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Unknown Type 056 Corvette in Drydock

China's only operational aircraft carrier, Liaoning, carrying eight J-15 fighters and two helicopters. Source: Via fyjs.cn

The People's Liberation Army Navy's (PLAN's) first aircraft carrier, Liaoning, is ready for combat operations, according to Chinese media reports.

Senior Captain Li Dongyou, the political commissar of the Soviet-era Admiral Kuznetsov-class carrier, was quoted by the state-owned Global Times newspaper on 14 November as saying that "as a military force, we are always combat ready and our combat capacity also needs to be tested by war. At this moment, we are doing our best to promote our strength and use it to prevent war. But we are preparing for actual combat at any time".

The 60,000-tonne Liaoning, which was acquired from Ukraine and commissioned in 2012, had been regarded as a ship for training and development rather than an operational asset, making this the first time the carrier has been formally described as being ready for combat.

In August Chinese state television broadcast images of Liaoning carrying eight Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) J-15 fighters as well as a Z-18 and a Z-9 helicopter on its deck.

This represented the largest number of aircraft seen on the country's only operational carrier, which first conducted flight operations in November 2012.

The footage prompted Chinese media comments that Liaoning was exhibiting "growing combat capability". During a 4 August TV programme PLAN Rear Admiral Yin Zhou said that Liaoning could carry up to 20 aircraft.

While China has developed the Changhe Z-18J airborne early warning (AEW) and Z-18F anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters, these have yet to be seen together with the J-15 on Liaoning. These aircraft could form a full air-wing for the carrier.

As IHS Jane's reported in August, Liaoning is only known to have conducted short-duration missions mainly in the Bohai and Yellow Seas: largely in support of its primary naval aviation training mission.

The carrier has so far completed only one 'distant' deployment: from its northern base to Hainan Island's Sanya naval base in late 2013, which was also the only time it has been seen sailing with destroyer and frigate escorts.


I really hope to see these kind of ships in Pakistan Navy. Ships which are equipped with two different VLS systems. One which can fire long range cruse missiles and the other one for long range Air Defence system. This model is being shown at IDEAS no idea which ship is it some Chinese friends think that it could be Type-057
Luda-III Zhuhai


Qingdao destroyer


Type 052C destroyer Lanzhou


WOW ...
Submarines = 58
Big Ships = 77 (10 being constructed)
Small Boats = 387
Amphibious warfare = 454-564 crafts

And 3 Aircraf carriers coming up from China WOW what a NAVY :china:



Please correct your WORDING its called Ship building not construction...
Please correct your WORDING its called Ship building not construction...
You may want to check Queen's English, actually Enclopaedia Britannica.......

British "That îs a lorry"
American "What is a lorry??? It sure looks like a Truck!!!"


Ship construction, complex of activities concerned with the design and fabrication of all marine vehicles.

Ship construction today is a complicated compound of art and science. In the great days of sail, vessels were designed and built on the basis of practical experience; ship construction was predominantly a skill. With the rapid growth and development of the physical sciences, beginning in the early 19th century, it was inevitable that hydrokinetics (the study of fluids in motion), hydrostatics (the study of fluids at rest), and the science of materials and structures should augment the shipbuilder’s skill. The consequence of this was a ... (100 of 3,781 words)
Last edited:
You may want to check Queen's English, actually Enclopaedia Britannica.......

British "That îs a lorry"
American "What is a lorry??? It sure looks like a Truck!!!"


Ship construction, complex of activities concerned with the design and fabrication of all marine vehicles.

Ship construction today is a complicated compound of art and science. In the great days of sail, vessels were designed and built on the basis of practical experience; ship construction was predominantly a skill. With the rapid growth and development of the physical sciences, beginning in the early 19th century, it was inevitable that hydrokinetics (the study of fluids in motion), hydrostatics (the study of fluids at rest), and the science of materials and structures should augment the shipbuilder’s skill. The consequence of this was a ... (100 of 3,781 words)
But wiki says ship building classifies manufacturer as ship builder and construction as building

I really hope to see these kind of ships in Pakistan Navy. Ships which are equipped with two different VLS systems. One which can fire long range cruse missiles and the other one for long range Air Defence system. This model is being shown at IDEAS no idea which ship is it some Chinese friends think that it could be Type-057
I don't think this one can fire cruise missile. It will mainly for air defense. If you want PN to fire cruise missile for long range strike. I believe the S-20 submarine sold to PN shall be capable of firing cruise missile.
But wiki says ship building classifies manufacturer as ship builder and construction as building
You better check Oxford university or Cambridge university publications rather than Wiki. Any body with Wiki account can write anything they wished. This îs off topic, discussion ends here.
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