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Chinese military chief calls on PM Modi


Apr 8, 2014
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Last Updated: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - 21:55http://zeenews.india.com/news/india/chinese-military-chief-calls-on-pm-modi_1823045.html

New Delhi: Fan Changlong, vice chairman of China's Central Military Commission, called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday and apprised him about the "growing" military relations between the two countries.

"Gen Fan Changlong briefed the prime minister on growing military-to-military relations between India and China," an official statement said.

Modi said it was important to enhance strategic trust and maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas, in order to promote overall bilateral ties.

Besides appreciating the steps taken to strengthen military cooperation between the countries, the prime minister welcomed the participation of PLA Navy in the International Fleet Review to be held in India in 2016.

The Vice Chairman of Central Military Commission of China, Gen. Fan Changlong calling on the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, in New Delhi on November 17, 2015.

Chinese Military is working on improving relations with Indian Government.

G20 summit was changed things on ground .
Propaganda. The Pakistani media knows blaming India is wrong and baseless for the terrorist attacks orchestrated by Taliban. But if they don't unite against India, they will be divided because they will rightfully start blaming the civil govt./civil society (LeT) and army.
India was involved with the Boloch and still has "connections" not there is active support which is actually done on Iranian soil rather than Afghanistan as per the Pakistanis.
Also India doesnt support the ETIM because of their link to AQ and for the most part the ETIM is just a loose organization which barely exists. China calls them terrorists but really they are used as a scapegoat to go after activist whom are anti CCP.
The reason for the Chinese general visit is various. It includes Tibet and patrolling on LOC, and of course the intelligence of anti India rebels in Burma which were Chinese supported until recently. The Chinese fell back on their support for these groups after 1987 and the whole event. Basically the Indians have card to play with ITBP whom can support a revolt in Tibet and easily as well. In short, the CCP have realized the PLA is the reason for Indias late insecurity via Tibet. The PLA has been aggressive patrolling for merit or promotions which is causing friction with patrol parties on the Indian side. Example would be of the late visit by Xi to India where the PLA thought they could beat India in the numbers game near Leh. Obviously some one at the top would know, you can't beat India in the numbers on the border any more. Yet a PLA brigadier or colonel decided to have a show of force. Now this is different from what the CCP want. Despite their stance, the CCP is pragmatic and know that the LOC acceptable and any further transgression by the PLA would not be affordable. The CCP want to work with India atleast and not have them join an anti sino club. Although to be fair, India doesn't need a club or alliance to protect its interest. Its the other nations vying for support from Delhi which is also concern and its not military support the CCP is concerned with, its actually being left out of Asian common alliance to protect trade, and sea routes. Despite the CCPs string of pearls strategy. The strategy is not aimed to alienate India, but to protect China's interest and trade. However, PN doesn't have the capability, and even with money, or support its not enough. Other nations can help in the endeavour but realistically if China wants to protect its sea route via India Ocean Region (IOR) it needs India's willing support. Ie play ball with India, and Chinas interest are secured so long as a mutual understanding of economic prosperity and non-interference in others affairs.
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