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Chinese hackers compromise US weapons' designs: Report


Apr 28, 2011
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WASHINGTON: Designs for more than two dozen major US weapons systems have been compromised by Chinese hackers, the Washington Post reported.

Citing a report prepared for the Defense Department by the Defense Science Board, the newspaper said the compromised designs included combat aircraft and ships, as well as missile defense systems vital for Europe, Asia and the Gulf.

Among the weapons listed in the report were the advanced Patriot missile system, the Navy's Aegis ballistic missile defense systems, the F/A-18 fighter jet, the V-22 Osprey, the Black Hawk helicopter and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

The report did not specify the extent or time of the cyber-thefts and did not indicate if they involved computer networks of the U.S. government, contractors or subcontractors.

The Post said the computer espionage would give China knowledge that could be exploited in a conflict, such as knocking out communications and corrupting data. It also could speed Beijing's development of military technology and boost the Chinese defense industry.

In a report to Congress earlier this month, the Pentagon said China was using espionage to modernize its military and that its hacking was a serious concern. It said the US government had been the target of hacking that appeared to be "attributable directory to the Chinese government and military." China dismissed the report as groundless.
Chinese hackers compromise US weapons' designs: Report - The Times of India
all of these sort of news coming from the states give me an idea of either chinese hackers are all ar$e kicking super IT genius, or american cyber security is sort of fancy jokes made up by yahoos

i wonder that too, but im going along with super awesome..lol

here, butt naked australian super spy agency headquarter exposed. they have balls to talk about it on public, so embarrassing :lol:

China blamed after ASIO blueprints stolen in major cyber attack on Canberra HQ

Updated May 28, 2013 07:51:38

Classified blueprints of the new ASIO headquarters in Canberra have been stolen in a cyber hit believed to have been mounted by hackers in China.
HeHe ... whatever "Chinese hack US weapons' designs" truth or lie, only the powerful fire is the truth in the war, only the last winner is the justice.

About cyber attack, it always be the IQ test joint by the stupid and genius between U.S and China.
at least the aussies admit they are spying on china too, unlike the yanks acting all innocent :lol:


China's payback to ASIO the latest in a tradition of spookery

May 28, 2013 - 2:35PM

In 1995, Fairfax Media revealed that ASIO had managed to riddle China's palatial embassy on the other side of the lake with fibre optic cables. It was one of the great bugging efforts - the cables had been secreted throughout the building as it was being constructed. No word uttered, no telephone call nor transmission of data between China's diplomats and their masters in Beijing would be missed.

The Chinese are now building a new embassy in Canberra. This time, to ensure there is no repetition of the covert bugging, they have secured the right to ensure every construction worker is imported directly from China. No Australians on site, thank you. Could be ASIO.

Just to rub in in, the Chinese - according to Four Corners - have employed a much more sophisticated method of penetrating ASIO. Using cyber hacking techniques, it seems they have gone through ASIO's back door, sliding through a construction company's computer system to snare the floor plans and the locations of communications cabling, servers and security systems.

Telstra Tower behind Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra. Photo: Glen McCurtayne

ASIO now has the task of reconfiguring the internal plans - at the cost of some $170 million - before it can use the $630 million headquarters.

Strange that the western banks can still hold on to their customers‘ deposits now that the so-called Chinese hackers are everywhere and hacking the brains out of US security establisments and corporates。

These super geniuses simply scone money?:omghaha:
cool, so now the Americans can't doubt our missiles and J-20, J31s, because we got your missile data, and F-35 designs.

So we are as good as you know. Don't question our weapons quality no more unless you think your system also sucks.
Here's the complete list. :lol:

A list of the U.S. weapons designs and technologies compromised by hackers - The Washington Post

A list of the U.S. weapons designs and technologies compromised by hackers

Published: May 27

Weapon designs and technologies compromised

The following is reproduced from the nonpublic version of the
Defense Science Board report “Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat”:

Table 2.2 Expanded partial list of DoD system designs and technologies compromised via cyber exploitation


Terminal High Altitude Area Defense

Patriot Advanced Capability-3

Extended Area Protection and Survivability System (EAPS)





Advanced Harpoon Weapon Control System

Tanker Conversions

Long-term Mine Reconnaissance System

Global Hawk

Navy antenna mechanisms

Global Freight Management System

Micro Air Vehicle

Brigade Combat Team Modernization

Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System

USMC Tracked Combat Vehicles

Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T)

T700 Family of Engines

Full Authority Digital Engine Controller (FADEC)

UH-60 Black Hawk

AMRAAM (AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile)

Affordable Weapons System

Littoral Combat Ship

Navy Standard Missile (SM-2,3,6)

P-8A/Multi-Mission Aircraft

F/A and EA-18

RC-135 Detect./Collect.

Mk54 Light Weight Torpedo


Directed Energy

UAV video system

Specific Emitter identification


Dual Use Avionics

Fuze/Munitions safety and development

Electronic Intelligence Processing

Tactical Data Links

Satellite Communications

Electronic Warfare

Advanced Signal Processing Technologies for Radars

Nanostructured Metal Matrix Composite for Light Weight Ballistic Armor

Vision-aided Urban Navigation & Collision Avoidance for Class I Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV)

Space Surveillance Telescope

Materials/processing technologies

IR Search and Track systems

Electronic Warfare systems

Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch

Rail Gun

Side Scan sonar

Mode 5 IFF

Export Control, ITAR, Distribution Statement B,C,D Technical Information

CAD drawings, 3D models, schematics

Software code

Critical technology

Vendor/supply chain data

Technical manuals

PII (email addresses, SSN, credit card numbers, passwords, etc.)

Attendee lists for program reviews and meetings
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