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Chinese journalist: Why does Japan perceive Korea as a rival and not China?


Jul 25, 2011
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Record China 4月26日(木)19時

An editorial written by the editor of Record China, Jian Pon, is causing a wave of controversy in Japan.

Jian Pon, an editor based in Japan for 25 years, is seeing a sense of "special rivalry" that Japanese feel toward Korea that he doesn't see Japanese having toward China. Unlike China which is dissimilar from Japan, Korea feels very similar to Japan industrially, thus Japanese are extra-alarmed by the rise of Korea and the prospect of having to battle the Koreans across the globe, both economically and diplomatically.

While Japan is much bigger that Korea economically right now, Japan is in a constant decline while Korea is rising, and Japan's Chamber of Commerce is warning about the bleak future when Korea surpasses Japan by 2030 if the current trend holds.

Jian Pon also finds it strange that Japanese see China and Russia simply as newly emerging nations and not as rivals.
let me tell you this.

Korean is only a cheap product manufacture base. And a backword developing nation, you should have a reality check, mental.

why you always have disshame Japan with comparing with you, what to climb to ladder by dragging Japan? Japan is a nation with full technology capacity, is a "great power"(someone here posted it yestoday) ranking in the world, people even don't know your nation in many countries, to tell the truth.


Great power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

great powers, for you information, to see if you have at least any resemblance of them.

US, China, Russia, UK, Germany, Japan and France.
This Korean dude is so obessed with Japan and China....Dear I though this level of rivalry exists only between India and Pakistan but I was mistaken.
let me tell you this.

Korean is only a cheap product manufacture base.
And charges more than Japanese brands do. Hence the immense profit.

And a backword developing nation
And what does that make Japan, a faster backward developing nation?

you should have a reality check, mental.
Actually you should, just go out the street and look around to see how Japanese strangers look at you. Yes, you remember the pain of those Japanese eyeing you with a disdain, silently asking why you are there. All this without saying a word, and that traumatizes you mentally. Dazed and confused, you create an alternate fantasy world around you to protect your self-ego and start speaking out things that are exactly the opposite of the reality like you are doing right now.

why you always have disshame Japan with comparing with you
Because that's what Japanese press and rightwingers do every day, comparing Japan's state of affair with Korea. Except that this one was made by a Chinese journalist to give a 3rd party observation of things. And the Chinese journalist also noted that Japanese did not consider China to be a rival, quite an insult, really.

This Korean dude is so obessed with Japan and China....
I bring the real news about China for the benefit of Pakistani nationals who don't know much about China due to cultural and language barriers for an educational purpose.

Dear I though this level of rivalry exists only between India and Pakistan but I was mistaken.
Like Japanese, Koreans too do not consider China to be their rival. China is nothing more than a source of cheap labor and market, nothing more.
And charges more than Japanese brands do. Hence the immense profit.

And what does that make Japan, a faster backward developing nation?

Actually you should, just go out the street and look around to see how Japanese strangers look at you. Yes, you remember the pain of those Japanese eyeing you with a disdain, silently asking why you are there. All this without saying a word, and that traumatizes you mentally. Dazed and confused, you create an alternate fantasy world around you to protect your self-ego and start speaking out things that are exactly the opposite of the reality like you are doing right now.

Because that's what Japanese press and rightwingers do every day, comparing Japan's state of affair with Korea. Except that this one was made by a Chinese journalist to give a 3rd party observation of things. And the Chinese journalist also noted that Japanese did not consider China to be a rival, quite an insult, really.

I bring the real news about China for the benefit of Pakistani nationals who don't know much about China due to cultural and language barriers for an educational purpose.

Like Japanese, Koreans too do not consider China to be their rival. China is nothing more than a source of cheap labor and market, nothing more.

you aren't korean,are you?and we don't care what korean thinks.
koreans are really annoying.Just buzz off.
to: Korean

ok, mister mental, i has been biased even in the family by my Japanese wife and I have to do those chore work.

anyway, let the Japanese and Chinese not consider each other as rivals, they both consider your Koreans as rival, fine? a rival been fvcked for thousands of years! sorry for my temper.

damn it, what a weirdo lunatic on the forum.

you aren't korean,are you?and we don't care what korean thinks.
koreans are really annoying.Just buzz off.

faint and being ignore too long, that guys inferior complex at work turns into attention wh0re.
ok, mister mental
That's the title best suited to you, not me.

anyway, let the Japanese and Chinese not consider each other as rivals, they both consider your Koreans as rival, fine?
Chinese nationalist posters would be furious at your suggestion that China considers Korea to be a rival.

damn it, what a weirdo in the forum.
Yes, a Pakistani rightwinger for Japan, what a weirdo.
my colleague(being dealing with Koreans before) says he's typical Koreans.

he cannot be Taiwanese, who mostly are not racist and usually friendly with Japan.

mods should do something about him.
Japan does not consider China to be a rival. That is because they don't pick fights they can't win.

As for the Japan-Korea comparison, here's some facts:

Japan launched its first satellite with its own rocket in the same year China did: 1970. Neither Korea has launched a satellite yet, even with imported Russian rockets that are more reliable than NASA's.

Japan not only launched a satellite, it launched a space probe that visited a comet. China launched a lunar probe. Korea, well, hasn't made it past 35 km off the surface yet.

Both Japan and China were previous world record holders for fastest supercomputer. Korea has never been in top 10.
Japan does not consider China to be a rival. That is because they don't pick fights they can't win.
No, Japanese don't consider China to be a rival because Chinese doesn't threaten Japan. Chinese are nothing more than sub-suppliers and customers of Japanese corporations, not competitors.

Chinese soccer doesn't threaten Japanese soccer; it's the Korean soccer that Japan must battle to go to the World Cup and the Olympics.

Chinese TV and movie content doesn't threaten Japanese content; it's the Korean content that has a bigger DVD rental market share than Japanese content in Japan.

Chinese music doesn't threaten Japanese music; it's the Korean music that flooded Japan.

Chinese cars doesn't threaten Japanese cars; it's the Korean cars beating Japanese cars.

The list goes on and on and on.
This Korean dude is so obessed with Japan and China....Dear I though this level of rivalry exists only between India and Pakistan but I was mistaken.

This exists only in Korea, not china. China exists the rivalry twoards the US not korea and India
No, Japanese don't consider China to be a rival because Chinese doesn't threaten Japan.

Chinese soccer doesn't threaten Japanese soccer; it's the Korean soccer that Japan must battle to go to the World Cup and the Olympics.

Chinese TV and movie content doesn't threaten Japanese content; it's the Korean content that has a bigger DVD rental market share than Japanese content in Japan.

Chinese music doesn't threaten Japanese music; it's the Korean music that flooded Japan.

Chinese cars doesn't threaten Japanese cars; it's the Korean cars beating Japanese cars.

The list goes on and on and on.

Korea is technologically 40 years behind Japan.
Of course. Koreans have a tendency to look down on Japanese and Chinese.

Ok, as a lapdog, you can be always looking up for a hug touch from Uncle Sam. Well you north brother has been straydog for too many years after they're deserted by Chinese master.
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