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Chinese delegate to Melbourne charged with rape of student: Anger in China

Most of the reports are from Indian sources. So you are stating Indian government controls news, which contradicts your earlier posts that Indian news are not government controlled.
I said volume of reports are misleading as large influx of reports or an eclipse full or partial can be manipulated by the Government. In this forum, new arrivals from other countries tend to belief that India is a land of rapes,people are lustful,arrogant because of the sheer frequency of reports on these issues which is hardly the reality. Indian government displays no effort on censoring these news or limit the volume. Now it's upto you how you interpret this assessment.


I have no blind prejudice against the Chinese (If you have not missed my posts in other threads). I do visit Chinese news websites and read the reports of rapes which have no significance at all.They are posting a news of two months old just saying that the Police are searching for the accused!! does this news deserve to be concerned? Isn't it hilarious to read such nonsensical reports? Then what stuck my mind is how could they miss the opportunity to report something like the same committed by a Chinese official on a foreign country if they are sincere about their own job so much? If this is not about state control this is deliberate dopiness.
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I have no blind prejudice against the Chinese (If you have not missed my posts in other threads). I do visit Chinese news websites and read the reports of rapes which have no significance at all.They are posting a news of two months old just saying that the Police are searching for the accused!! does this news deserve to be concerned? Isn't it hilarious to read such nonsensical reports? Then what stuck my mind is how could they miss the opportunity to report something like the same committed by a Chinese official on a foreign country if they are sincere about their own job so much? If this is not about state control this is deliberate dopiness.

do you read Chinese?

Rape cases are regarded as heinous crimes in China, let alone kidnap-torure-rape-gange rape-homicide combo that tragically but rather frequently happen in failed state india

These crimes are reported and madly talk about by netizens on forums. weibos
I said volume of reports are misleading as large influx of reports or an eclipse full or partial can be manipulated by the Government. In this forum, new arrivals from other countries tend to belief that India is a land of rapes,people are lustful,arrogant because of the sheer frequency of reports on these issues which is hardly the reality. Indian government displays no effort on censoring these news or limit the volume. Now it's upto you how you interpret this assessment.

The perception of India as a land of rapes was never in our discussion. You have amnesia?
This was what you said, which I took issue with.
The overseas crimes are regularly reported.How many are excluded is impossible to say,I suppose.


I have no blind prejudice against the Chinese (If you have not missed my posts in other threads). I do visit Chinese news websites and read the reports of rapes which have no significance at all.They are posting a news of two months old just saying that the Police are searching for the accused!! does this news deserve to be concerned? Isn't it hilarious to read such nonsensical reports? Then what stuck my mind is how could they miss the opportunity to report something like the same committed by a Chinese official on a foreign country if they are sincere about their own job so much? If this is not about state control this is deliberate dopiness.

You may not have blind prejudice against chinese in general, but in this case, your accusation that the State suppress the incident without offering any evidence suggests otherwise. Since you admitted Indian media may not report all overseas crimes, how does it sound if I put it to you that it's due to Indian Govt suppression and I have nothing to back it up???? Prejudice or sheer stupidity? If it came from some Indian trolls, I would reckon the latter.
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do you read Chinese?

Don't you have English versions?

Rape cases are regarded as heinous crimes in China, let alone kidnap-torure-rape-gange rape-homicide combo that tragically but rather frequently happen in failed state india

The juvenile conjecture again. Did not expect from a matured Chinese.

These crimes are reported and madly talk about by netizens on forums. weibos.

No body denied it.What irritates me that the frequency and quality.


I do not have amnesia.:lol: The first post was not addressed to you. Lets live with our own views and give the topic a rest.
There's no your view or mine. It's about qualifying what one said.
There is nothing to qualify if you have read the report posted in South China Morning Post with ease and patience. One of the main reason behind the anger among Chinese youth was because they had to know this news from a foreign source and not a Chinese one.Even the alleged's own province's news paper failed to report it which is quite astonishing to know. You are clung upon the evidence of state's involvement. Is it so obscure really in a country like China?It is becomes more amusing to me when a strictly State controlled media which never fails to report every minute details of rape news related to India missed out this.This is utterly dubious and looks intentional not only in front of the rest of the world but to the sane Chinese mainlanders. I am stopping here,perhaps rest of the Indians have answered much better than me with a much accurate reports and their assessments.
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Chinese culture is generally just plain barbaric. Dog eating. Rhino killing for aphrodisiacs. Their garbled inconsistent language which sounds like a bunch of crows getting lynched by the KKK. Their inability to copy properly but nonetheless their insistence on ignoring the licensing rights of nearly every patented product internationally.Now evidence emerging that their diplomats believe that they hold the same power over people abroad as they do over their slave citizens. These diplomats should just restrain themselves to enslaving their locals. I mean isn't 1,5 billion people enough slaves for this CCP madman or does he have to venture out of his realm into Australia as well !
Woo Hooo...Chinese brigade on offensive... nothing new..

But this is unfair... Chinese media should have at least reported the crime ... just like they highlight every bad thing happening in other countries.
There is nothing to qualify if you have read the report posted in South China Morning Post with ease and patience. One of the main reason behind the anger among Chinese youth was because they had to know this news from a foreign source and not a Chinese one.Even the alleged's own province's news paper failed to report it which is quite astonishing to know. You are clung upon the evidence of state's involvement. Is it so obscure really in a country like China?It is becomes more amusing to me when a strictly State controlled media which never fails to report every minute details of rape news related to India missed out this.This is utterly dubious and looks intentional not only in front of the rest of the world but to the sane Chinese mainlanders. I am stopping here,perhaps rest of the Indians have pricked the bubble much better than me with a much accurate reports and their assessments.

Of course there's nothing to qualify, you simply don't back up what you said. You couldn't even answer any of my questions directly.
If you know how anonymous netizens behave, whether Chinese or Indian or Americans, you wouldn't have to second guess why there's so much trolling in every internet forum. This incident is a perfect example of netizens making a mountain out of a molehill. Can one reasonable expect local media to pick up every crime that is committed overseas, State controlled or not??? If the State media would report misbehaving Chinese tourist drawing on ancient Egyptian wall, why the need to suppress this crime??????

There is no motive for the State to do so. I'm Chinese and I'm telling you censorship is heavy on material that is of political nature, not such crime. And most Chinese media do NOT report Indian news, there is no Indian section in any of the news, much less gossiping about rape in India. Again, you're making assumption here. This is the exactly why I asked for some sort of evidence. You need to qualify what you said, at least to certain a degree, otherwise it's blind prejudice.
There is no motive for the State to do so. I'm Chinese and I'm telling you censorship is heavy on material that is of political nature, not such crime. And most Chinese media do NOT report Indian news, there is no Indian section in any of the news, much less gossiping about rape in India. Again, you're making assumption here. This is the exactly why I asked for some sort of evidence. You need to qualify what you said, at least to certain a degree, otherwise it's blind prejudice.

Indian police hunt 6 men over rape of 16-year old - Xinhua | English.news.cn

BEIJING, Nov. 5 (Xinhuanet) -- Police in Mumbai say they're looking for six men over the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl. The men are said to have tricked the girl by inviting her to Diwali celebrations.

Police say three of the accused are teenagers. The group are said to be known to the victim. Police say the men called her on Friday night to participate in Diwali celebrations. They then drove to a secluded place and raped her.

Rape cases are gaining more attention in India since the murder of a student on a bus in New Delhi last December.

Two months ago a 22-year-old photojournalist was gang-raped by four men in Mumbai.

Does this news deserve to be reported? Does it have anything in it to see? But amazingly the same media fails to report something more important.Are you getting it?
Indian police hunt 6 men over rape of 16-year old - Xinhua | English.news.cn

BEIJING, Nov. 5 (Xinhuanet) -- Police in Mumbai say they're looking for six men over the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl. The men are said to have tricked the girl by inviting her to Diwali celebrations.

Police say three of the accused are teenagers. The group are said to be known to the victim. Police say the men called her on Friday night to participate in Diwali celebrations. They then drove to a secluded place and raped her.

Rape cases are gaining more attention in India since the murder of a student on a bus in New Delhi last December.

Two months ago a 22-year-old photojournalist was gang-raped by four men in Mumbai.

Does this news deserve to be reported? Does it have anything in it to see? But amazingly the same media fails to report something more important.Are you getting it?

Good, now go to Xinhua and do a search, see how many rape cases in China are reported. Then tell me was there a need for the State to suppress this incident in Australia. 
Chinese culture is generally just plain barbaric. Dog eating. Rhino killing for aphrodisiacs. Their garbled inconsistent language which sounds like a bunch of crows getting lynched by the KKK. Their inability to copy properly but nonetheless their insistence on ignoring the licensing rights of nearly every patented product internationally.Now evidence emerging that their diplomats believe that they hold the same power over people abroad as they do over their slave citizens. These diplomats should just restrain themselves to enslaving their locals. I mean isn't 1,5 billion people enough slaves for this CCP madman or does he have to venture out of his realm into Australia as well !

Still not as barbaric as consuming animal waste soda. Of course, we are not as good in copying as others. We might copy some products, but in other country, the entire industry is a plagiarism of Hollywood with no copyright or royalties paid. And they even boasted they have the biggest film industry, LOL.
A diplomat misdemeanor is pale in comparison to a country where 30% of the lawmakers have pending criminal lawsuits against them. Ordinance act? Thank god, these lawmakers were not made diplomat.
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I just find it hilarious of all people, it was an Indian that brought up rape. That's all, my friend. LMAO

But we don't find it hilarious that the Chinese would want to escape reality when hard facts are placed before them.....

We don't find it hilarious when a Chinese says, no statistics on rape should be made in China......

We don't find it hilarious that the Chinese won't want to admit that they're born-rapists just by censoring all news of rape coming out of their country...
China registered the highest no. of rapes(31,833) in the world in 2007....after which the Chinese govt. stopped publishing rape statistics......:lol:.....as a result there's no statistics from 2008 onwards and the 'high IQ' Chinese think suddenly all their men have become impotent....:lol:
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Good, now go to Xinhua and do a search, see how many rape cases in China are reported. Then tell me was there a need for the State to suppress this incident in Australia. 

Still not as barbaric as consuming animal waste soda. Of course, we are not as good in copying as others. We might copy some products, but in other country, the entire industry is a plagiarism of Hollywood with no copyright or royalties paid. And they even boasted they have the biggest film industry, LOL.
A diplomat misdemeanor is pale in comparison to a country where 30% of the lawmakers have pending criminal lawsuits against them. Ordinance act? Thank god, these lawmakers were not made diplomat.

Read post #73 below your thread and see how much of an ostrich mentality exists in your nation. Then go eat that human crap you guys make chow with. Sure beats animal waste products yeah? By the way moron, animal waste includes animal fat and other byproducts from meat. It doesn't mean animal crap :D
As I said, the data doesn't reflect the ground reality in India due to the culture of shame and blame. China does not have such culture.(cases not reported does not equal to shame and blame culture) Your problem is compounded by the weak rule of law and poor police enforcement. China has much stronger enforcement and harsher penalty.

I see you're getting desperate that you had to quote from a social worker's blog as an authority on rape in China. @DRAY this goes to you too.
You guys can dig out as much dirt as you can find, it is meaningless as these sex crimes happen anywhere from China and India to Europe. In statistical term, these are the outliers. It is the area under the bell curve that is crucial. In other words, how well women are treated and respected is an good indication of how likely sexual assault will happen.

In India, women are openly eve-teased in the public. The problem is so rampant that a new law is called for. One doesn't need to stretch his imagination what eve teasing would lead to in more secluded places.
In China, we don't have eve-teasing culture. There's no dowry requirement, much less dowry killing. Women here are treated with more respect and rights. (No wearing short skirts in certain area is about being prudent, women do that in US too)

The plight of women in India is well documented by UN and various groups. India is consistently ranked as the worst place for women. You ranked at the bottom with Saudi and African. I know you will deny it, but no amount of denial can hide the fact. China bashing won't either.

"Rape in India has been described by Radha Kumar as one of India's most common crimes against women[1] and by the UN’s human-rights chief as a “national problem”.

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, 24,206 rape cases were registered in India in 2011, although experts agree that the unreported cases of sexual assault is much higher.[9]
A new case is reported every 20 minutes.[10][11] However the latest estimate suggest a new case every 22 minutes.[12]"

No country for women, abuse runs high in India | Asia | DW.DE | 19.06.2012

BBC documentary: India A Dangerous Place to be a Woman.
A British-Indian journalist returned to India to investigate the situation of Indian women and she was molested on several occasions in the public. She was groped in the train and even in the store by the store assistant.

The issue remains the same - literally no statistics coming from a nation which is always in a habit to indulge in all sorts of criticism it can despite the fact it itself does not know where it really stands. The need for me to quote from a social worker's blog is that we don't have any other source or information or reference to quote from which can reflect the very same condition of women in that country which leaves no stone unturned to start the blame game. Let me tell you a fact - India is a democracy where every citizen is granted the right of speech and expression to put up his views and protest against the injustices done in the society.

#The media report everything: According to Dave Prager, the American author of Delirious Delhi, crimes that “wouldn’t garner even a sentence in an American paper because so many bigger crimes would elbow it out of the way” are obsessively reported in Indian news publications. Post the Delhi gang rape, Indian media have faithfully recorded each and every rape case, highlighted them for the world and continue to do so.

#More rapes are being reported now: Along with the modernization of society, more Indian women are being educated and are going out to work. They are breaking out of the subservient mold that society had given to them and are more independent. While this means they are more likely to be sexually abused, it also means they are more likely — compared with women of a previous generation — to report rapes and confront sexual predators. In the three months after the Delhi gang rape, the number of rapes reported in the city more than doubled to 359, from the 143 reported in January-March of 2012. This doesn’t necessarily mean more rapes are happening now, just that more women are emboldened to come out and report.

Its a fact that there is total censorship in China concerning the very same media coverage on such critical matter is still a taboo and will continue to be the same. We all know about the The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 - the number of protesters participating in the same are in comparison to those who pretested during the Nirbhaya Incident. There is literally no comparison possible until and unless there are some credible sources produced in the same concern.

#India actually has a high conviction rate for rape than many other nations and we are in the process to improve the same:
According to the Guardian, just 7% of reported rapes in the U.K. resulted in convictions during 2011-12. In Sweden, the conviction rate is as low as 10%. France had a conviction rate of 25% in 2006. India, a developing nation with countless challenges, managed an impressive 24.2% conviction rate in 2012. That’s thanks to the efforts of a lot of good people — police, lawyers, victims and their families — working heroically with limited resources.

#Most Indians, men and women, hate the reputation that rapists have given their country: No country in the world can claim to have witnessed protests against rape on the scale of India’s, where people turned out in the tens of thousands to voice their shock and sadness. It was people power that forced the government to change existing rape laws and drew the world’s attention to the problem. What happens in other countries? This may not be a typical example, but the rape of a teen girl by high school football players in the Steubenville, Ohio had many in the town sympathizing with the rapists and not the victim.
Secondly Dowry was common in different historic periods of China and continued through the modern history.
China's brides go for gold as their dowries get bigger and bigger - Telegraph

The bottomline is if you guys don't produce some credible facts and figures before the world neither will you allow the Independent organizations or your media to do the same -no matter what so called standard definition you set up for such crimes- they will have no relevance to the context....Damn it even I can chant all around that the data-the media reports or documentaries doesn't reflect the ground reality in India once we have a state controlled media with the government not really interested to release the records through which the ground situation can be assessed in the same concern - If you are able to quote the reports and documentaries in the same concern then its a testimony of our transparency in the same concern. Just a stroke of Dr. Singh's pen and guess what - you wont find anything - same as the case with China - sounds really easy isn't it???
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