in US were born in India itself. Unlike Chinese who were brought way back during the Opium Wars, and many migrated, you will be hard pressed to find 2nd or 3rd generation Indians in US. 3rd generation would rather be almost impossible.

Also, Indians don't have a very huge history of migrating a lot, unlike Southern Chinese had during the 19th and 20th centuries. Even today, Indians seldom go abroad as undocumented workers. Why is that, I don't know. But it is just that.

4. Good at expressing, communicating
Not only it is about English, but Indians have been more involved in "soft" sectors, and services. It is also the difference between culture.
I don't remember, probably flagged and deleted. Before copy pasta, just be careful.

In Malaysia, the difference between Chinese and Indians is Indian don't have the concept of 'Face'. So they tend to report on other people mistakes to get merit.

India is the second largest (Asian) illegal immigrant group in the US, after the Philippines, as of 2012. These people have no intention of returning as long as they keep safe from the police. I believe their numbers has grown ever since.

Demographics of Immigrants in the United States Illegally - Illegal Immigration Solutions - ProCon.org

But this is not my concern really. Let's please ignore the 21 years old Indian whose parents have gone through the horrors of Cultural Revolution.

Back to topic:

China ranked 4th among world space powers: report
English.news.cn 2015-05-22

BEIJING, May 22 (Xinhua) -- China's space capabilities are ranked the fourth in the world, and the gap between the leading powers is narrowing, according to a report issued recently by a Chinese research organization.

China is at a crucial period developing from a major power to a great power in space, says an evaluation by the Beijing Institute of Space Science and Technology Information, affiliated to the China Academy of Space Technology.

Last year saw a record 92 launches around the world, with 262 spacecraft put into orbit. The institute for the first time evaluated the space capabilities of 20 countries and regions across six aspects: strategy, product systems, infrastructure, industrial scale, innovation and international influence.

It rated the United States, Europe, Russia, China, Japan and India as the leading powers in space.

The United States' status as the only super power in space is unshakable, but the gap between the United States and its followers is narrowing, says the report.

Europe and Russia are ranked as the next two great powers. With its technological advantages and alliances with the United States, Europe has made a giant leap in its space capability. Russia has curbed its decline, showing signs of recovery thanks to its medium and long-term plans and reform of its space industry, the report says.

China, Japan and India are major powers in space. Pursuing an independent development path, China has made remarkable accomplishments in space technology, showing strong momentum and potential. Driven by technological innovation, active international cooperation and an alliance with the United States, Japan has made rapid developments.

India became the first Asian country to successfully send a probe to Mars in 2014, marking a breakthrough in its space capability, says the report.

The report also mentions emerging countries in space represented by Canada and the Republic of Korea, which closely follow China, Japan and India.

Space has become a "high frontier" as nations jostle for political, economic, military and science and technological advantages. Driven by the needs of national security and economic interests, more countries are vying to flex their muscles in space, says the report.
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India is the second largest (Asian) illegal immigrant group in the US, after the Philippines, as of 2012. These people have no intention of returning as long as they keep safe from the police. I believe their numbers has grown ever since.

Demographics of Immigrants in the United States Illegally - Illegal Immigration Solutions - ProCon.org

But this is not my concern really. Let's please ignore the 21 years old Indian whose parents have gone through the horrors of Cultural Revolution.

Back to topic:

China ranked 4th among world space powers: report
English.news.cn 2015-05-22

BEIJING, May 22 (Xinhua) -- China's space capabilities are ranked the fourth in the world, and the gap between the leading powers is narrowing, according to a report issued recently by a Chinese research organization.

China is at a crucial period developing from a major power to a great power in space, says an evaluation by the Beijing Institute of Space Science and Technology Information, affiliated to the China Academy of Space Technology.

Last year saw a record 92 launches around the world, with 262 spacecraft put into orbit. The institute for the first time evaluated the space capabilities of 20 countries and regions across six aspects: strategy, product systems, infrastructure, industrial scale, innovation and international influence.

It rated the United States, Europe, Russia, China, Japan and India as the leading powers in space.

The United States' status as the only super power in space is unshakable, but the gap between the United States and its followers is narrowing, says the report.

Europe and Russia are ranked as the next two great powers. With its technological advantages and alliances with the United States, Europe has made a giant leap in its space capability. Russia has curbed its decline, showing signs of recovery thanks to its medium and long-term plans and reform of its space industry, the report says.

China, Japan and India are major powers in space. Pursuing an independent development path, China has made remarkable accomplishments in space technology, showing strong momentum and potential. Driven by technological innovation, active international cooperation and an alliance with the United States, Japan has made rapid developments.

India became the first Asian country to successfully send a probe to Mars in 2014, marking a breakthrough in its space capability, says the report.

The report also mentions emerging countries in space represented by Canada and the Republic of Korea, which closely follow China, Japan and India.

Space has become a "high frontier" as nations jostle for political, economic, military and science and technological advantages. Driven by the needs of national security and economic interests, more countries are vying to flex their muscles in space, says the report.
No, I think it's a biased rank. It should be Supa Powa, Powa Supara and then US, Europe, Russia and China.
No, I think it's a biased rank. It should be Supa Powa, Powa Supara and then US, Europe, Russia and China.

LOL. I suspect they got the number one (Asian) illegal immigrant title from the Philippines but who cares? We keep all the titles of number one this number one that (trading nation, energy consumer, manufacturing nation, car purchases etc), but we are to leave bragging and big-mouthing rights entirely to Indians.

Back to business:

Chinese university launches Jordan research center

WUHAN, May 24 (Xinhua) -- A Jordan Research Center was established in the China University of Geosciences (CUG) on Sunday to provide advice on government and industrial cooperation between the two countries.

The center, probably the first Chinese institution that focuses on Jordan studies, will research on the Middle East country's politics, economy, higher education, religion and culture, geological environment and Sino-Jordan relations.

The center is expected to be a think tank that offers policy advice on inter-government cooperation and strategic consultation on industrial cooperation, said Ma Changqian, head of CUG's international cooperation department.

CUG currently has partnership with eight Jordanese universities.

Jordan's Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Labib Khadra was present at the launching ceremony on Sunday.
LOL. I suspect they got the number one (Asian) illegal immigrant title from the Philippines but who cares? We keep all the titles of number one this number one that (trading nation, energy consumer, manufacturing nation, car purchases etc), but we are to leave bragging and big-mouthing rights entirely to Indians.

Back to business:

Chinese university launches Jordan research center

WUHAN, May 24 (Xinhua) -- A Jordan Research Center was established in the China University of Geosciences (CUG) on Sunday to provide advice on government and industrial cooperation between the two countries.

The center, probably the first Chinese institution that focuses on Jordan studies, will research on the Middle East country's politics, economy, higher education, religion and culture, geological environment and Sino-Jordan relations.

The center is expected to be a think tank that offers policy advice on inter-government cooperation and strategic consultation on industrial cooperation, said Ma Changqian, head of CUG's international cooperation department.

CUG currently has partnership with eight Jordanese universities.

Jordan's Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Labib Khadra was present at the launching ceremony on Sunday.
CUG is where I live and where my dad teaches.
LOL. I suspect they got the number one (Asian) illegal immigrant title from the Philippines but who cares? We keep all the titles of number one this number one that (trading nation, energy consumer, manufacturing nation, car purchases etc), but we are to leave bragging and big-mouthing rights entirely to Indians.
Leave Supa Powans some room for bragging, or they will lose their meaning of existence.
Why is stating a fact bragging my friend? It is a fact.
Also, I didn't even bring this fact forth, and was forced to do so because of Taishang's completely false claim of Indians being the most undocumented workers or something.

Next, if you want to know the reasons, I to some extent agree with your friends.
The reasons:
1. English - A very big one. For an educated Indian, english often becomes the main language. Indians are far better at English, simply because we put more emphasis, we also have the colonial legacy of English, where it was well entrenched in whole political and educational elite. To top that, English and most of Indian languages fall under the same branch of Indo-European languages and have huge similarities in the way the language works.

So yes, Indians are far more adapt at English.

2. Lack of Opportunity in India
While, this is beginning to change, and we are having many people coming back to India from the US, Indians in general had fewer opportunities back home.

3. No history of Immigrants, and no undocumented workers
Indians from India, are mostly fresh migrants. 70% or so Indians in US were born in India itself. Unlike Chinese who were brought way back during the Opium Wars, and many migrated, you will be hard pressed to find 2nd or 3rd generation Indians in US. 3rd generation would rather be almost impossible.

Also, Indians don't have a very huge history of migrating a lot, unlike Southern Chinese had during the 19th and 20th centuries. Even today, Indians seldom go abroad as undocumented workers. Why is that, I don't know. But it is just that.

4. Good at expressing, communicating
Not only it is about English, but Indians have been more involved in "soft" sectors, and services. It is also the difference between culture.

I think you just imply too much from a unsure thing. Remember on that household income list, Philippine is closely listed as No.2, so all you talk about Indians also applied to Pinoys? The real reason, as I guess, just like Pinoy's case, is that Indian immigrants have a much larger part of H1 visa holders, who were brought in to USA by Indian-based or related companies, mostly in IT area. While for Pinoy's case, I believe they are mostly H1 visa holders in America's hospitals. On the contrary, when you look at Chinese people in USA, however, a large part of them are on B visa and F visa. H visa holders are just a small part of Chinese in USA. Take a look at people working in China town, u never find any indian town in USA with that scale. And, people like those in Falun Gong, got political visas. Those on visas other than H visa mostly are not allowed to work legally in USA, and obviously have much less average income than those who can work legally. That is the reason to explain household income question. But still, Chinese household income are above American average (No. 12 on the list?), thanks to the Chinese who got citizenship or permanent residency.
Leave Supa Powans some room for bragging, or they will lose their meaning of existence.

LOL. Being number two (or probably number one) source of undocumented immigrant group from Asia in the US is one area I like to leave for the 21 year-old Indian with parents that went through the nightmare of Cultural Revolution as niche for bragging.


Robot pushes productivity gains at China's manufacturing hub by 17 pct
(Xinhua) 16:07, May 25, 2015


(Xinhua/Zhai Tianxue)
GUANGZHOU, May 25 -- Productivity in a Southern China manufacturing hub rose 17 percent last year while shedding 6.8 of their labor thanks to the adoption of automation and robots, the municipal government said Sunday.

Companies in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, began modifying their manufacturing processes late last year as labor supply in one of the world's largest manufacturing country began to shrink.

Rising labor cost resulting from a dwindling labor pool in China have hurt the competitiveness of products made by Chinese manufacturers. Multinational firms such as Nike are transferring their manufacturing base away from China to southeast Asia in search of cheaper labor.

A Standard Chartered survey conducted among nearly 300 manufacturers during the first quarter this year in the Pearl Delta Region in south China, including those in Dongguan, found that employers have expected wages to rise more than 8 percent this year.

Investment into manufacturing upgrades and growing use of automated production system also drove down the average production cost by 12.5 percent last year, the municipal government said.

In March, South China's Guangdong Province pledged to push nearly 2,000 companies in the region to replace human labor with robots as part of its three-year, 943 billion yuan industrial overhaul in the delta.

China is expected to have more robots operating in production plants than any other country by 2017, according to the International Federation of Robotics.
LOL. Being number two (or probably number one) source of undocumented immigrant group from Asia in the US is one area I like to leave for the 21 year-old Indian with parents that went through the nightmare of Cultural Revolution as niche for bragging.


Robot pushes productivity gains at China's manufacturing hub by 17 pct
(Xinhua) 16:07, May 25, 2015


(Xinhua/Zhai Tianxue)
GUANGZHOU, May 25 -- Productivity in a Southern China manufacturing hub rose 17 percent last year while shedding 6.8 of their labor thanks to the adoption of automation and robots, the municipal government said Sunday.

Companies in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, began modifying their manufacturing processes late last year as labor supply in one of the world's largest manufacturing country began to shrink.

Rising labor cost resulting from a dwindling labor pool in China have hurt the competitiveness of products made by Chinese manufacturers. Multinational firms such as Nike are transferring their manufacturing base away from China to southeast Asia in search of cheaper labor.

A Standard Chartered survey conducted among nearly 300 manufacturers during the first quarter this year in the Pearl Delta Region in south China, including those in Dongguan, found that employers have expected wages to rise more than 8 percent this year.

Investment into manufacturing upgrades and growing use of automated production system also drove down the average production cost by 12.5 percent last year, the municipal government said.

In March, South China's Guangdong Province pledged to push nearly 2,000 companies in the region to replace human labor with robots as part of its three-year, 943 billion yuan industrial overhaul in the delta.

China is expected to have more robots operating in production plants than any other country by 2017, according to the International Federation of Robotics.
17%, not bad!
I think you just imply too much from a unsure thing. Remember on that household income list, Philippine is closely listed as No.2, so all you talk about Indians also applied to Pinoys? The real reason, as I guess, just like Pinoy's case, is that Indian immigrants have a much larger part of H1 visa holders, who were brought in to USA by Indian-based or related companies, mostly in IT area. While for Pinoy's case, I believe they are mostly H1 visa holders in America's hospitals. On the contrary, when you look at Chinese people in USA, however, a large part of them are on B visa and F visa. H visa holders are just a small part of Chinese in USA. Take a look at people working in China town, u never find any indian town in USA with that scale. And, people like those in Falun Gong, got political visas. Those on visas other than H visa mostly are not allowed to work legally in USA, and obviously have much less average income than those who can work legally. That is the reason to explain household income question. But still, Chinese household income are above American average (No. 12 on the list?), thanks to the Chinese who got citizenship or permanent residency.

These incomes are of Americans. All of them, be it Chinese, or Indians are American passport holders.
Here, Chinese or Indians on visa are not included.

LOL. Being number two (or probably number one) source of undocumented immigrant group from Asia in the US is one area I like to leave for the 21 year-old Indian with parents that went through the nightmare of Cultural Revolution as niche for bragging.


Robot pushes productivity gains at China's manufacturing hub by 17 pct
(Xinhua) 16:07, May 25, 2015


(Xinhua/Zhai Tianxue)
GUANGZHOU, May 25 -- Productivity in a Southern China manufacturing hub rose 17 percent last year while shedding 6.8 of their labor thanks to the adoption of automation and robots, the municipal government said Sunday.

Companies in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, began modifying their manufacturing processes late last year as labor supply in one of the world's largest manufacturing country began to shrink.

Rising labor cost resulting from a dwindling labor pool in China have hurt the competitiveness of products made by Chinese manufacturers. Multinational firms such as Nike are transferring their manufacturing base away from China to southeast Asia in search of cheaper labor.

A Standard Chartered survey conducted among nearly 300 manufacturers during the first quarter this year in the Pearl Delta Region in south China, including those in Dongguan, found that employers have expected wages to rise more than 8 percent this year.

Investment into manufacturing upgrades and growing use of automated production system also drove down the average production cost by 12.5 percent last year, the municipal government said.

In March, South China's Guangdong Province pledged to push nearly 2,000 companies in the region to replace human labor with robots as part of its three-year, 943 billion yuan industrial overhaul in the delta.

China is expected to have more robots operating in production plants than any other country by 2017, according to the International Federation of Robotics.

I have already read this article.
This distorts figures because of relative weight of manufacturing.
Auto Sector is huge economically speaking, and is also the best automated. Almost 50% of world's robots are sold in automotive sector alone.
You will need to have a bigger better picture to make definite inferences.
So, you need a more detailed picture, not this lump sum one.
Chinese biologists find key process to obtain adult stem cells
Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-5-19 20:52:25

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) announced scientists have discovered a new method for reprogramming and obtaining induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), or stem cells derived from adult cells.

The latest research by stem-cell biologist Pei Duanqing and his team revealed autophagy, a process in generating iPS, does not play a vital role in reprogramming. Previously, it was believed it did.

Autophagy, or self-cannibalization, refers to a process of cells discarding or degrading cellular components under certain conditions to prevent further damage.

It is not only unnecessary for the process, but may hold back it, according to the finding.

"Cells that did not undergo the process of autophagy had higher efficiency of reprogramming, and iPS cells generated without the autophagy also have their normal pluripotent feature," Pei said.

Instead, they discovered that reprogramming is the inhibition of a substance called "mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1)."

Like embryonic stem cells, iPS stem cells can develop into any cell in the human body.

Shinya Yamanaka, a professor at Kyoto University, won a Nobel Prize in physiology for developing an iPS cell harvesting technique that allows stem cells to be obtained from adult tissue instead of from embryos in 2012, thus avoiding the ethical and legal barriers.

The scientists believe their findings can help people understand how cell reprogramming affects patients of metabolic diseases such as diabetes or cancer, according to a statement of the CAS.

The latest study was published by on Nature Cell Biology Monday.

Good news. As long as we keep foreign pharmaceuticals out of our research I am optimistic a real cancer cure will be develop in China within twenty years.
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