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Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone


Mar 21, 2010
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Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone


Chinese fighter jets were scrambled and followed US and Japanese planes that had entered the newly-proclaimed Chinese air defense zone in the disputed area of the East China Sea, Xinhua reports.

Two US surveillance aircraft and 10 Japanese F-15 jets were ‘tailed’ by Chinese pilots on Friday.

China ordered an urgent dispatch of its Su-30 and J-10 fighter jets to an area in the East China Sea after the foreign aircraft “invaded” the air defense zone, they said.

The zone roused controversy when it was announced last week, as it covered disputed territory claimed by China, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a daily press briefing that civilian flights have not been impacted, Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday. China has said that all planes flying through the zone should submit flight plans and identify themselves, or their operators would end up facing "defensive emergency measures."

“We expect all sides, including aviation companies, to actively coordinate with us and jointly safeguard flight safety,” Qin said.

Earlier Thursday, Japan and South Korea, key US allies in East Asia, sent their own military aircraft into the zone's airspace in an act of defiance.

Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone — RT News
These may become another cuban missile crisis.
They came up to Abbottabad and we were sleeping. Their drones fly everyday in our airspace & we look the other way.
i know how to tell
because i know you well
i know what the hell
to be under your spell

i know your greatest despair
and i know your deepest fear
because I've been through your darkest nightmare

we've gone a long mile
and it's been worthwhile
and I've always felt your smile

i know how you take your grounds
and I've seen you fight when it mounts
I've felt how you struggle with you doubts
and i know how you escape when it pounds

I've seen you rise
I've seen you fall
in all these times
with you through all

I'm better as a foe
than an angel you don't know
take me as your own
because I'm your shadow

Nana Sampson
Chinese planes 'shadowed' US and Japanese planes and did nothing? Chickened out as usual?

There's enough hot air that emanates from Beijing, enough to cause extreme global warming.
Chinese planes 'shadowed' US and Japanese planes and did nothing? Chickened out as usual?

There's enough hot air that emanates from Beijing, enough to cause extreme global warming.

lol you indians cant understand these great games and how they are being played...

why then these US and Japanese planes ran away ? its a warning son,

Last time Chinese didn't scrambled their fighters and gave single warning , this time they have scrambled jets which made US and Japanese plans chicken out from the zone... if they had guts they should have been stayed in there but .... :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
lol you indians cant understand these great games and how they are being played...

why then these US and Japanese planes ran away ? its a warning son,

Last time Chinese didn't scrambled their fighters and gave single warning , this time they have scrambled jets which made US and Japanese plans chicken out from the zone... if they had guts they should have been stayed in there but .... :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Where does it say in the article that the Japs and the Yanks "chicken out from the zone"? Or that they "ran away"? Now now, please don't create rumors
Japan shadows Chinese planes all the time, so do the Americans. Now they can't take it when China returns the favour?
This is a good action for China. It shows China is non aggressive and follow procedural norms regarding ADIZ.
Chinese planes 'shadowed' US and Japanese planes and did nothing? Chickened out as usual?

There's enough hot air that emanates from Beijing, enough to cause extreme global warming.

An air defense zone is still international air space. The Chinese air force may only open fire on them if the Japanese/American planes takes hostile action, such attack on Chinese territory or approaching Chinese territory with intention for harm.
An air defense zone is still international air space. The Chinese air force may only open fire on them if the Japanese/American planes takes hostile action, such attack on Chinese territory or approaching Chinese territory with intention for harm.
If the Chinese consider it 'international air space' as you say, then why is that they have issued a notice to all to seek their permission first before flying in the area? Never happens elsewhere in International air space!

So WTF is this so called Air Defense Zone all about? The Chinese have contracted what seems to be the proverbial foot-in-mouth disease, like this latest lame-duck threat that no one cares about.

Bottom line: The Chinese are making a laughing stock of themselves.

An air defense zone is still international air space. The Chinese air force may only open fire on them if the Japanese/American planes takes hostile action, such attack on Chinese territory or approaching Chinese territory with intention for harm.

The purpose of Chinese air defense zone is to end the Japanese air defense zone.
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