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Chinese interest in Gandhian teachings growing


Sep 20, 2009
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Chinese interest in Gandhian teachings growing


MUMBAI: The Chinese are evincing interest in Mahatma Gandhi and his non-violent movement as his teachings form an integral part of curriculum from pre-school to university, says a Chinese scholar. Quanyu Shang, who has translated former Indian diplomat PA Nazareth's 'Gandhi's Outstanding Leadership' into Mandarin, says Gandhi is studied among varied groups in his country.

"Earlier, only Chinese scholars knew about Gandhi but today, more and more people in China know about his movement during the freedom struggle and are interested in his teachings of non-violence," Shang said. The professor of School of Foreign Studies in South Ching Normal University feels everyone in China studies Gandhi in some form or the other as the education curriculum includes the Mahatma's teachings from pre-school toA university levels.

"We have lessons on Gandhi in the form of drawings for children in pre-school, then we have war history in middle school which contains at least one chapter on Gandhi's struggle through non-violent means.

"I was once invited by the University of Beijing to deliver a lecture on Gandhi. Participants of Gandhi studies are expanding than ever before there," Shang, who has done his doctoral thesis on Gandhi and Nehru, says.

Shang was here for the release of the Chinese edition of Nazareth's book, which was first published in 2006 in English and later translated into Kannada, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Odiya and Spanish. Asked whether a book on an Indian leader will see a good response in China, Shang says many books on Gandhi have already been published there.

"Worldwide many books have been published on him and most of them are on truth, non-violence, his achievements, but few talk about his leadership. This is the first book which talks about his leadership in such a comprehensive manner," he says.

The book presents the components, nature and global impact of Gandhi's leadership and his transformation from a timid young man into a leader.Nazareth says he had compared Gandhi with other leaders of modern period starting with Napoleon. "The book also presents him as the ideal leadership model for all those aspiring to be leaders in diverse professional and other fields."

At the release of the book here, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had sent a message which read, "I am confident that the Chinese version of the book will bring the father of our nation and the ideals he stood for closer to more than a billion people in China and help forge deeper understanding between our two great nations"

The book, which has covered eight Indian and foreign languages so far, is expected to come out soon in seven more languages including Malayalam and Kashmiri.

Chinese interest in Gandhian teachings growing - The Times of India
@KRAIT , @Chinesedragon :cheers:
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An Indian gave a weapon to the world to bring down one of the mightiest power of its time, Struggle by Non-Violence. This was much effective and less disastrous than what US gave, Nuclear Bomb.

Hope such educational exchanges are increased to bring both Asian giants, 2.5 billion people together.
Gandhi & Mao fought against the ruling elites...their ways were different...I do not like either way but still we can not deny both were great men and had tremendous charisma to guide people.
Are you out of your mind? It was Chinese who are showing interest go and deal with him. This is not the first time we have done it with Buddha earlier.

Your earlier post is reported.

Are you out of your mind! Most of our folks dont know about the bad shapes of india in running their country because we dont cast your country in bad lights as often as you do on us!

The people are innocent to see " ghandian:" teaching when there are far more and much better teaching everywhere in our history and literature. I dont want our people to follow indian footsteps!
Great ... Spread this &hit ideologies to China ...soon chinese are gonna feel themselves inferior & Weak, Thanks to Gandism...
Are you out of your mind! Most of our folks dont know about the bad shapes of india in running their country because we dont cast your country in bad lights as often as you do on us!

The people are innocent to see " ghandian:" teaching when there are far more and much better teaching everywhere in our history and literature. I dont want our people to follow indian footsteps!

Then go to the guy in the article and yell what ever you can or go to CCP for that. India has nothing to do with the things happening in China.
Chinese way of debate is not upto the level.
Great ... Spread this &hit ideologies to China ...soon chinese are gonna feel themselves inferior & Weak, Thanks to Gandism...
Really ? Buddy, Chinese Civilization is as resilient as Indian Civilization. Both have stood firm against Tide of Time and wave of attacks from foreign regions.

And India's and China's ideologies will come even more closer. No need to attack any ideology.

Our ideology's greatest strength has been and will be, No attack on any other.

It will be beneficial if both nations adopt constructive and developmental ideologies from each other, to make this region and also, world a better and much more peaceful place.
Then go to the guy in the article and yell what ever you can or go to CCP for that. India has nothing to do with the things happening in China.
Chinese way of debate is not upto the level.

It is you who are not up to the level. I am expressing my points on an international forum like PDF! I would welcome more of our folks equpped with better English skills to come forward so as to know more about how bad the status of inida is!
It is you who are not up to the level. I am expressing my points on an international forum like PDF! I would welcome more of our folks equpped with better English skills to come forward so as to know more about how bad the status of inida is!

Call them here and make sure they are not like your nuke diplomat hongwu, J20 exaggerator martian2.
It is you who are not up to the level. I am expressing my points on an international forum like PDF! I would welcome more of our folks equpped with better English skills to come forward so as to know more about how bad the status of inida is!

You expression of points is in contradiction with the article..Article points out that more and more people now know about Gandhi and hence the your own countryman has translated book on Gandhi in Mandarin...

You can not deny that for centuries India & China have influenced each other.
Call them here and make sure they are not like your nuke diplomat hongwu, J20 exaggerator martian2.

you name calling is irrelevant to the topic. they may come if they are interested.
a vast majority of Chinese members on international forum know very well what the shape of the gandian legacy. is

so keep that "thinking' behind your doors or sell it to vietnam, japan, usa .... pleeeeeese!

You expression of points is in contradiction with the article..Article points out that more and more people now know about Gandhi and hence the your own countryman has translated book on Gandhi in Mandarin...

You can not deny that for centuries India & China have influenced each other.

I have stated my points in post #5
you name calling is irrelevant to the topic. they may come if they are interested.
a vast majority of Chinese members on international forum know very well what the shape of the gandian legacy. is

so keep that "thinking' behind your doors or sell it to vietnam, japan, usa .... pleeeeeese!

I have stated my points in post #5

You have stated what you want...It is not what article portrays..
@shuttler Kindly present few of Gandhian teachings you know and also your points you have regarding Gandhian Teachings and how are they wrong.

Because South Africa also followed Gandhian teachings against oppressive regime.
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