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Chinese paper advocates military action over sea disputes


Jul 30, 2011
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As territorial disputes between China and other countries continue in the South China Sea, a Communist party-run daily today advocated "military action", saying no existing known methods have been able to resolve them peacefully.

Noting that China's understanding is that it should first negotiate with other countries to solve disputes, Global Times in its hard-hitting editorial said, "If these countries don't want to change their ways with China, they will need to prepare for the sounds of cannons."

"Currently, China's mainstream understanding is that it should first go through the general channels of negotiating with other countries to solve sea disputes.

"But if a situation turns ugly, some military action is necessary," the daily said, referring to the detention of Chinese fishing boats by Philippines and South Korea in the disputed waters in the South China Sea.

"If these countries don't want to change their ways with China, they will need to prepare for the sounds of cannons. We need to be ready for that, as it may be the only way for the disputes in the sea to be resolved," it said.

Global Times is owned by Communist Party mouthpiece The People's Daily. It also has a reputation for publishing strident and nationalistic editorials that are often highly critical of foreign governments and even Chinese officials.

Terming the conflicts and disputes in the seas in East and South Asia as complicated, the paper said, "No known method exists to solve these issues in a peaceful way."

"Although China has proposed a strategy that calls for countries in the region to put away differences and work on shared interests, few have responded," the editorial noted.

"The reality is that each country in the region believes it has what it takes to force China to bow down.

China wants to remain calm but it is a lonely role to play. China will have to adjust itself for this reality," it said.

China's stand that the entire oil rich South China Sea belongs to it came into conflict with Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei and Taiwan.

The newspaper known to strike hawkish stand on issues also came out with a similar editorial against India last month asserting that China should resolutely stop ONGC taking up oil exploration in the blocks claimed by Vietnam in South China Sea.

"India's ambition is growing along with its rapid economic growth. Some Indians even regard its intervention in South China Sea as being able to counter China's behaviour in the Indian Ocean. The joint exploration between India and Vietnam may be seen as an Indian test of China's will.

India is seeking influence akin to US in the region," it had said in its editorial on September 16.

Chinese paper advocates military action over sea disputes - World - DNA
Indian Navy, time to induct those Aircraft carriers and nuclear subs.
Simply put it, everyone wants to claim a piece of something. Japan has their claims, so does the Russians, Philippines, Koreans, Vietnamese and Indians. To overlook everyones claims is laughable at best.
Simply put it, everyone wants to claim a piece of something. Japan has their claims, so does the Russians, Philippines, Koreans, Vietnamese and Indians. To overlook everyones claims is laughable at best.

Have u even seen the china's map ? The point at which it's coastline ends and the extent to which they claim South China sea cannot even make sense in wildest of dreams , yet you claim !! :hang2:
Some interesting comments in the comments section :lol:

Time for China to kill inferior races to prove our racial superiority!

Nuking time for inferior races: Vietnamese, Indians and Filippino.

Anybody else want to be nuked?

South China Sea belongs to the superior Han Chinese race. Not to inferior races like Vietnamese, Indians and Filipinos.

These inferior races want to challenge China's superiority because they hate our Chinese superiority. This will not be tolerated. China must exterminate their population.

S*it, you are really a bunch of idiots, I can see some dogs looks like from f******g vietnam,
where is Philiphino monkeys, well, anyway,
just curious on how much did you guys get paid by sh*ting here?

Vietnamese monkeys want to steal South China Sea and contain China's rise!!!

Now is the time to wipe out Vietnamese population. Occupy Hanoi and gang r*** all the village girl with PLA soldiers!

Vietnamese are nothing more than monkeys.... exterminating them will be China's great gift to humanity!
Have u even seen the china's map ? The point at which it's coastline ends and the extent to which they claim South China sea cannot even make sense in wildest of dreams , yet you claim !! :hang2:

Yet someone is helping Vietnam establish around and expand on where the Philippines claim as their own? Yet the British claim what the Argentines claimed as their own? Yet the U.S. gets to occupy lands so far far away from mainland America? So yes there is only one place where you can find a world where no one claims anything - Your Dreams :lol:

Some interesting comments in the comments section :lol:

Yep, by sockpuppets and trolls :lol:
Yep, by sockpuppets and trolls :lol:

Your comrades never quite get that concept though, and can't get enough of posting comments from the comments section of Times of India made by "Indians". :angel:
and people say -"make peace with your neighbor and dont ally with US"
communist party should take military action on this chinese paper (this paper always publish some or other kinds of crap to take military action on its neighbours)
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